New member Username: KapiraniPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-12 | i have pioneer D8500M and i want it to connect wiht my existing harmon kardon.pls advice how do i connect it and which converter i need it. ive 1400 watts 350 rms woofer. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17130 Registered: May-04 | . The information you've provided is insufficient. Try again and be more explicit in your details. |
New member Username: RyanjohnmPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-12 | Try to used transformer 12 volts 12 ampere.and used big capactor for filter.i try this but the trans former very hot, but working well, |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14618 Registered: Dec-03 | I answered this in the car audio section already. you don't use car audio gear in home audio. buy the right thing for what you want to do and stop trying to find ways to rig an abomination that's never going to work well and will cost you three times what it would to do it right the first time. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17239 Registered: May-04 | . Did you provide an explanation why you recommend against car audio gear in a home system? I mean, something other than "don't use such an abomination!" |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14620 Registered: Dec-03 | yes, I actually did, and the reply was to the same person asking. he's cross-posting. he wanted to use a PC power supply to drive a 2400 watt amplifier. I told him he's going to burn down his house that way. Same reply I give to people who try to put a car battery in the house on a charger to run car amps. They're going to end up with a gassing battery, and killing themselves from hydrogen gas poisoning. I also told him if he insisted on doing this, he's going to need a power converter that goes from 120VAC to 12-14.4VDC and is designed for sustained high-current applications. A 1000 watt version of these sells for about $450.00 US A 750 watt model can be had for about $200.00 At that point, he's better off buying a home theater subwoofer designed for what he plans to use the car amp to do. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17240 Registered: May-04 | . He's going to burn down his house that way?! Seems extreme. Kinda like, "If you continue to do that, you're going to go blind." Why so? What's going to cause the fire? . |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14624 Registered: Dec-03 | shorting out a power supply he's going to open up and jerry rig to do something it was never meant to do, with the end result being an overloaded power supply with inadequate thermal protection. I've seen power supplies in a computer catch fire before, and that was just from some mild humidity/condensation damage. I'm hoping not to see what happens when he tries this silliness. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17242 Registered: May-04 | . I suppose he might have problems performing surgery on a computer power supply. But assuming he will actually short out the ps to the point of flames streaking toward his sofa is over reacting IMO. There's the chance he might be very good at working with that sort of power supply. And there's always the chance the empty beer cans between the ps and the sofa would extinguish any flames. I would only assume a problem if he disables any protection devices such as fuses in the final product. I can see there does seem to be a fair amount of jerry rigging potential here. Loose wires lying on nylon wall to wall carpetting and the cat laying down across the wires. The smoldering remains of the cat sending the entire neighborhood into a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood summer blockbuster after the aliens attack. Yeah, I would say the op should have some warnings about potential issues he might run into. And it's difficult to see someone who believes they'll have a high wattage amp taken from their car actually running at anything more than a whisper of its rated output has the where with all to think the whole thing through thoroughly before they start cutting wires and wrapping them together. But I would guess that's why they posted to the forums, to get expert advice on which way to turn the wire nut. Don't you have to get a little excited though about the sound this guy is imaging is going to happen when he gets this all hooked up? A 1400 watt woofer and a 2400 watt amp! That's like ... eh, 7,000 watts or so when he's done, man! I mean, here's another car audio guy who thinks he's got this whole home audio thing figured out and he can beat the Best Buy clearance prices by cheating with car gear? Doesn't that bring back memories of the first time you stuck a screwdriver into the fan blades to see what would happen? Or when you first grabbed hold of the ignition wire on the lawnmower and got that pain in your elbow like you'd been hit with a baseball bat. That sort of ingenuity should be applauded. Not very loudly or for very long, but applauded none the less. You don't see that sort of initiative in many kids nowdays. But from what I read here;, this is a 300 watt class D amplifier. And that's at 4 Ohms so, if the home system is more like an 8 Ohm load, that would take the amp down to about 150 watts RMS. Either of your power supply suggestions would seem rather more than a bit of overkill at that point. Given that a clas D car amp is expecting to run off a car battery with, say, 60 amps of output and he's planning on using this in his house with a 15 amp circuit he should end up with a 30-40 peak wattage amp. For the effort involved he could buy a cheap plate amp and still have a better final product. I don't think he's likely to burn his house down - unless he's a complete kludge about this whole affair or his arm is still stiff from gabbing that ignition wire - but he certainly isn't going to have what he thinks he's got. What's he going to do then with his "1400 watt woofer"? . |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14627 Registered: Dec-03 | it's not ingenious when you just erad about doing it on the internet. he's planning to use his car sub(s) with this amp in the house, to "move his car system indoors" so to speak, so he's planning to run the amp at 1 or 2 ohms. the power supply for a computer just doesn't have the capacitance to handle the sudden dynamic loads the amp is going to present it. Computer power supplies also, as you noted, don't have the current ratings to handle that amp. IF he burns his house down, I don;t really care, but I don't feel like being the one named in a law suit if he does, for having told him this was a bright idea in the first place, which is why I always discourage this sort of behavior, and trust me it comes up often in the car section, by pointing out the worst possible scenario. Most of these people turn out to be 16-18 years old, with no electrical knowledge or experience, and no money to speak of, so they try to find less than ideal, cheap ways to get the outcome in a home that they get in a car with a set of subs and a big class D amp.. namely annoying the entire neighborhood, and yes I'm assuming based on past experience. I'm a bad person. |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1807 Registered: Oct-10 | I agree with you GlassWolf. I am so sick of people asking for advice on how to do the wrong thing. Why not just do the right thing? Use car gear in your car, home gear in your home and computer power supplies for computers. Hey KA! Save your money till you can afford to do it right! |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 16276 Registered: Dec-03 | I think the OP just got driven off! Sometimes it is good to encourage the "what if" and the "I would like to try this approach" types of folks. Even if we seasoned curmudgeons already know the end result. It is good to have them learn from their own mistakes, which may foster growth. Probably off to a more "supportive" group. LOL! |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14648 Registered: Dec-03 | I'm all for experimenting. Hell, I'm an EE, it's in my nature. The problem is I already know the outcome of this project, so I was advising him that it will result in failure, saving him money and damaged gear, most likely. The problem with encouraging someone to experiment by trying something dangerous, is that even if he does succeed, he'll tell others to do it, and the problem will spread, leading to the belief that it's a good idea, which is how this particular idea got so popular in the first place! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17248 Registered: May-04 | . "I think the OP just got driven off!" I don't think that's the case at all. The op was made on Feb 11 at which time I asked him to clarify his post. He never did. The thread was picked up again on April 24. You really think the op has been sitting around waiting for an answer for over two months?! I know the forum's been slow but, really?!!! After two months plus we drove him off?! . |
Gold Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 2744 Registered: Oct-07 | Driven off? Don't know, either. But, the original question was simple, man. Like HOW do I hook this stuff up? In this day and age, any pushback is seen as a 'dis. And that's what the poor schmuck got. All the warnings and questions were well intended but the poor guy headed for a more......supportive.....environment. 'Sure it'll work, man, just use plenty of thick wire!' Would anybody here give such a scheme more than a drunken thought? nope. Not even if Mac made vacuum tube car stereo 50 years ago would this cross anyones mind. :-) Most of these car stereo-in-the-house guys are well intentioned and think they've got an idea with that computer power supply, but don't stop to think about the 1 farad cap, multiple deep cycle (marine) batteries and the alternator the size of a 10lb coffee can. |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfColumbia, South Carolina America Post Number: 14656 Registered: Dec-03 | The OP should have googled this first. This question has been asked many times, and always gets the same answer. If he can't do a little research on his own before asking the same question that was just asked twice at the top of the car forum pages, then he deserves the harsh response he got. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17249 Registered: May-04 | . Well, geeez, guys, just keep kicking him when he's not here. Now I'm beginning to agree with Berny. |
New member Username: Tlse22Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-12 | I just don't get why everyone's gotta be such a dick about it. In this slew of mostly negative posts only one person mentioned encouraging ingenuity (yeah yeah i get it other people have tried blah blah give the kid a chance) everyone here has had the most extreme response to a simple question! Starting with Glasshole, if you want to impart your obvious wisdom upon the masses and actually have them listen to then don't be a dickhole about it. Here's a "DECENT" response to this kid's question: Sure you can make it work, it is impractical and many have tried and failed but it CAN indeed be done. If you want to continue with this endeavor start small at first. Learn what you are getting into so you don't burn your house down. Start with trying to hook up a head unit to some small speakers using a power converter that you can pick up at radio shack, small ones run about $30 but you can find them cheaper at Amazon and the like. If you decide (like most people do after going this far) that it isn't worth it, still pat yourself on the back for learning as much as you have. If you feel as though you can go bigger, then more power to you! Just do your research and get advice from REPUTABLE sources (not threads on the internet where everyone is a critic and everyone is an expert--even the lazy fat 37 year old stuck on the couch in his moms basement that never actually finished high school but read an online blog about wiring) Good Luck! Now..isn't that a little more reasonable? If you act like you're better than everyone, smarter than everyone, more popular, better looking, more athletic and just the-best-ever-in-general-than-everyone then you're gonna have a sad lonely life reading blogs on the web pretending the aforementioned is actually truth. This whole thread has made me very discouraged in the human race. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17403 Registered: May-04 | . "This whole thread has made me very discouraged in the human race." The entire human race? Wowsers!!! Better advice, IMO, "If you want to continue with this endeavor start small at first." You know, just be discouraged in a few people at a time, disappointed in a few others and just sort of ticked off at the rest. . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1959 Registered: Oct-10 | I just don't get why everyone's gotta be such a dick about it. In this slew of mostly negative posts only one person mentioned encouraging ingenuity (yeah yeah i get it other people have tried blah blah give the kid a chance) everyone here has had the most extreme response to a simple question! Starting with Glasshole, if you want to impart your obvious wisdom upon the masses and actually have them listen to then don't be a dickhole about it. Here's a "DECENT" response to this kid's question: Sure you can make it work, it is impractical and many have tried and failed but it CAN indeed be done. If you want to continue with this endeavor start small at first. Learn what you are getting into so you don't burn your house down. Start with trying to hook up a head unit to some small speakers using a power converter that you can pick up at radio shack, small ones run about $30 but you can find them cheaper at Amazon and the like. If you decide (like most people do after going this far) that it isn't worth it, still pat yourself on the back for learning as much as you have. If you feel as though you can go bigger, then more power to you! Just do your research and get advice from REPUTABLE sources (not threads on the internet where everyone is a critic and everyone is an expert--even the lazy fat 37 year old stuck on the couch in his moms basement that never actually finished high school but read an online blog about wiring) Good Luck! Now..isn't that a little more reasonable? If you act like you're better than everyone, smarter than everyone, more popular, better looking, more athletic and just the-best-ever-in-general-than-everyone then you're gonna have a sad lonely life reading blogs on the web pretending the aforementioned is actually truth. This whole thread has made me very discouraged in the human race." There is no need to insult GlassWolf for starters. It's not that anyone is so much negative as first and foremost concerned about the op's safety and well being. Apart from that, using car audio gear in a car is mediocre at best. In home, car audio usually REALLY SUCKS. Yes it is the op's money and home and therefore he gets to choose what he does. Some of us just don't like to see a person do such things without at least knowing what could possibly happen. Being concerned about others is NEVER being an a**hole or whatever other kind of insult you care to call someone. Insulting others for caring paints one ugly picture of you. Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around. No, I am not calling you that Steely, but I do suggest you examine yourself before throwing around all kinds of insults. Then, step back and look at why a person advises against a particular endeavor rather than assuming that said individual is just being negative. Okay? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17407 Registered: May-04 | . "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around. No, I am not calling you that Steely ... " . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1965 Registered: Oct-10 | One such individual just chimed in. Bait the hook and they'll bite every time. |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1966 Registered: Oct-10 | One such individual just chimed in. Bait the hook and they'll bite every time. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17408 Registered: May-04 | . "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around." "One such individual just chimed in." I know you don't think about what you've just posted or what you've just said about yourself but the first was laugh out loud funny, the second is laugh out loud . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1968 Registered: Oct-10 | Only if you're laughing at yourself Jan. Like I am ROTFLMAO at you constantly. As I said before, you're just an insecure 60 year old child and troll. Feel free to keep posting your childish rants though. It's very entertaining. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16706 Registered: Jan-08 | LOL! KA You can buy a power supply like this one: ilt-in-Cooling-Fan-/150869846851?pt=US_Radio_Comm_Device_Power_Supplies&hash=ite m23208b2b43 I use a regulated 40 amps to drive my two mono amps for my sono system and it work fine! For sure 150$ is a lowest cost than a sub with this power! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1969 Registered: Oct-10 | Plymouth! How ya been? Where have you been? |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17410 Registered: May-04 | . james, all I have to do is sneeze in your direction and you go batshit crazy and turn vile - as usual. You don't even know why I made the first post, you just decided to call me an @sshole because I responded with a happyface in a thread where I had already been posting. A happyface! A non-committal happyface and you decided to start calling me names. What does that qualify you to be, james? Not smart, that's for sure. But think - for just one solitary monent, think - about what you posted above, "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around." You just called yourself an a**hole! Not only an a**hole, but the biggest a**hole around I didn't call you anything, I just posted a happyface. Which you took as offensive - for some stupid, idiotic, petty, rude and childish reason only you can conceive - and your opportunity to go batshit crazy and call me an a**hole! Don't you get this at all? You're the biggest a**hole around?!!! You said it yourself!!! You make a statement about people who go around calling people an @sshole and then you, for no good reason, you call me an a**hole! THAT IS F'ING HYSTERICAL!!! And not in a small way You need to get a grip on reality, son. You need to get back on your meds. Now that P is here, you two can have some fun, huh? Call me a bunch of names and show just how ... uh, ... "smart" ... you two continue to be? I'm done here, I've explained my first post - the one where you responded to a happyface by calling me an @sshole after you said what you said about people who go around call others @ssholes. What's that make you, james? Think hard now. What? Riiiight, you can rationalize now that you didn't say what you said. That too is completely You just stated what you are on this forum. You've proven it lots of times but this time you just called yourself an @sshole! NO, I mean really ! And of course you called "steely" an a**hole! You can't post in one sentence that people who call other people a**holes are the biggest a**holes of all and then take it back in the next sentence. No more than you can say you didn't just call yourself the biggest a**hole in the entire world. You did! You did just what you said others do that makes them the biggest a**holes in the world - all because you're a vile little person who just can't let anything go. Well, I suppose in "james-world" you can do anything. Just like taking a smileyface as an insult. You're a piece o'work alright. You're a f'ing piece o'work! And you and P are off to the races with the rest - just the same as all the other times you two showed you had nothing better to do. Toodles, as usual having anything to do with you was not my pleasure. Next time, james, engage your brain for just one second before you post your BS. . |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16707 Registered: Jan-08 | Hi Super! I have no time to lose with some poeples like jb vigne then I can see that he's not able to talk like a adult as usual! Jan take your Ritalin right now, you are a little agitated! ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17411 Registered: May-04 | . sounds "agitated" to you, P? Well, I guess when there is no good answer to james calling himself the biggest a**hole around - and then proving it, you'll resort to insults too. Wander off to another part of the forum, P, there are lots of people waiting to insult you there for your rotten attitude toward anyone with a brain. . |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16708 Registered: Jan-08 | Is there someone who talk to me? Here is the good answer for KA: LOL! KA You can buy a power supply like this one: ilt-in-Cooling-Fan-/150869846851?pt=US_Radio_Comm_Device_Power_Supplies&hash=ite m23208b2b43 I use a regulated 40 amps to drive my two mono amps for my sono system and it work fine! For sure 150$ is a lowest cost than a sub with this power! For sure the right amp or sub is the best solution but if the guy need only to buy a power supply because he had the amp and sub... |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17412 Registered: May-04 | . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1971 Registered: Oct-10 | The difference here Jan is that I call you a**hole because you actually are one and the biggest one that ever lived or ever will live. Your enter post #17410 is pure childish gibberish, but was very entertaining. Speaking of NOT qualifying one as smart! I wasn't even done ROTFLMAO at your last post yet. I'll give you one thing Jan, you do know how to keep the laughs coming. it must suck to be you though. Poor little baby. |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1972 Registered: Oct-10 | Again, bait the hook and they'll bite every time! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1973 Registered: Oct-10 | Can't say I blame ya Plymouth, but having fun at Jan's expense is a good way to pass the time. |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1974 Registered: Oct-10 | Jan Vigne Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigne Dallas, TX Post Number: 17410 Registered: May-04 Jan_b_vigne posted on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 15:19 GMT . "james, all I have to do is sneeze in your direction and you go batshit crazy and turn vile - as usual." Crazy batshit? You're kidding me. Right? "You don't even know why I made the first post, you just decided to call me an @sshole because I responded with a happyface in a thread where I had already been posting. A happyface! A non-committal happyface and you decided to start calling me names. What does that qualify you to be, james? Not smart, that's for sure. But think - for just one solitary monent, think - about what you posted above, "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around." You just called yourself an a**hole! Not only an a**hole, but the biggest a**hole around I didn't call you anything, I just posted a happyface. Which you took as offensive - for some stupid, idiotic, petty, rude and childish reason only you can conceive - and your opportunity to go batshit crazy and call me an a**hole! Don't you get this at all? You're the biggest a**hole around?!!! You said it yourself!!! You make a statement about people who go around calling people an @sshole and then you, for no good reason, you call me an a**hole! THAT IS F'ING HYSTERICAL!!! And not in a small way You need to get a grip on reality, son. You need to get back on your meds. Now that P is here, you two can have some fun, huh? Call me a bunch of names and show just how ... uh, ... "smart" ... you two continue to be? I'm done here, I've explained my first post - the one where you responded to a happyface by calling me an @sshole after you said what you said about people who go around call others @ssholes. What's that make you, james? Think hard now. What? Riiiight, you can rationalize now that you didn't say what you said. That too is completely You just stated what you are on this forum. You've proven it lots of times but this time you just called yourself an @sshole! NO, I mean really ! And of course you called "steely" an a**hole! You can't post in one sentence that people who call other people a**holes are the biggest a**holes of all and then take it back in the next sentence. No more than you can say you didn't just call yourself the biggest a**hole in the entire world. You did! You did just what you said others do that makes them the biggest a**holes in the world - all because you're a vile little person who just can't let anything go. Well, I suppose in "james-world" you can do anything. Just like taking a smileyface as an insult. You're a piece o'work alright. You're a f'ing piece o'work! And you and P are off to the races with the rest - just the same as all the other times you two showed you had nothing better to do. Toodles, as usual having anything to do with you was not my pleasure. Next time, james, engage your brain for just one second before you post your BS." ...and YOU accuse ME of not thinking before posting? ROTFLMAO! My post here addressed to Steely was addressed to Steely, not Jan. It had nothing to do with you at all Jan. So why respond to it at all? Because you're a fool! That's why! Why do you think every post is about you? Quit flattering yourself already a**hole! Do the world a favor Jan. Pull your lower lip up over your head and swallow! ROTFLMAO! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1978 Registered: Oct-10 | "and then you, for no good reason, you call me an a**hole! " There is a very good reason to call you an a**hole Jan. YOU ARE AN A**HOLE JAN! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1979 Registered: Oct-10 | Here's an idea Jan. Why don't you go into cave with a very tall ladder, a scraping tool and a bag where some insane flying rodants live. Climb up to the ceiling of the and you can scrape all of the "crazy batshit" you want off the cave and put it into the bag. ROTFLMAO! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17413 Registered: May-04 | . "There is a very good reason to call you an a**hole Jan. YOU ARE AN A**HOLE JAN!" "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around."" Ya just did it to yourself again! This is more than hysterical!!! This is stupid on your part to keep doing this to yourself. When you've already shot your own foot off, don't take the other one with it! Are you that unable to control yourself? You said what in your experience is true about people calling others a**holes and then you just can't resist calling someone an a** hole. james, I haven't called you anything, I've only pointed out what you've said about yourself and the fact you cannot call speedy an a**hole in one sentence and then take it back in the next. Even in "james world" that doesn't work. You seem to want to call anyone who disagrees with you or even just posts a smileyface an a**hole. And, as you plainly said to speedy, "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes" around." Your "all the time" is really becoming "all the time" with you and a**hole calling. Ergo, ... Keep it up, james, you're only digging yourself further into a hole. Or you could do the grown up thing and just shut up, no one is paying any attention to you and this BS you create every time I so much as sneeze is what has driven most everyone else from the forum. Grow up and shut up and let things pass, james. Posting a smileyface is not a reason to start up all your crap. OK, that should get another ... what? ten posts from you? Just let this all pass, james, just let it go, can't you? I never said a word to you in the first place. . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1983 Registered: Oct-10 | Childish Gibberish again Jan! ROTFLMAO! I know you missed this (oh what a surprise), but the first time the word "a**hole passed between us was you calling Plymouth and I a**holes in January, 2011 thus proving my point that YOU are the biggest a**hole of them all! Don't remember? It's in the phono thread where an op named cowboys asks for help with a Technics TT.My posting of what I told Steely (not speedy you blind a**hole) was NOT a refence to you, but you made it one. You proved my point that YOU are the biggest a**hole of all time. ROTFLMAO! |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17417 Registered: May-04 | . "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around." . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1984 Registered: Oct-10 | ...and where did you ever come up with "batshit crazy" anyway? From the bowels of Jan Vigne's puny mind we bring you the next Batman Movie, "Batshit Crazy" starring Jan "a**hole" Vigne as himself. He slips eye drops into Bruce Wayne's drink giving the squirts! ROTFLMAO! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1985 Registered: Oct-10 | Btw, I rarely call other people a**holes. In your case, I'll make an exception. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 17418 Registered: May-04 | . We've come full circle from the first time I posted, "Finally, IME, the people who run around calling others "a**hole" all the time are the biggest "a**holes: around." and and you went batshit crazy. So no matter what I say or even when I say nothing you are bound and determined to be a foulmouthed child. You're intellectual capacity appears to be critcally strained once you are required to get beyond calling anyone an a**hole and unlike P you have no sense of when to just shut up and let the thread die. But then you always did want the last word even when it was just to repeat calling me an "a**hole". You're sick, james, very sick. . |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1989 Registered: Oct-10 | More childish gibberish from Jan! ROTFLMAO! You call me sick for wanting the last word and not letting a thread die. ????? Here you are keeping the thread going and wanting the last word. You're a sick a**hole Jan, but a very entertaining one! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1990 Registered: Oct-10 | What is "batshit crazy" Jan? At first, I took that to mean something like stark raving mad. However since I am always laughing at your posts and not mad at all, is it something like "ROTFLMAO"? OR, do you insist on believing that I am P.O.ed? Either way, I am ROTFLMAO at you Jan! You sick a**hole! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 1991 Registered: Oct-10 | Funny that you like to call me vile Jan. Afterall, YOU were the guy who accused a member of stereophile of "wagging his d!ck around" when he proved you wrong on something. That's a pretty vile and childish thing to say. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16709 Registered: Jan-08 | Unfortunatly jb vigne was banned from many sites for the same things as we can see here! Nothing new with that! |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 2014 Registered: Oct-10 | Yep! Even more unfortunate is the fact that the moderators here don't do their jobs. Otherwise, he'd have been kicked out in May, '04. None of the mods at other forums I belong to would put up with him. |
Gold Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 2886 Registered: Oct-07 | another thread spirals into the ground at warp 6 |
New member Username: XtianPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-12 | Hi everyone... This is my car/home setup: Orion 250HCCA rated 2x50w rms @ 4ohms 12v Phoenix gold EQ215 12v 1 Farad Capacitor with electronics PC psu wich delivers 46A @12v ![]() The Orion is a oldschool cheater amp(high current @ very low impedance) it measures 2x80w rms @ 4ohm ,but is capable of giving 2x400w rms @ 0.5ohms .. It is connected to my frontset @ 4ohms so it uses 13A, the EQ uses 1A...with 46A available.. This works perfect, but what you don't want to try is to get the 800wrms out of that amplifier with only 46A available, if you want that 800w you'll need at least a psu that gives 80A consistently.. I use the capacitor to filter out most of the psu noises and to keep the voltage steady while playing higher volume.. Let's say it is perfectly possible.. BUT... Not every amp is worth the cost of doing it....!! There are some oldschool car amps out there that really stand up against some big a§§ home amps when it comes to sound... Oh yeah... don't forget to use a fuse. So far for my opinion.. Peace |
Gold Member Username: SuperjazzyjamesPost Number: 2035 Registered: Oct-10 | It will always be my position that car gear belongs in a car and home gear belongs in a home. Just saying... |
Gold Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 2906 Registered: Oct-07 | But just LOOK at the thought and attention to detail that went into this setup. Well Done......and a target for anyone who intends to use car gear in a home situation. |