Hawk, your expertise please on NAD T762 vs. Denon 3083 and speakers


I found the site today and have read many good comment from you and many others. I'm a newbie in this area, and would like to seek some advise to make the correct investment that will last me a while before any upgrade. I hope that you can give me some input on this this question that I have. Here I go:
Receiver choice:
NAD T762 for $1000 or Denon 3803 for $650
Speakers to be use:
PSB Image 6T for front LR
PSB Image 8C for center or possibly 9C if needed.
PSB Image 10s for SR.
I have a Klipsch KSW-10 sub (I bought this before the set, my mistake on this one I think). I'll try to use this Sub first and see if it will save me some $$. If all fail, I can try to get the PSB Stratus Subsonic 7.

My room is 32Lx18Lx9H with roughly an 13' open on one side.

My budget is around 3K max to have the system and the 5.1 setup.

Thank you.

Oh I just want to add one more thing. I currently own a pair of DCM Time Frame 6.0 . Do you think that I can keep that and skip the PSB 6T pair? Will it fit with T762?

Thank you again.


I have almost the exact system that you are looking at. I have an NAD T762, PSB Image 2B's as fronts, and the 9c as center (I still have older Polks at the surrounds). If you want to read my review of the system, go to the posting below. As for the NAD compared to the 3803...the differences are astounding. The T762 is so much more detailed and clear sounding. When I listened to the 3803, I was not impressed at all. The volume and power was there, but the detail and clarity was not...and the overall soundstage was not as high. The highs and lows were not brought out at all...everything was just kind of bland. When I used the 762, the differences were profound. I was hearing things on my DVD's that I was never hearing before. If it were me, I would definately go with the 762, especially with the PSB's (NAD and PSB are owned by the same company and thus sound wonderful together).


Thank you Johnny for your great feed back. The concern I had was the 300 buck different between the NAD and the Denon, and also the OSD issue that I heard so much on the NAD T762. I'm new to the HT/Audio stuff and don't have a good ear to distinguish the good sound from bad one... that's why :)... I'm more into the NAD and PSB now. One last question, do you have much experience with the DCM Time Frame speaker? I owned a pair of that and wonder if I can use it along with the NAD in replace for the 6T (I haven't compare them side by side so I can't tell).

Thank you again,


I hope my comments helped. I am by no means trying to tell you that my opinion of the 762 over the 3803 is gospel...I am just telling you what I heard. As for the price difference, you are the only one who can make the decision as to whether the 762 sounds "enough" better than the Denon. By the way, that price on the 3803 is a steal...I have never seen them cheaper than $799. I see it this way...spend the extra $300 now and get exactly what you want. If you don't, then you will be second guessing yourself forever. If you don't have the extra money now, wait until you do, or until the 762 comes down in price as the newer models come out. Like others have said on this forum before, if you spread that extra $300 out over the life of the receiver, you are only paying pennies a day more to get exactly what you want. By the way, the 762 can be had right now for $899 from Saturday Audio Exchange (www.saturdayaudio.com). I bought mine there and am very pleased.

As for the speakers you mentioned, to tell you the truth, I have never heard of them. I have never seen them for sale in my region. My suggestion would be this. Buy whichever receiver you decide on, and all of the PSB speakers you mentioned EXCEPT for the 6T's. Try it out. If you like the way your speakers sound with the PSB's, then keep them. If not, you can always order them later.

One other thing...when you get everything set up, whenever that may be, please write back and let us know how it sounds. I haven't decided yet whether I want to get another set of 2B's for my surrounds, or go for the 10s. I would value your input on how the bipoles sound.


I have the Denon 3803 and I can't wait to replace it with an NAD. If your question is whether the NAD is worth the extra money, the answer is an unequivocal "YES." While the Denon has some superb connectivity tricks, the sound of the NAD is so superior that I think it is a far better receiver and sound than the Denon and worth the extra money.

To me, Johnny is correct that the sound of the Denon is rather bland. I have described it as dry and polite, but bland works, too. Now, I do not think that the Denon is a bad receiver--far from it. It is a good receiver and it is certainly better than most. However, I really love the sound of the NAD--it is more detailed and convincing. It has a sweet sound that just seems "right" and it will definitely sound better with those speakers than will the Denon.

As for your Time Frames, I use to have the original Time Windows that I loved and I have regretted selling them to my father ever since I did it (too big for my first house). The problem I see is that the front three speakers really need to be "timbre matched" so that the front soundstage has a seamless stage in front of you. I don't know how the Time Frames are going to sound with the PSB center speaker. You can certainly try it. Or, depending upon your room, you can always use the Time Frames as your rear surrounds and get the 6Ts with the matching center speaker.

Good luck!

Johnny and Hawk, thank you both for your great input. I've listen to the NAD + PSB speakers a few times now and I like it. I'll get the system soon (hopefully by the end of this week). One question, since the NAD is only 6.1 and I have 2 extra DCM timeframe speakers, do you think I can hook both of these speakers to the same back surround sound channel? Or should I just use 1? Also what is the benefit of doing bi-wire vs. the normal type?

Again, thank you very much for all the great input.


I would just use just one Time Frame as my center surround.

I have never been impressed by any logic or demonstration that bi-wiring makes the slightest difference. I just don't hear any improvement by simply "bi-wiring." Now, I have heard an improvement with bi-amping, but that isn't the same thing.

BTW, I forgot to tell you that the remote for the NAD is so superior to the remote for the Denon, it might be worth the difference alone!

Thank you Hawk. Yep, the remote control alone is well worth the different that I mentioned above. It's very well layout (at least by compare with a few universal remote control that I had before), Sturdy and nice looking too.
Anyway here's how everything go so far for me. Went and got the T762 and the complete 5.1 PSB speakers. Set it up and tested the two front speaker in Stereo mode. Sound great. Then I start to play around with the receiver to see if I will experience the same problem that many people here have reported.
1. OSD was ok.
2. If I have no source input (just the receiver on with the speaker) and start to turn on the volume... it start to make the clicking noise when the volume is from around -20dB and up to max volume. If you have a CD playing and turn it up, you do here it too (it got mixed in with the music)
3. When I change the surround mode, anything that are Stereo, Stereo enhances... are okay. However, if I start to switch to Dolby Digital and those, it make a popping noise after it switch.

I checked the version and it said v1.20. I wonder if any of you know how to get it upgrade to version v 1.22 since I heard that 1.22 solve these problems?


That is correct. You need the firmware upgrade to v. 1.22, and your dealer can do this as it is a simple swap of chips. Let the dealer do it as you don't want to void your warranty. I would inform him of the problem immediately. He will not want to endanger such a good sale for something that is so easily fixed and he should get on it right away (I believe the chip has to be ordered).

has anyone used the NAD T762 receivers with the KEF XQ 5 fronts for audio (and as fronts for a 5.1 setup)?
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