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Username: Latgal

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-11
Bought on ebay column REALISTIC ELECTROSTAT 2A
In the description of the lot has been written that the dealer they worked .......
Arriving postal companies they stopped working ......
Rather forwarded them to work, the electrostatic part
I took them to the studio, but even the most skilled master could not determine the exact cause of failure.
All that he found this piece of brokenness with the inscription "selemax"
He says that the first time seeing such detail, although the repair column for over 25 years
The huge request if anyone has any scheme for this column, or he knows what kind of detail, and where you can buy it, or than it can be replaced please write here to see prices, or send me a private message
Sorry for my English, I write with a translator program

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2608
Registered: Oct-07
'Selemax' kind of reminds me of 'Selenium' which is old school rectifier material. These are powered speakers, right?
If the recitifier is 'open' than you've got problems.....and need to replace it / them.
I don't know how old these speakers are, either, but another item to be attended to would be the capacitors in the power supply.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2628
Registered: Oct-07

look thru the pics and indicate the bad part.....

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Username: Latgal

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-11

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2630
Registered: Oct-07 ctifier

go back to your techs at work and see if this makes sense to them.

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Username: Jayclary

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-13
I know I am a couple of years late but i believe that is the internals of a Realistic Electrostat 2 - not an Electrostat 2A. I just finished fixing-up a set of 2's although I didn't need to touch the electronics inside. As for the part inquired about above, I too was very curious what it was. Luckily all my stuff worked, just needed to refoam the woofs, replace the power cords that had been dyked off and replace the ratty grills.

Worth the effort. The highs sizzle!
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