Hello all, I'm quite a newbie in this. I own a Pioneer PL-990 turntable. It's one year old now. The problem is that it used to move the arm right from the beginning of the LP and started playing automatically when you pressed "play" button. However, now, it sometimes rejects doing that! I press "play" button, the arms elevates, goes right at the beginning but then goes back again. It is no big deal actually. I can still use the manual Arm Elevation button. And it doesn't do the same thing everytime. Still, I'm a bit disappointed that it wouldn't do that sometimes.
What shall I do apart from try and find a legal dealer of Pioneer in Turkey to get help (which is a total pain)?
With the table unplugged, unlock the arm from its rest and hold it by its headshell lift. Spin the platter at a moderate and allow the arm to move acoss the platter and return to its rest while holding the arm above the platter so it doesn't sit a stylus down on an empty platter. Usually you'll only have to do this once to reset the automatic function of the arm. On occcasion you might have to do this twice. If that doesn't reset the arm. you'll have to take it to a technician.