matthew dow | As a followup to an ongoing thread that I can no longer find... A known problem with the NAD T762 is that your speakers will emit a quick 'pop'ing sound upon changing the channel of a satellite receiver (at least one with a digital optical audio connection). One poster had success in avoiding this by getting a satellite receiver with a digital coax connection; then the idea was floated that what if you got an optical-coax converter, would the problem go away? I am sad to report that it does NOT. At least using my RCA HD receiver, the Parts Express optical-coax converter, and my version of the 762. I received the converter yesterday, hooked it up last night, and there is absolutely no difference. My theory is that there must be something in the optical audio output jack. It must get passed along to the converter and then the coax cable. Bummer! Now I have to live with this forever apparently. If anyone else comes up with a solution, please share with the group. |
Pete | As the poster of the possible solution last time, the only other idea I have involves some cost. Getting a different satellite receiver with built in digital coax plugged into audio (digital) 3 or 4 on the 762. But when you get into HD receivers the cost skyrockets. A different brand of receiver all together may help the problem. My new DTV receiver with digital coax is also an RCA with component video outputs and cost only $79 so it was worth the try. Sorry it didn't work out for you. I agree it must have something to do with the optical input on the 762, possibly due to heightened sensitivity of the unit. |
Jon Moon | Matthew, Not to be an idiot, hopefully, but I saw these comments when I was considering (and then ultimately did) buying the T762. I didn't see it as much of a problem. I don't use the receiver for just watching tv usually. Do you and others use the receiver when just channel surfing? Can you just hit mute or soft mute if you are changing channels? Is that an option or is it more of a problem than I am understanding? |
matthew dow | Pete - you're right. I looked into a new receiver, but once you get into HD it's major bucks - 6-800! I don't think I paid more than 400 or so, and that was 2 or 3 years ago. That seems weird. I was actually thinking it's a problem with the optical _output_ of the satellite receiver, since the problem still exists when using the _coax_ input on the 762. In any case, I'm hosed. Jon - I'm not sure I understand your question. I do use the 762 when channel surfing - all my audio goes through it. I haven't tried the mute button; I guess I could. It is kind of a pain though: mute, change channel, find something I like, unmute - repeat. Too many button pushes for me. I guess I'll just live with it. Hey here's an idea, program a macro to mute-channel up-unmute. Hmmm... |
| Matthew, Do you get this clicking sound all the time or just when you go from a D-PCM channel to a DD channel (this is the behaviour I get with my T742, it's similar to a static shock sound). I did email NAD and they replied that it was essentially a problem with my DBS receiver. So I just changed the DBS optical downfeed to always send D-PCM, since the DD signal is only ever DD 2.0 anyway. Smitty |
matthew dow | Smitty - you're getting over my head, but I get the pop whenever I change from any channel on the satellite to any other channel. I have no idea what my satellite audio settings are. I guess I'll have to check that out. Did changing to d-pcm help? Are you saying that satellite audio is not DD? I had always assumed it was, but I don't have a 5.1 setup (until next week) so I wouldn't know... BTW, it only happens when it picks up the station you are changing to. In other words, if you click channel up once, you get the pop once. If you click channel up ten times, you get the pop once, when the channel tunes in. |
MarantzFan | Hmmm Problems with a NAD? ![]() Not a good thing to hear on the NAD/MARANTZ users board. Well I guess you should have purchased a Marantz. ![]() |
AdamT | MarantzFan: Satellite popping update: I bought one of those optical to digital coax adapter boxes from Parts Express in hopes that it might eliminate the DTV channel changing snap, but alas it doesn't work. In fact, the T752 doesn't recognize the signal coming from the adapter when it's connected to the DTS receiver *or* my DVD player. No sound at all. ![]() Oddly it does work fine when I connect my CD player's optical output. So I'll keep it in any case as the NAD's DACs do a better job than the Pioneer CD player's own DACs. Also the channel change snapping noise is pretty inoffensive with my receiver, so it's not a big deal. Just the same I'll see if I can contact Dayton Audio, the maker of the converter, and see what they have to say. |
| Matthew,
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong about this but I believe D-PCM is always a 2-channel digital feed. This is the format CD music is send from a CD player to a receiver if connected by digital input. DD on the other hand can be DD 2.0 (i.e. left & right signal only) or full 5.1 (all channels). Now, I'm guessing that there isn't much if any difference between DD 2.0 and D-PCM. For my satellite feed (Canadian Bell ExpressVu) most of the channels are not DD and those that are seem to be DD 2.0. So I've switched the output (via DBS setup menu) of the digital optical output to be 'D-PCM only'. But the problem I was experiencing wasn't a pop on every channel change, but a noise when the receiver switched from non-DD to DD. |
AdamT | Small update: I called Parts Express about the toslink/coax adapter, as they seem to be synonymous with Dayton ( brings you to Parts Expess' website). Their tech guy didn't seem to know what he was talking about and couldn't offer a solution. |