I have an Onkyo 7.1 HTiB that was given to me as a present. We are doing some remodeling and I'm thinking about upgrading my speakers in the process. I'd like to keep the Subwoofer and receiver (I really can't crank the base anyways with the kids in the house). So I'm looking to upgrade the front, centers and surrounds.
I'm having a hard time choosing. I'm thinking of getting ORBs with Mod2s upfront, and Mod1s in the back. I've never had seen them in person though so I'm a little hesitant even though the reviews seam stellar.
The other option I'm consider is getting 3 pairs of Audioengine P4s and using them in a 6.1 setup. I have a pair of Audioengine A2s in the kitchen that I absolutely love. I'm sure I'd love the P4s too.
I just can't decide, anyone have experience with either setup? Recommend something else (floor-space is pretty much non-existent)?
Assuming the AudioEngines have a fairly consistent "house sound" - which I cannot attest to from personal experience - I would go with what you already like.