Exodus A narch y 4 ohm run group buy $45!!!!!!!!!!


Silver Member
Username: Kryptonitewhite

Luverne, MN USA

Post Number: 193
Registered: Jun-04
JUST EMAIL KEVIN AT [email]diycable@olypen.com[/email] WITH " I WANT 4 OHM A NARCH YS!! " IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND BODY.

This is an unofficial attempt to get a single run of 4 ohm A narch ys for the car audio crowd as well as those who want MTMs with 2 run in series for 8 ohms. Though I would be stupid to claim I convinced Kevin to stop making Maelstrom-X's with 8 ohm coils, I firmly believe I helped tip him in that direction.

When Kevin 1st released the A narch ys he did so at an astonishing $45/ea to get MASSIVE attention to them, just as he initially released the Maelstrom-X 21's at a whopping $550/ea for a while, with several special offers along the way: free shipping, buy one Maelstrom-X 21 get two A narch y's FREE!

All it took was some emailing for some people on AVS to get a special offer for the "flat pack" offering them at a discounted $65/ea...so i figure, what have we got to lose?

Flat Pack spcial offer $65/ea thread:

[url=http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1311008]Group Buy for 6.5" A narch y Tapped Horn. - AVS Forum[/url]

Someone else has a thread about 8 of them in 3 cubes tuned to 30Hz off 1200 RMS:

[url]http://forum.realmofexcursion.com/enclosures/71971-8-exodus-a narch y-6-5s.html#post852531[/url]

The wicked XBL^2 driver:

[url=http://www.diycable.com/main/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=538]DIYC able.com : Intro » Home » Exodus Subwoofers »[/url]

" The A narch y has class-leading output for a 180mm mid-woofer. The massive 25mm peak-peak xmax allows it to deliver the bass output of two typical mid-woofers of this size/format. This is achieved by an XBL motor along with a highly optimized suspension and careful design of the aerodynamic performance of the spider/pole vent assembly. The result, is a mid-woofer that is near silent in free-air under full stroke. The highly linearized suspension and motor assembly give the A narch y world-class distortion performance "


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iGD0p0E42A&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - A narch y Introduction[/url]

" The A narchy isn't just a high-output stroker though. It has smooth usable frequency response for easy use with most any tweeter you choose to match it with. The anodized aluminum cone has an extremely manageable break-up mode that doesn't require notch filters for good design. The T/S parameters make this mid-woofer an ideal match for 14-20L ported enclosures or small sealed designs. The resonant enclosures typically deliver good usable bandwidth to 30-40Hz when designed correctly and in-room response can reach into the high 20s "


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRSdoHis4rw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - A narch y in Free-Air[/url]

Fs = 45.8HZ
Qes = 0.48
Qms = 6.37
Qts = 0.44
Vas = 9.61L
Sd = 131cm^2
Xmax = 12.5 mm one-way
Re = 6.4 Ohms
Le = 0.84 mH
BL = 10.79 N/A
Power: 125W Approx: No IEC testing conducted
Spl = 84.7 dB/1W/1M

JUST EMAIL KEVIN AT [email]diycable@olypen.com[/email] WITH " I WANT 4 OHM A NARCH YS!! " IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND BODY.[/

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Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2275
Registered: Oct-07
Andre? Are you there?
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