I want to get a pair of new subs, 15" 2,000wrms Orion HCCA's for my bedroom. My enclosure is going to be a dual-sub ported enclosure (obviously lol) but the thing is that I don't want to build my own box as it's too complicated nor do I want the manufactures box. What would happen if I order a random but well bult custom made enclosure? And, will a ported box alone move enough air? I want my american flag to wave....then fall down.
You can't just stick a driver in a generic box and expect good results. The enclosure must be tuned to the needs of the driver for best results which means either a custom built box or a generic box with lots of latitude in how you complete the system. Even with a generic box, the port must be tuned to provide good bass extension without flabbiness. This box/port tuning provides the proper twin impedance peaks which are the goal for any simple vented system. There's no way to manage this without some effort.