She's Here!


Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4170
Registered: May-05
My wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl on Saturday 11/27!

I've heard so many times how it's the best thing that's ever happened to people, their whole life and outlook changes, and on and on.

I finally understand what they meant. She's the best thing that's ever happened to my wife and I. My wife had a perfect pregnancy, labor and delivery. My daughter is in perfect health, which is all we could ever ask for.

And of course, she is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

Sorry if I offended the guys here by saying my daughter is the most beautiful. Don't argue it, you're not going to win

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3337
Registered: Jun-07
lol I will post a pic of my Daughter, the true most beautiful baby ever Stu!! lol

Congrats bud. It really is the best thing ever.

Did you watch the delivery? I have the weakest stomach in the world I watched the whole thing and it did not bother me at all. I have a whole new respect for my wife too. haha.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15601
Registered: Dec-04
Congrats JR!
Be happy, change nappy.

Wonderful news, I am very happy for you all!

What is our girls' name?

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4171
Registered: May-05
Thanks Nick.

I was there the whole time. I'm pretty good at seeing stuff most people throw up at, as my health care profession de-sensitizes me to it somewhat. This was obviously at another level, but it didn't bother me at all. If I was watching someones else give birth, I'd have a different opinion of it though! Kind of like smelling someone else's doo-doo vs your own

I knew my wife is tough, but I din't think she's that tough. She didn't yell, scream, carry on, etc. She was obviously in pain, but she handled it like a champ. The epidural helped, but by no means did it make her completely numb.

I wouldn't have been nearly as good about it as she was.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4172
Registered: May-05
Thanks Nuck.

Our newest music lover is Kathryn Alexandria Armenouhie B. Armenouhie was my great-grandmother's name. She's the person I've always looked up to most in life. Among many other things, she was a survivor of the Armenian Genocide. I learned so many life lessons from her. When Kathryn is old enough to ask about her not so common name, I'll tell her all about my great-grandmother.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4173
Registered: May-05
Armenouhie is pronounced ar-men-NEW-hee.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4174
Registered: May-05
Kim (my wonderful wife) is recovering wonderfully was well.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4495
Registered: Feb-07
Awesome news Stu! Congratulations!!! Glad Kathryn and Kim are both doing well.

How have the nights been so far? Hope everyone is getting some sleep.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 560
Registered: Oct-10
Congrats Stu! Glad to hear that it all went so well!

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4175
Registered: May-05
Thanks guys. The nights have been interesting. Its unintentionally worked out that I get the earlier shift, and she's got the later shift.

By earlier shift, I mean I'm on duty up until about 3 am or so. After that, I'm pretty much passed out and barely hear Kathryn. Kim usually takes over from 3 am 'till about 8 am, when we've both been up.

It's a labor of love. These are the good old days that we'll be telling her about...

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4496
Registered: Feb-07
I remember those nights Stu. The first two nights Brianna came home she didn't sleep at all unless we were holding her. My wife and I would take 2 hour shifts sitting up with her. At one point I was so tired I fell asleep on her bedroom floor with her (finally) sleeping on my chest. Needless to say, work was always a drag the next day.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 15610
Registered: May-04

Congratulations, Stu.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4176
Registered: May-05
Thanks, Jan.


Funny you mention falling asleep on the floor. I fell asleep holding her in the glider in her room last night. I jumped a little while dozzing off and very luckily caught myself before anything bad happened. Scared the crap out of me.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 570
Registered: Oct-10
Now Stu, the most important thing to remember: Never let your kids learn to speak! Just kidding!

I feel so old, everyone has young kids and mine are in their 20s! Crazy!

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 13592
Registered: Feb-05
A big congrats to you, Stu. You'll be great parents, of that I'm sure.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 576
Registered: Oct-10
My wife took a picture of me sleeping with my older son sleeping on my chest.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3339
Registered: Jun-07
Stu- Is your lovely wife going on Matt Leave for the year? I think its fantastic you get a full year now. Every morning my lunch is made (lol just kidding). I find when I am at work I just cant wait to get home to see Ava. Pretty soon your daughter will find her routine and the nights become much better. That was my experience anyway. Ava seemed to sleep through the night for the first couple months. Now she is up twice a night because she is teething.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 578
Registered: Oct-10
My older guy slept through the night from his first night home. The younger guy woke up once @ 1am for the 1st 3 months. He ate, threw up all over me and went back to sleep. I showered and got back in bed.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4178
Registered: May-05
Thanks Art.

The US is behind Canada and the entire rest of the world (minus 3 small 3rd world countries) in terms of maternity leave. Kim gets 6 weeks paid, which are accrued vacation and personal time. She loses benefits (ie health insurance) after 12 weeks. That'll cost $600 per month on top of the lost salary.

Unfortunately we can't afford for her to stay home longer than 12 weeks due to the loss of salary and health insurance. If it wasn't for the health insurance, we could swing another month or two. We have no family in the area as well, so day-care is what it'll have to be at that point. It sucks, but I guess it could be worse.

In regards to sleep patterns, I read somewhere that babies don't develope malanin, which is the sleep regulation hormone, until about 4 months of age.

Silver Member
Username: Kbear


Post Number: 851
Registered: Dec-06
Stu - congratulations! Like you said, the main thing is that both wife and kid are healthy. No doubt that's a big hurdle to clear. All the best over the next 30 years!

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 583
Registered: Oct-10
My older guy was the exception!

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4179
Registered: May-05
Thanks, Dan. Before we found out we were having a girl, people would ask what we wanted to have. Our response was always the same - a healthy baby. Can't ask for more than that!

Gold Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 1157
Registered: May-05

Congratulations. There is nothing comparable to the birth of a child and we are less than a month from our first grandchild - a girl. So, where are the pics bro?

Also, I grew up in Glendale, CA., which is now one of the largest Armenian populations outside of Armenia. Great people and if your grandmother survived that she is two things: incredibly tough and incredibly lucky. Best Wishes to you and your wife.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4183
Registered: May-05
Thanks, Dak. By my father's reaction to our daughter being born, I'd say it's at least just as moving for grandparents as it is for parents. My father is old-school Armenian - shows very little emotion, has his way of doing everything, etc. The only time ever I saw him cry in the past was when my great-grandmother passed away. When he saw Kathryn for the first time, he was full of tears of joy.

I'm sure it'll get you too. Best of luck to you and your family for a healthy girl.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3340
Registered: Jun-07
Stu - I had no idea you guys dont get a year. My lovely wife started Matt leave April so goes back to work next April. The Canadian Government provides her with 60 percent of her wage up to 36,000 a year max. 60 percent sounds low but that puts her in a lower tax bracket so she brings home around 80 percent of her wage. I guess HST taxes and high gas prices pay off somehow. *puke*
I wanted to take a few months of leave myself but we would have to sell the house, cars, etc so I am stuck working...

How many trips (false alarms) did you take to the hospital? In the weekend Ava was born I took Danielle in around 6 We thought we were counting the contractions right but when its your first time I am sure you skip a few seconds here and

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4184
Registered: May-05
We were pretty conciencious of that, and didn't go until it was time. She started having contractions on and off on Friday, but nothing major or consistent. She got up to go to the bathroom at about 3 am on Saturday and her water broke. For some reason she didn't think she was supposed to go to the hospital then, because she wasn't having strong contractions. I had her call the hospital's labor and delivery dept (good thing we had the number), and they told us to come in. I knew we were supposed to when the water broke, regardless of whatever else is going on. The doctor told Kim she should listen to me more often. I guess there's a first time for everything lol!

In the hospital at 3 am, Kathryn was born at 4:30 pm. Seemed like forever, yet it flew by at the same time.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4185
Registered: May-05
Funny thing about staying home...

If either one of us should stay home long term, it should be me! I work far more hours for a good amount less pay.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3341
Registered: Jun-07
lol Your lucky Stu. Danielle's water never broke (they broke it). The last time we went it (3-4 minute contractions) she was already 8cm dialated(spelling) and we were almost too late for her to get the epidural. Thankfully we weren't. Man oh man if we were I would had of been the fastest single parent on the

Right on man, fight to stay home. lol. Although parenthood is no walk in the park, Danielle claims it really does feel like your on a long vacation not having to work. *sigh*

Gold Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 1246
Registered: Dec-06
Congratulation's Stu!

Life has changed for sure. Enjoy the ride.

My wife had 2 with epidural and the last without. She says the last was easiest to recover from (out of bed and walking within 8 hours)and she suffered no side effects (sore legs/back for weeks to follow).

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3343
Registered: Jun-07
They had a few complications with the epidural but D was up and walking in a few hours after delivery. No soreness to follow, luckily. They say they keep getting easier. I will leave it up to D to see if thats Wow.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4188
Registered: May-05
Thanks, Stryvn.

Kim was up and walking around pretty quickly. It would have been sooner if her left leg wasn't almost completely numb. I guess the anesthesiologist was the other star of the show. The nurse who did 99% of the delivery definitely made things great. We're sending her a thank you card and a picture.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4498
Registered: Feb-07
That was same with both of my kids too, Stu. The nurses did 99% of the work, and the doctor comes in for the last 5 minutes.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15604
Registered: Dec-04
The nursing group gets a gift every year from here, because they do the real work.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23980
Registered: Jun-06
Nice! Congrats. Now it's time to keep your hands and legs inside the car at all times and hold onto the bar!

I remember the birth of both my kids. It truly is a life changing experience. Now it's time for baby steps, for both you and the little one. With each one comes reward and future challenge.

Sleeping through the night. (For both the child and you and your wife lol)
Eating solid foods
1st B-day
Getting out of diapers
Getting themselves dressed
Bathing themselves
1st lost tooth
1st day of school
Riding a bike
1st best friend
1st broken bone (Usually comes after learning to ride the bike)
1st boyfriend/girlfriend
Learning to drive
1st accident

Ect, ect, ect lol. Your in for a ton of firsts. Glad you and your wife enjoyed another one of yours.


Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1134
Registered: Jul-07
Congrats Stu, that's terrific. New world for you my friend. Hi Fi priorities down, baby priorities up. Those little baby noises sounded better to me than any album I ever owned.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4190
Registered: May-05
Thanks Paul and Chris.

My hifi priorites are almost down. We've been putting on some kid's music for her, especially during the 3 minutes or so of "tummy time."

Gotta get a new DAC, then I'm done for a long time. I've been putting some extra money away for a while, and I figure that'll be my last personal costly purchase for a long time.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4499
Registered: Feb-07
"then I'm done for a long time."

Ask Nuck how many times I've said that ;-)

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15611
Registered: Dec-04
Dave loves Barney and barbie on the hifi.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4500
Registered: Feb-07
I actually get email alerts from Amazon when new Barbie movies come out.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 606
Registered: Oct-10
Oh no! Not Barney! I don't miss him one little bit! I hope my grandson never gets into him! He likes Olivia. I can deal with her.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15612
Registered: Dec-04
JR, good thing you have that washer/dryer now instead of the dac!

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4501
Registered: Feb-07
Good point Nuck! Lots of poopie clothes for awhile.

I remember when Connor (my first one) was a few months old, I changed him after a blowout, got him all cleaned up and dressed, and we went out for lunch. At the Tim Hortons, this is where I realized I forgot to put a diaper on him when I dressed him. Oooops. Back home we went.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4191
Registered: May-05
Hilarious Dave!

I actually parted ways with the washer and dryer at the old place. I left them at the old place and my former landlord gave me gave me what I paid for them. The current place has a washer and dryer, but it's just not the same.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4503
Registered: Feb-07
Good that you got what you paid for them though.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 612
Registered: Oct-10
At least you have something to wash & dry with. You'll need it!

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15616
Registered: Dec-04
Couldn't swing a dac in the deal, huh, Stuie?

Bless you all for the first Christmas.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4193
Registered: May-05
I'm swinging a Rega DAC or something in that price range if the Rega doesn't live up to my self imposed hype. The cash is in a secret envelope!

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4194
Registered: May-05
My old landlord is the kind of guy every renter dreams about. It's too bad their wasn't enough room for our new bundle of joy. Had there been, we'd have never left until we bought our own home.

Still trying to figure out the new one. Nice guy and all, but he's not exactly on top of things.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 618
Registered: Oct-10
Maybe you can offer to fix stuff yourself in exchange for something off the rent?

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4196
Registered: May-05
That ain't gonna happen. He'll tell me he'll be by tomorrow, and I won't see him again.

When we moved in, our mailbox was in 3 pieces on the ground. He left a note in the apartment saying he'd be by the next day to fix it. 3 months later, he finally got around to replacing it. I could have bought a new one and taken care of it in 5 minutes, but it was the principal of it. I felt like leaving my rent check in it so when he'd call and ask where it is, I'd say it's been in my mailbox waiting for you. Cooler heads (aka my wife) prevailed on that one.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 627
Registered: Oct-10
Wives are good that way. Mine has been very helpful at talking sense to me over 22 yrs. Praise God for cool headed wives!

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23987
Registered: Jun-06
Not all wives are better suited to handle every situation. I remember our first condo we rented. My landlord conveniently lived in the condo directly above us and we shared access to a 2 car garage. Took a few months before I realized his kids were helping themselves to food in our pantry, our kids toys and sometimes never shut the garage door, leaving everything exposed to prying eyes during the day.

"Let's talk to him" my wife would say. Talk??!! Heck no. Locks went on the pantry and our son's toys got stored in a locked shed out back from that day on.

Then when we started getting $300+ electric bills I had to do some investigating to see where the juice was going. I mean no 2 bedroom condo should have THAT high of a bill. Turns out our electric water heater was malfunctioning, which he refused to replace. Cheap b@stard. So during the day when we were at work I would shut it off completely to help. Turns out when I cut the breaker off to the heater it also killed power to our electrical outlet in the garage.

Stay with me.

Little did I know that my landlord had been secretly tapping into that outlet to power his 2nd freezer in our shared garage during the day when we weren't home. He would run extension cords into the house as well to power god knows what else on our dime. So the battle begins. I'd turn it off on my way to work and he'd go back out in the garage to turn it back on after I left. All the time my wife kept preaching to not over react. What would YOU do?

Naturally we looked for another place but we signed a 3 year lease that the SOB wasn't going to let us break. Thankfully we found out that he stole and spent our security deposit a month after we moved in. We found out due to the bank statement in which the money is supposed to be sitting in gaining interest got mailed to us by mistake. Our lawyer had a field day with that bit lol.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 632
Registered: Oct-10
Landlords can be well,... less than upstanding! Had a few of that type myself.
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