Fritz Carbon 7 monitor


Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 261
Registered: Dec-07
Anyone heard of these? They get some very nice reviews. Here is a link to a review, hope it works.

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1098
Registered: Jul-07
I've never heard them personally, but have read very good things. He makes single driver speakers as well.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 263
Registered: Dec-07
Single driver, interesting. I read two reviews where owners of Totem Forests replaced them with Carbon 7's, and said they were more open with better defined bass. They didn't go quite as low as the Forest but said the over all presentation was better. Now, I own Totem Sttaf's and to say the Carbon 7 out performs the Forest it quite a statement. I think I would like to hear these speakers one day.

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1099
Registered: Jul-07
Me too, although I think they may be a little to inefficient for my little 30W amp. I see he's changed his website a lot since I've visited last, and I no longer see single driver offerings. Maybe he no longer makes them.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 264
Registered: Dec-07
Yeah, you might need a little more grunt than that. Don't know if you read this one or not it's a very detailed review from a guy who demoed them in his house side by side with Totem Forest, ProAc Response 1.5, Usher X-719, Harbeth Hlp3-Es2, BMW 805's. I'm really intrigued with these speakers.

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1101
Registered: Jul-07
Give him a call a have a chat about them. If you have questions, there's nothing like talkin' to the man himself. There is only a few ways for you to satisfy your curiosity. Call him up and see if anyone in your area already owns a pair, travel south of the border to do a demo, or order a pair and take the risk that you don't like them and need to eat the shipping costs to send them back.

Is there something specific you're not diggin' about your current speakers ?

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 13435
Registered: Feb-05
He never got around to the Harbeth's. To compete with the other speakers he was looking at he would have been better off choosing the Compact 7. The P3's are a mini monitor and the best I've ever heard.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 265
Registered: Dec-07
Chris, I gave him a call and had a very educational chat. A great guy to talk to as well. When I'm ready I'll have to order and demo at home, which is ideal anyway. I've also been looking at Salk Sound speakers. These look very impressive as well but much more $$, double the $$ for a similar performing speaker. Mind you Jim Salk is a master cabinet maker, very few speakers look as nice imo. As far as why I'm looking for new speakers, I like the Sttafs but would like more of a full range speaker. I'm also going to upgrade the Rega Mira 3. I think separates are in order this time.

Art, I think the compact 7 would have been a better comparison as well.

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1102
Registered: Jul-07
There is something to be said for being able to pick up the phone and talk to the guy that designed, built, markets, and supports a product you own or are thinking of purchasing. I've never been disappointed in the pre or post sales support I have received from these types of organizations......and I've done business with a few. Red Wine Audio (Vinnie), Channel Islands Audio (Dusty), Vista Audio (Boris), and Ascend Acoustics (Dave). Great guys to talk to and do business with.

Are you sure the 7's will be truly more "full range" than the Sttafs ? The specs aren't that much different.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 266
Registered: Dec-07
Chris, from everything I've read, and after talking with Fritz, yes they should be more full range with a superior sound stage as well. I find with the Sttafs, regardless of location, I don't get much depth to the sound stage at all. The people who have demoed them side by side with the Forests prefer them over the Forests. They also mention bottom end is not far off the Forest either. Anyway I need to see, or more appropriately, listen for myself. When I do I will post the results.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15578
Registered: Dec-04
Anthony Gallo makes some 'full range' speakers as well...

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 268
Registered: Dec-07
Yes Nuck, I've noticed that. Haven't been on here in a while and when I come back I see your Mani 2's have been replaced . So how you liking the Gallo's?

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15583
Registered: Dec-04
The Gallo fever has spread to a few more guys here, all used items.
If I had not been a dufus, I would have made the Mani 2's work properly with the Classe gear, but I messed with the setup and went down this path, which is now fine, after $$$. sigh

New member
Username: Bjles

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-10
I just bought a pair of Carbon 7's a couple months ago. Very nice speaker to listen to. I drive them with a 40 watt tube amp. Really happy with them.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 271
Registered: Dec-07
Nuck, I've never heard Gallo's but they must be awesome if they are a step up from Mani 2's. How easy are they to drive? Not that I would try with my Mira 3 .

Brian, congrats. I'm glad your liking them. What speakers did they replace? What stands are you using? Oh and pics would be nice too .

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1105
Registered: Jul-07
Welcome Brian. Love to hear about your setup with the Carbon 7's. What do you think their strengths are ?

New member
Username: Bjles

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-10
Steve, I replaced a pair of B&W 603 S3's. I have a 24" pair of Target MR stands. If you visit Fritz's web site the second pair (walnut are my mine). I met Fritz at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest last month. Nice guy to talk to. Chris, I drive the carbon 7's with a Prima Luna prologue 2 and use a Musical Fidelity A-5 cd player.As far as their strengths I would say nice balance, nice soundstage and just alot of fun to listen to. They have a rich sound. I really like the sound of accoustic guitar on them. Without a doubt a real bargain.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 318
Registered: Oct-10
A long, long time ago, in galaxy far, far away, I was talking to a neighbor about a pair of speakers my grandfather had given me. I made a point of calling them one-way or single driver speakers. There was no way I was calling them "full range". They were 8" drivers with wizzer cones! Anyone remember wizzer cones? The neighbor asked me to bring them over. We went into his shop and he connected them to a receiver he had there and made sure the tone controls were flat. The sound was mediocre at 1KHz and deteriorated as it moved away from there. He then pulled the jumpers from pre-amp to power amp and ran the signal through an electronic crossover. He filtered everything below 120 Hz out. The speakers now sounded way better than they had, still not great, but noticeably better. He then ran a line to a subwoofer and turned the level up in the ball park of where it should be. I couldn't believe they were the same speakers. Single drivers have come a long way since then, so the idea that they compete with 2 & 3 way spkrs doesn't surprise me.

Silver Member
Username: Smwick

B.C Canada

Post Number: 275
Registered: Dec-07
super, the Carbon 7 is a two way design. ???

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 321
Registered: Oct-10
That's not what I said Steve. I was under the understanding that the carbon 7s were 1 way/single driver speakers. I made no mention of there being more than one driver in them at all.

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1107
Registered: Jul-07
Not sure where the confusion is, but the Carbon 7's are two way speakers, not single driver. Fritz does make single driver speakers though.

Silver Member
Username: Superjazzyjames

Post Number: 322
Registered: Oct-10
Okay, the confusion's on my part. I thought someone said they were single driver, but he was talking about another model.

Gold Member
Username: T_bomb25

Aurora, Colorado United States

Post Number: 2273
Registered: Jun-05
I heard the Carbon 7's at the 2009 RMAF i will say they were in my top 6 or 8 monitors that i heard,along with the Joseph Pulsar,John Blue jb3,LSA Statements,the little 5 inch monitors in the Monarchy room that was playing 40 htz japaneese drums, a pair Chinesse speakers in the Grant Fidelity room,and the Omega 6 inch monitors.....
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