Beers, Music & Automobiles : Part 3


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3267
Registered: Jun-07
This weekend I had the absolute pleasure of welcoming David Mitchell and Nuck into my home. What a fun time I had. It was an absolute pleasure meeting David. These guys are cool and I can't wait to hang out again. Cheers guys!

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4383
Registered: Feb-07
Thanks for having me Nick. Absolutely KICK@SS HT theatre system man! It actually scared me a bit.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15527
Registered: Dec-04
What a lovely and welcoming home Nick and Mrs. Nick have built.
Wonderful people to spend time with.

Thank you for inviting us to your castle, Nick (and Mrs. Nick).
When the ringing in my ears stops, I will reflect further...


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3268
Registered: Jun-07
Thanks guys. The pleasure was all mine. Lets do it again soon.

lol Thx David, the humble setup does pretty well.

Nuck - I will also let you know when my hearing comes back.LOL! Oh how the worse room for audio still goes oh so loud. haha. It was a blast.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4386
Registered: Feb-07
For sure! And it's a pretty quick drive too ;-)

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 13378
Registered: Feb-05
Sounds like a good time was had by all!

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4389
Registered: Feb-07
We should organize a joint Canada/US Ecoustics beer and music fest someday. Minus the nutjobs.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3269
Registered: Jun-07
lol That would be awesome.

David, if I had your car my insurance would be insane from all the speeding tickets I would Sick ride. I want totems and a lancer

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4391
Registered: Feb-07
Thanks buddy. I had a cop stop me once when the car was brand new and he said "you must get pulled over a lot", lol.

Sttafs are the way to go bro.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3270
Registered: Jun-07
Yeah I am searching high and low for a pair now. Emailed a guy this afternoon about a pair out of Calgary which only 25 hours of usage on them. Awaiting his reply.

Lol If I made your place in one hour 40 minutes in my civic I would be arriving in a frame and wheels with my feet hanging out the bottom of it. " WiilllllllLLLlmmMMaaAAAA "

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15530
Registered: Dec-04

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4395
Registered: Feb-07
They look nice in maple. less/

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4396
Registered: Feb-07
You won't need the matching sub!

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3275
Registered: Jun-07
Yeah I have emailed that guy twice now. Yesterday and today asking how much just for the staff's and if he would ship to Ontario. No email yet. The guy with the NAIM today messaged me literally 5 minutes after I emailed him and it was purchased 30 minutes later. Super quick ( he is retired). I would have thought the guy would have emailed me by now, but maybe he doesn't want to ship out of province.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4400
Registered: Feb-07
That's ridiculous. What's the difference between shipping between towns or across provinces. Once it leaves your house, who cares?

Anyway, he probably just isn't checking his email.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3276
Registered: Jun-07
I will spam the heck out of him until he answers me. haha.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3277
Registered: Jun-07

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4068
Registered: May-05
Nick -

Do you have a Nait 5i on the way? Regular or italic? Either way, the Nait is a great integrated!

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3278
Registered: Jun-07
Hey Stu. I do. The guy I purchased it off of has the 5i, 5i(italic) and SuperNait for sale. The SuperNait is way out of my budget at the moment. The italic was 350 more than the 5i and he actually told me to buy the non i version. The guy claims they sound pretty much identical. The italic I believe has an I Pod doc connection. He said If I like the regular 5i sound then I would like NAIM and if I were to ever feel the need to upgrade in the NAIM lineup in the future to skip the italic all together (he doesnt feel its an upgrade in actual sound) and buy the SuperNait. He said thats a definite upgrade up the NAIM house sound scale. I must say, non or italic it looks like it was taken out of the box yesterday. He said he hardly used it as it was part of a second system. He purchased the italic because he was going by all the hype of how much better the sound was but he said he quickly found out that was all hype. I believe he is upgrading to NAIM separates. It should be here today or at the latest tomorrow. I am very excited Stu. Giddy actually.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4403
Registered: Feb-07
How does it sound with the MA's Nick?

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15532
Registered: Dec-04
Mr. Po-wo-wo-wo-wo-wostman...

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4404
Registered: Feb-07
Right, of course... still waiting for it to arrive, lol.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3279
Registered: Jun-07
I wish I knew I still do not have it. It says on the tracking that its due to be here today but it says its not out for delivery.

I am guessing it may not like the MA's which wont be around much longer anyhow. But we will see. I talked to the guy today again and he has a full 4bsst2 and bp26 with psu that he prefers to NAIM. Go f'n figure. lol Oh well thats his opinion and I will stack it against my old Bryston gear and I bet its more musical than the years where Bryston were mainly making pro gear (20 yrs ago). Time will tell. Where is my amp Fedex you f'n w h o r e s.

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 13381
Registered: Feb-05
The XS is less than the Supernait and a definite upgrade from the 5i. The XS is the best value in their integrated line IMO.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3280
Registered: Jun-07
How much used market Art. Give me a ball park. Is the XS older? I seen an XS on CAM but it had that ugly old NAIM look that looked like a old beat up box of Cuban cigars. lol.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4070
Registered: May-05
I would hope he likes the Bryston system more, as it costs about $8k vs the $1500 or so for the Nait, and about twice the SuperNait.

The Nait 5i italic wasn't that much of an upgrade IMO. The real increase in performance was in the CD5i.

You're probably confused which integrated the Nait XS is. It's the most recent integrated and looks pretty similar to the current ones. There's no small half width box version. Those were the Nait 1 and 2. The Nait 3 was a full sized box in the "olive" cosmetics. There was no Nait 4 due to the Asian market's superstition (kinda like 666).

Silver Member
Username: Kbear


Post Number: 806
Registered: Dec-06
Sounds like you guys had an awesome time! I hope the Naim amp works out for you, Nick.


Nick, there was an Fb1+ on CAM recently for $1,500. Much nicer finish, soft dome tweeter. Looked to be mint. I was so close to biting. You probably saw them.

David, those Sttafs look awesome in maple. Totem is probably the next speaker I want to try. Personally I prefer their maple and cherry finishes. I'm going to have to listen to the Sttaf and Arro for sure. I've got a few things lined up to try out over the winter months, I'll be sure to post pics and impressions once I get everything settled...nothing yet though.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4406
Registered: Feb-07
The maple are my favourite to Dan. I have the mahogany, not my first choice, but I got them for a good price, so I snapped them up. The nice thing about the Sttafs is that they sound good no matter what you drive them with. I've used NAD, CA, Bryston, McIntosh, a veritable plethora of Chi-fi tube amps and the Manley. They all ranged from sounding good to ugh-I-just-crapped-my-pants (in a most excellent way), except for one Chi-fi amp which will remain anonymous.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3281
Registered: Jun-07
lol I enjoy the odd crapping of my pants. That guy STILL has not emailed me back.

Dan I did see those. Shwing!

Thanks for clarifying Stu. I wonder how much the xs is. I would hope he would like an 8k setup over a 1800 dollar integrated. Although these days I am finding a higher price does not always mean better sound. But I also do realize that the new Bryston gear is much improved over the gear I currently own. Just out of my price range at the moment.

The package is finally in transit and on its way home. Will have it set up after work tomorrow.

Anybody have personal experience with this amp?

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4071
Registered: May-05
I was seriously considering the Nait 5i and CD5i (non italic) combo when I came across my B60. I had the Apollo at the time.

I bought the Apollo over the CD5i for two reasons - the CD5i had just a bit too much of an edge to it in the highs. I really liked it, but I had the feeling that it would wear on me over the long haul. I was looking for something that I'd keep for a long time (music servers had not interest from me at that point). The CD5i did most things better, but the Apollo had none of that edge, and was a bit more 3-D sounding. At even money I'd have most likely taken the Apollo.

I was planning on the Nait when I came across the B60. They're pretty similar, but not one in the same. The B60 is a bit more detailed and 3-D sounding, whereas the Nait has more of a wall of sound. That's not a big deal to me. I saved about $600 in buying the B60 and got Bryston's world class warranty. Had I not come across the B60, I'd be very happy with the Nait.

To give you an idea of what the Nait 5i is capable of, it sounded a good bit better than the entry level Naim seperates at the time when connected to a CD5x, which was about $3k.

Keep in mind my B60 is a lot closer to the SST2 line than your Bryston gear. I can't remember if you have the non-ST or the ST, but the SST and up is a good bit better. SST and up vs Naim is a pretty interesting comparison. Below those, Naim wins pretty much every time IMO.

Just some food for thought. You like the DAC Magic better than the Apollo, so you may not agree with my ears! I'm pretty sure you'll figure out why people like one over the other either way.

If you've got smoother sounding speakers than the MAs, I'd use those before passing judgement.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3283
Registered: Jun-07
Sounds good Stu. I did like the Dac Magic better than the Apollo for about two months but I found after living with it for a good time it started to bore me which the Apollo always kept my foot taping. So my opinion on that has flipped. I guess living with the gear long enough is key after

"Keep in mind my B60 is a lot closer to the SST2 line than your Bryston gear. I can't remember if you have the non-ST or the ST, but the SST and up is a good bit better" .

Mine is first gen ST. Its good, but sounds closer to their old pro stuff than the new sst/sst2 home stuff. The new Bryston gear is much better than mine. So I would think the little 5i should be the keeper. I will give it a good amount of time this time before coming to any I am also reading that the only way to get the most out of the 5i is to use balanced.

The only other speaker I could use is the Paradigm monitor 7's from the theater. Definitely smoother than the MA's just not as good I wouldnt think. Although the little 7's are surprisingly better than most would think. A lot better in fact. I am also hunting down a pair of Staaf's which I am having issues getting some. I will be using the MSB Full Nelson Link III dac balanced to the NAIM. I am told that the MSB performs much much better with balanced as well. I am using RCA right now as my Bryston .5b pre amp does not have balanced (too old). lol.

I am also making some major changes to the room now. TV and system is moving to side wall where the couch was facing the big Window and couch is going in the back wall where the system is now. Should allow me to open the space of the speakers up and have nothing in front of them. Also should cancel out the huge bass trap I have at my front door. (Thanks Nuck)

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4072
Registered: May-05
The Nait 5i doesn't have balanced inputs. It has DIN inputs, which are different. The DINs are far better than RCAs, but I don't think there's any sources out there that use them, except Naim sources.

The Nait XS is basically a stripped down SuperNait. Less inputs, no DAC, etc. It mops the floor with the 5i IMO. It's a more refined, 'grown up' version of the Nait. If I were to upgrade from my B60, the Nait XS would be the integrated to beat. Comparing the Nait 5i and XS is like comparing the B60 and B100 (without all the add ons). The XS is worth every penny over the 5i, but its a matter of do you have that many extra pennies? I don't, so the B60 will easily stay where it is. With a daughter on the way, the B60 will most likely stick around until she's done with college or I get a huge pay raise. I'd be willing to bet she'll be done with college first

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3284
Registered: Jun-07
DIN ahhh ok. See I am a newb when it comes to NAIM (death by a thousand cuts?) lol. Thats ok, I am sure it still sounds great using RCA. If the 5i sticks around I will be looking to offload my DAC for the new NAIM DAC.

lol Diapers are cheap Stu you will be fine. Thanks for the info man, appreciate it. I will find out pricing on the XS. You B60 may stay but i would be happy with an SST series Bryston integrated any day.

Just got a text from Danielle and the Nait 5i is home. I will only have an hour or so with it tonight though as its Amherstview Pool night with the old lads. haha. Then UFC Ultimate fighter at 10.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4409
Registered: Feb-07
Priorities, eh Nick?

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3285
Registered: Jun-07
lol yeah. I figure I get home at around 5:30. Then play with Ava until her bed time at 8. THen play pool from 8 til 10. Then TUF at 10. Hoping to slip in a few minutes with it tonight.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15535
Registered: Dec-04
The whole room walk around and tossing big stuffed kiddie caterpillars was worth it, eh Nick?

It's all in the room, guys...

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4411
Registered: Feb-07
I can most definitely vouch for that.

Stuffed caterpillars actually make alright room treatments.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3286
Registered: Jun-07
lol Big stuffed toys.

It sure does Nuck.

Been listening to the NAIM for about an hour now. (came home early). I dont get it....I just dont understand. How can this entry level NAIM integrated amp just smash the 3B all the heck. Musicality out the ying yang. Even Danielle says its a huge improvement. Warmer, thicker, more fluid toe taping sound. I guess this hobby has indeed come a long way in the last 20 years. Unbelievable.

Next up, room makeover.

The MA's sound great on the NAIM surprisingly. But I am going to pick up a pair of Staafs still to try.

Then, last, NAIM DAC.

I cant believe how good Pink Houses sounds. haha!!

I must really hand it to Nuck for telling me to pick up the NAIM. And for NUCK and David in showing me the major flaws in my room. I am just learning I have found out tonight. This thing just simply lets you listen to the music and not the gear. Love it.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4412
Registered: Feb-07
The MA's are nice speakers Nick (I still have mine), but the Sttafs are just a completely sounding speaker, in a better way in my opinion.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15536
Registered: Dec-04

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4073
Registered: May-05
In fairness to your Bryston gear, I'd be willing to bet the preamp is the bottleneck. Bryston's preamps didn't catch up until the BP-20 IMO. Not that the .5 was bad, but it wasn't what earned Bryston their reputation and started making people think about full Bryston systems.
Naim's a different sound. Not a night and day difference with the new stuff, but it's still different. If Naim still tickles your fancy in 6 months to a year as it does now, think either Nait XS with DAC, or SuperNait (with built in DAC). I'd go the XS route, as sources/formats come and go. In 20 years, is the SuperNait or the Uniti/UnitiQute going to be one of those 8-Track receivers?

That's what keeps me from seriously contemplating selling everything and buying a Uniti.

If you haven't looked into it, check out the Uniti. It's a Nait 5i, CD5i, DAC, streamer, tuner (FM and Internet), iPod dock, and dishwasher all in one fabulous box.

Not that I'm trying to get you to move on by any means. The Uniti is easily the most well thought out piece of gear I've seen in a very long time, perhaps ever seen. And it sounds great. If I were to start a new system from the ground up, the Uniti would be the center of it all.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4074
Registered: May-05
As to how good the Uniti is, my dealer can't keep them in stock. They've been out for over a year now, and I've literally only seen one on Audiogon. It's probably Naim's best selling piece. It's what the Peachtree stuff pretends to be.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4413
Registered: Feb-07
I owned to the BP-20 Stu. To this day it is one piece of gear I wish I never sold.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3287
Registered: Jun-07
Stu, you are probably right about the pre amp being the bottleneck. Its pretty good though. Your right, Bryston pre amps were not overly liked until the bp-20. More listening is needed but out of the starting line the Naim has a quick head start. We will see how it finishes. I will have Gibson bring over a bp26 to use as well.

I checked out the uniti. Its cool and all, but I can keep my 5i, add the DAC separately and keep my media center that also has tuner and am/fm and internet radio streaming through the DAC. Pretty cool piece though considering you get NAIM magic all in one box. I wonder how the internal DAC compares to the external one with dedicated power supply? lol Peachtree. They try....

Gold Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 1087
Registered: Jul-07
Stu, heard any word lately on the Cyber Labs product (Algorythym?) ?

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Stamford, Connecticut USA

Post Number: 4077
Registered: May-05

Only thing I've heard is what's on the thread over at Audio Circle. If it did asynch USB and iPod and didn't have a DAC, I'd be more interested. The internal DAC adds to the cost, which is why I was asking Vinnie Rossi if they planned a version without it. A $600 iPod dock isn't that high up on my priority list at the moment. Even if the internal DAC sounds as good as the Rega DAC I'm waiting for, I can't use it for anything I really want to use it for; my main uses would be my Apple TV, XBox/DVD player, and possibly my cable box. If I could hook up my computer to the AlgoRythm by USB and listen to Pandora and stuff like that, it would be easier to justify.

Silver Member
Username: Kbear


Post Number: 810
Registered: Dec-06

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3291
Registered: Jun-07
Boing! Good find Dan. Anyone know where Stoney Creek is?
I will email that guy right now.

Update : Naim sounds wonderful. I think Stu hit it on the head with the pre amp before being the weak link. I took the 3B over to gibby's house ( he bought it off me) and he hooked it up to a 26b pre, and it sounded wonderful. At the same time I am really digging what Naim does for the music. I am really enjoying it and will keep it for quit some time. If I end up missing the Bryston stuff down the road then it would give me a good excuse to audition a 100sst2 head up against a Cheers.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4418
Registered: Feb-07
Stoney Creek is just outside of Hamilton. It's actually in Nuck's neck of the woods. Maybe you could hit him up to grab them for you ;-)

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3293
Registered: Jun-07
Wholly cow. Good call

New member
Username: Pigman

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-10
Half an hour from Nucks pad doing the speed limit.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4421
Registered: Feb-07
Since when does Nuck drive the speed limit?

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3294
Registered: Jun-07
lol Hey Aaron! I am with David. What you say Nuck - 160 on the 401? hehe.

Silver Member
Username: Mordecai


Post Number: 378
Registered: Jan-09
Jealous in Texas! You guys have great weather, hifi equiment, fast cars and hot women! Well, it seems like you guys have it all after reading this thread.

Gold Member
Username: Dmitchell

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4429
Registered: Feb-07
Everything but the great weather Mord.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 15566
Registered: Dec-04
Lemme know if you need a pickup or a demo, Nick.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10


Post Number: 3301
Registered: Jun-07
Thx Nuck.

My car was covered in ice this morning I dislike winter x 10. X-Mas is fun though.
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