| Ok, so I didn't get the def techs like I said I was going to. Nor did I get the PSB image series... Instead I got the PSB Stratus Silver, the C6i center and the Stratus minis for the rear. Unfortunatley, I live in BFE and couldn;t listen to anything before I purchased. Please someone out there make me feel good about myself. I couldn't wait till I had to drive 6 hours to get speakers for my NAD receiver so I had to go online. |
John A. | It'll be fine, a wise choice. You can hear as well as anyone. Write back with what you find. "BFE"? |
Hawk | New Guy: WOW!!!! Now that is a real step up both in terms of price and quality! I have seriously considered the Status Silvers for my own house, but was overruled by the "boss" who wants something smaller. The finish on those speakers is awesome and the sound is superb. Feel good about yourself--that is going to be one h&ll of a system! |
John A. | Full marks, Hawk! All the best. |
| Thanks everyone. The speakers should arrive this Friday afternoon so I'll let you all know how I feel about this purchase sometime this weekend. John A... "BFE" is a slang term for "I live in the middle of nowhere" with only a Best Buy and a shi#%ty Circuit City with some seriously lacking salespeople. So as a result I had to buy online without being able to hear the speakers. I had to rely on all of you for your advice and my brother who is able to listen to higher end speakers(he lives in CA). Thanks again to everyone. |
John A. | Thanks, New Guy, but what does it stand for...? Maybe you are not allowed to post it here. Haven't heard that one before. I drove through some really desolate parts of California, once. BTW PSB is under the same ownership as NAD http://www.lenbrook.com/ I have not heard the Stratus Silvers but the details and spec on the web are magnficent and what beautiful looks, too. That is real bass extension, and giving a -1.5 dB figure (40 Hz) shows real confidence in understatement and having nothing to hide. It sounds like you have a terrific system on the way. I will look out for your report. |
Mark | BFE = Bum F**k Egypt. ![]() |
John A. | Mark, Thanks! Totally new on me. WW II origin and US, if I can guess. You live and learn. |
New Guy | An update on "the system." I finally put it all together this weekend and all I have to say is... IT SOUNDS AWESOME! The PSB Stratus series with the NAD as far as I can tell is a great match. I am new at all this so I don't have any technical way to say it but I am completely happy with the way things turned out. Thank you all for your input (Hawk, John A. and everyone else) Even though I did not end up with exactly what was suggested, all of your input was important and taken into consideration for this final purchase. I am new at this and wanted to do it right the first time. I feel like I did and it was due for the most part to your advice and the advice given on other threads. This sight and knowledgable people such as yourselves is invaluable to all of us starting out. Thanks, New Guy |
John A. | New Guy, Now that is a real recommendation - thanks, and congratulations. You also have a system that will be top-quality for as long as anyone can see, at present. Don't worry about next year's upgrades, tweaks and gimmicks, they will have nothing to offer you. Some brands contain the virus of future dissatisfaction; not those. You made a great decision. |
Hawk | New Guy: Thanks. I am glad we could help and congrats on a great system. It is really impressive (one that I would love to have!) |