Anyone find merit in using graphic equalizer in a stereo set up?
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i am thinking of adding a 10+10 analog graphic equalizer to my stero set up. my listening room has lousy acoustics and i thought maybe an equalizer would help.any advice?? i know i should be in the eq forum but there's not much activity happening there.
Well, I have a software one built in on my PC soundcard(I use optical SPDI/F out on the soundcard)and I like the sound with it on much better than when I have it off. The difference is pretty noticable with high quality MP3's(192kbit VBR(variable bit rate) - 320kbit). I use the following settings: 100hz - +4dB 200hz - +2dB 400hz - -2dB 600hz - -4dB 1khz - -2dB 3khz - +2dB 6khz - +4dB 12khz - +5dB 14khz - +5dB 16khz - +4dB
I find that it gives the sound a lot more substance, and opens it all up, instead of being flat.