Will AK buy T752?


I'm just not sure. If his 14 identical posts to that effect are to be believed, yes, but....

I myself ordered a T752 yesterday. Now to append that info. to every thread remotely mentioning NAD....


The reason I put the same message to every thread mentioned NAD T752 was to promote this idea for T752 owners to post their problems with the manufacture date if they have any... sorry about the confusion. It was only way for me to get my words out to T752 owners since there is no dedicated place to discuss Any NAD T752 problems. By the way I really like NAD products. I wish they have a better quality control though.


Brad C.
I thought a NAD revolution had begun with all the nad-related threads being pushed up to the top...

Take it down a level next time AZ... ;)

I've had my NAD T752 ( v 1.20 ) for a month now and the only hiccup it has , is when the volume is up and I shut off my dvd player it puts a pop throughout my speakers... If I take it down to like -20 then it doesn't pop...

But I mainly use it for home theater...

No other problems to report and I still have a big smile on a face when watching movies... :)

Hi guys,

Here is another post I ran across today on a different site http://www.avforums.com/... Clearly early T752s must had some OSD related defects. By the way I am still waiting for my order of T752 to come in....


I know NAD sounds better..and i really like how it sound thats why i bought it in the 1st place. I auditioned Marantz, Denon and Onkyo but NAD gives me the sound i want.

Im from the Philippines, the probleme here is they only give u 1 year of warranty in parts and services and only 1 store sell NAD products.

NAD came here just about 3 months ago, so the T752 model is very new here in the philippines although in other countries they released it about early last year.

There are only 5 owners of NAD T752 including me, here in the philippines, i know coz i asked the store on how many has bought the T752, though many people here owns its older brother the T51 and the T61.

Out of the 5 owners, three of us returned our unit coz of Unit problems, though we encountered different problems, but the ticking and the noise problems in analog sources is evident in all our unit, including those unit that are still being sold.

I also dont mind of the ticking and the noise problems, but what worries me are the other propblems that i stated specially the one which suddenly increased my volume to +18.

Another thing is ,the two other owners also encountered the sudden increase of volume in which one owner destroyed his rear surround speaker the other his subwoofer. Its good wharfdales speakers didnt blow up, maybe because the wharfs is very hard to drive due to its very low sensitivity.

I think the models that they released here in the philippines have a very serious problems for them to temporarily stop the marketing of the T752 here.

Due to our complain with NAD, they let us bring back the unit and left us with this e-mail.

E-Mail From NAD:

"Sorry for the inconvenience that has been cause by the bug on the OSD of the NADT752.

Our product engineers has able to find-out recently the cause of this problem and will soon be fixing it. Momentarily we are not releasing T752 in the market. Like responsible manufacturers (ex. Toyota or Honda) we are going to solved the problem head-on. Please also don't see this as the whole product line-up problem, but a limited on this model.

In in as much as we would like to release worry free units, there are certain things that we cannot control due to situation varies a lot. Like any manufacturers, we would like to say again our apologies and thanks for your feedback.

I hope you understand that this is not how we do business and I hope your continue support to NAD."

John A.
AK, you make a good point, but please consider that multiple, identical posts decrease the signal to noise level here; also, you could be taking many different threads off in the same direction.

Thanks John A. I guess I overkilled it didn't I? :-) My apology, I agree my S/N ratio was a bit higher than necessary. Anayway I am a NAD lover just as many of you are and I have no intention of destroying thier reputation. That is the last thing I want to do... and I strongly believe NAD will be able do a better job to reduce problems in the future.. Otherwise I would not have voiced my opinion. Surely hope to see many happy NAD owner stories posted here in near future...


John A.
Thanks, AK. It gets difficult to nagivate around these threads. Of course, you want to try to make sure you get read. I appreciate the point you make, and agree. I think in my recent NAD defence I probably wrote too much, which may be just as bad.
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