Advice on buying speakers - last resort !!!!


New member
Username: Madhuds

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-10
Hi All,
I've been posting this on couple of forums only to get a lukewarm response. And probably this forum will be my last resort
Here's my story...I am visiting US and the last time I was here I took home a Pioneer 21TXH and I tend to buy when I have budget on hand and during this visit I intend to take home a nice set of speakers.

Initially, i had narrowed down to Klipsch Quintet III and Polk RM85's..After reading couple of forums and deals on Vann's...Jamo and Energy started coming into frame mainly due to the deals...I've always known Jamo to be a very good product.

That apart, some details HT is about 120sq.ft, regulary watch action/thrillers/animation/war movies with music tastes leaning more towards Heavy Metal. Budget for speakers is between $500 - $600.

I am only looking at 5.0 set-up as carrying a subwoofer would be a constraint due to it's weight. I plan to buy Sub when i get back home.

So, my request here is to please advise a speaker set-up which will compliment my receiver, my tastes and budget....Mix and match of speakers from diff companies is also fine by or a 5.0 set-up from a single company is also.
I am heavily leaning on this forum to guide me since I am a novoice and after 4 weeks I am gone

I would surely want to avoid taking Floorstanding speakers too...reason being is for it's weight...

Thx in advance

Silver Member
Username: Hawkbilly

Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 988
Registered: Jul-07
I'm not a Home theatre kind of guy, but there are folks here that will be along to offer some advice. What is your budget ?

Gold Member
Username: Gavdawg

Albany, New York

Post Number: 1537
Registered: Nov-06
And what do you have available where you are?

New member
Username: Madhuds

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-10
I am at Houston and budget is around $500 - $600

New member
Username: Madhuds

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-10
Hey guys, c'mon help me out here

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 1387
Registered: Oct-07
Are you looking for a 5.1 system?
Check out HSU Research. '
They'll sell you the works including a very nice, but small and real sub.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 1388
Registered: Oct-07

Something like this is where you're headed.
The sub should last thru at least 1 upgrade cycle.

Speakers only will save maybe 50 or 100$
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