I can get the 41 online for about $380 delivered and the 43 for about $500 delivered. Is the $120 worth the upgrade? Or should I go with the 41 and buy a center speaker.
BTW: I have Klipsch fronts and old MTX bookshelfs that I'm using as surrounds
Posted on
I would opt for the 43 as it has a bigger power supply and is better built than the 41. The 41 is a very nice unit especially for $380 but for $500 the 43 is worth the extra money. The 43 should be a good match for your Klipsch and should tame some of the bright traits of those speakers. Also the 43 has better dsp chips and better dacs.
Cubs fan
Posted on
Thanks Elitefan. I was hoping you'd reply to this. I have learned a lot from you and Hawk over the past week or so. Before I started reading the posts on this message board, I was all set to buy a Denon. You have converted me.
Question though. Are you confident that the 43 w/o a center channel speaker would be better than a 41 with center?
Also I have seen a 26tx for about $300. Do you have an opinion on that receiver. Thanks again
Posted on
yes Elitefan, if you could help me too that would be great... i bought the 6070 about a week ago and am having 2 problems 1-the volume knob is loose so it will have to go back for warranty and 2- it wont drive 6 ohm speakers. SO i am thinking of trading it for the 26 for 30$us more and i would love your opinion on that receiver. Also would you trade the 6070 for the 26?
Posted on
Cubs fan' I did not know it was the 41 plus center or 43 without. Can't you swing the 43 and a center? If not then go with the 41. You have to have a center to have a real home theater system and don't skimp on it as it's the most important speaker in the system. X, I would make that trade in a heartbeat. Even thought the 26 is 2 years old at least it's a far better receiver than any regular line Kenwood. It won't have ProLogic II though.
Cubs Fan
Posted on
Elite fan
I Don't think I can swing the 43 and a center now. I would have to wait on the center for a while. Whereas I might be able to get the 41 and a center now.
X Let me know if you find a 26tx. Ecost is out of stock. I don't know that I would get it if it were available though. I read a lot of posts of people having terrible probles with the 26 volume cutting out or not coming on at all.