I'm a complete newby and would appreciate help with the following question. I have an old pair of speakers and would like to connect them to the TV. The TV is new and requires a male plug - the speakers, on the other hand, are so old, that they don't have plugs - they have wire that splits and fits into the back of the speaker with these clippy things. I hope that descriptive enough. Went to Radio Shack to see if they had adaptor and was told that such adaptors have been discontinued. Is this so? Is there a website where I may find these? What are these adaptors called? Is this a bad idea? I'm not really up for buying new speakers and these work fine. Thanks in advance!
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You can make one yourself...buy the male plugs and solder on the speaker wires and then plug it in. Negative (-) goes to the main shaft of the plug and the positve (+) goes to the tip. Make sure that you have the right polarity on the speaker clips. Radio shack should have them...I think you were asking them the wrong questions and they didn't know how to answer so they just said that they no longer make them. good luck cheers