Hi, new here and hope someone from Denon is reading this. JUNK I have bought 2, A 1604 (low end) and a 1609 (mid level). I bought these from recommendations and reviews on the web from a store that was lost to the recession. The 1604 went into Stanby mode after I sat on the remote and the 1609 has a click that follows thru the same sequence as the ''tone adjust'' feature. Can't get a phone number and the closest official repair shop won't look at eithr machines for under a $100 a piece. Seems the Dealer wasn't an official dealer. C'mon Denon, Be a decent corporation and at least answer my emails. By the way, think twice before investing in any of their products Ron
Sat on the remote? Yep, I'll admit it. been there / done that.
Try a reset on at least THAT receiver. It's confused, maybe. Too many conflicting inputs from the remote. Take the batteries out of the remote, while you're at it, or at least take it into the next room. If a button is jammed 'on' that could do it.......
On that receiver I have reset and removed the batteries. The thing is that the remote will control the receiver, it just won't get out of the Standby mode. I'm going to do a battery of different combinations today to see if I can revive the thing Thanks for the reply