I have been looking at receivers on craigslist and ebay. I dont have a large budget, maybe $200 at the most, and i dont care if the unit is older or newer, it just needs to be able to rock the speakers and be as best of quality as I can afford. What kind of watts per channel should I be looking for when buying the receiver? What brands should I look for, and which brands are the ones to stay away from?
I will be using my Computer as the main source of music, not a cd player. I have all my music in mp3, flac and wav form on an external hard drive. I will also run the external dvd player audio for my tv through the receiver.
With a 1" voice coil, that's how you get power handling. Terrible dispersion but high power handling.
The CV's are easy on amplifiers. Almost any decent receiver will do the job though I'd stay away from anything with a tendency to emphasize the high frequencies.
for the money, is the hk7200 the best I can get for these speakers? If there is something else I should try, please give me the make and model so I can look it up on cl and ebay. Thanks for the advice so far!
If the H/K works properly, I would be cool wit dat. Those Vega's do not need tons of power, and deliver nothing more with a good amp than a receiver, IMO.
Ok, I cannot get the guy to sell me the HK for 300. I have been searching and have came up with a final list. i dont mind if the receiver is 2 channel, but a 5.1 or higher would be nice down the road to add more speakers. Right now I'm only concerned with powering the 2 dx-9's the best I can. Here is a list of the choices I have in my price range:
Find out who repairs Denon and Onkyo in your area and go from there. If you're on a tight budget, you don't want to be shipping receivers off somewhere to be repaired. If you can get the Onkyo repaired locally, buy one of those.