With the launch of the new FOCAL Electra BE range, it is something that you cannot miss! studioAV are demonstrating the full Electra BE range, 1008be, 1028 be and 1038 be. Three demonstration facilities available for viewing.
If interested in visiting studioAV to hear those fantastic Electra range, best if you contact to arrange an appointment so everything is pre-set ready for you.
FOCAL Electra BE range: Electra 1008be, Electra 1028 be and Electra 1038 be.
Great to hear some enthusiast, best thing to do is to let studioAV if you are planning to make a visit, as you may all know with most if not all music systems may take a bit of time to get ready
Just pop studioAV an email on their website when you are planning to visit... why not sign up to their new monthly newsletter too?