I need some advice on building a entry level high end system. I'm looking at some used NAD seperates: pre-amps and amplifers and also Rotel. (I need a phono input) What would be a good match. I need some nice sounding speakers that wil go well with these type of amps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Well...I would definitely start with the speakers.Be thorough and pool the major part of your budget on speakers,you don't want to second guess yourself on that.I don't know what "nice" sounding speakers are to you...al I can say is start auditioning them.Rotel makes nice amps.A lot of bang for your buck. Check audiogon.com for used products. The stereo-upgrade population that can still afford to are selling items on this site.
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First, what budget do you have?
Second, what size room do you have?
Finally, what preferences do you have (speakers that hang on the wall, floorstanders, no floorstanders, etc.)?
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Check out Jackarhifi.com and try out their speakers for 30 days. I think they made high end speakers at low-mid end cost.