Speaker Selections (BIC America vs. Polk Audio)


New member
Username: Naoh

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-10
Hi there,

I'm putting a new home theatre system together, and having selected a TV and a receiver (a Panasonic plasma and an Onkyo TX-SR608) I'm now trying to decide what the best choice is for speakers to go with. Unfortunately, due to my location I don't really have anywhere around to listen to much of a selection of speakers, especially the ones I'm considering, so I'm pretty much forced to buy these sight-unseen (hearing-unheard?)...

That being said, here's what I'm considering:

Basically, it's a toss-up between Polk Audio and BIC America. Both have some really well-reviewing speakers in my price range (<$200/speaker) and, like I said, get great reviews wherever I've seen.

So for fronts and rears (I'm putting a 5.1 system together, as I think 7.1 is a little overkill) I'm looking at either Polk Monitor 70's or BIC Venturi DV84's; for the center channel I'm looking at a Polk Monitor CS2 or a BIC Acoustech PL-28.

The only thing I'm using to compare them at the moment is the rated frequency response, and in this category it seems like the Monitors do better... but I'm sure there's lots of criteria to make a comparison with.

Can anyone weigh in? Thanks very much!

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 14967
Registered: Dec-04
Never heard BIC. Heard the Polks. Go BIC

New member
Username: Naoh

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-10
These aren't my only choices though, so if someone can suggest something else that's sort of within my budget (<$1000 for four tower speakers and a center channel) then I'm open to anything.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 1147
Registered: Oct-07
Buy a pair of BETTER speakers and forget the HT until you can add the additional speakers?
There is a thread around here somewhere about speaker bargains. Good stuff can be had inexpensively and will provide better sound than the BIC, which I heard a LONG time ago ( the BIC Venturi model) and was nothing to write home about. They may have improved.....

But, if you have your sights fixed on a 5ch setup,
I'd suggest, for a budget and by mailorder, something like this::


It's a little over budget, but you won't be looking to replace it anytime soon and it should work well with the Onkyo.
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