Got a sanyo TP-1020, auto return drive DC-Servo system 120 volts, 12 watts. Got off ebay, I know, He said he put a new cartridge on. Sounds good. But as I turn up the sound, I get like bass is to high rumble sound through speakers. If I press down on turntable, the rumble starts to go away and sometimes goes away for about 10 to 20 seconds. Tried two recievers, same thing. Put towels under turntable thinking it was vibration. Ground good. I have done alot of reading the last two nights for a solution to this problem. So I'm here digging for help.
You are getting acoustic feedback. I don't know enough about how you have this set up, but you've got to keep from vibrating the TT with the sound. Towels generally won't do it.
Wait for a few and a couple TT pros will be around to tell you how to tame this. There may be other problems. Cart mounting OK? including alignment? TT sitting ON a speaker? (NO NO)
Solved the problem I think?. TT sitting on bench, top of bench made of 2x's. Bench top picking up sound, creating vibrations to TT. I discover this by tapping on the bench. Move TT off bench and seems to have corrected 90% of the problem. Still, if I touch the turn table, the TT picks up the sound. Seems to be very sensitive, the TT. Is this normal? I can not believe I have waited so long for such vibrant music. So clear and so precise. It is so awesome.
It's farily easy to check for acoustic feedback in a table. When the music is playing at an average level, very gently lift the table off its support. If the noise goes away or is diminished, then you have acoustic feedback. Most tables of the Sanyo variety - lightweight, mostly plastic molded to not to great toelrances - suffer from some degree of feedback. Most supports, especially those which form a box or contain a large resonant surface, will feed noise into a table's suspension - which isn't very sophisticated on a Sanyo table.
There could be shipping screws which need to be loosened to allow some "float" in the suspension. Either read the owner's manual or contact the seller before you begin to indiscrimanatly turn screws.
As a semi-automatic table there could easily be mechanics which are binding and have possibly been bent or damaged during shipping. Try isolating the noise to one of the two above possibilities before we get into more complex issues here.
I put the TT on a rubber mat that sits on a flat piece metal that sits on a cardboard 30gal container with a metal lid. It seems to be playing pretty good right now. I have it hooked up to a Kenwood Surround Sound reciever. I can crank it up pretty good. I will do what you said tommorrow and check it out further when I hook it up to this Sansui QRX-5500. Thanks.......And will keep this posted....
I have tried everything I know of. And thanks for all your support. Looks like the platter had come off and did quite a bit of rubbing on main pivot on toner arm and TT itself. I'm done with junk. Any suggestion's on a good TT will be appreciated. I love good cleam music and always have. I will be running a Piooneer SX-3800 as of right now. Bought a QRX-5500 Sansui off ebay and man do I get taken. I am a busy person and honest. When I get time to listen to my music, I want things to be right. Been out of the loop for some time now, so help I'm looking for. I take very good care of my things. Like, don't even go near it... So thanks for all you folks help. Blair}