When I play a CD, it works for about 30 seconds and breaks up. Over the phone with Bose service rep, asked me to read serial no. When I turned it over it played perfectly. Any ideas that might be ease to do? Bose wants $250 to fix it.
Some kind of laser tracking problem? Dust/grunge which is fixed when you unload a bearing......gravity!
Is it feasible to just LEAVE it upside down? Quite a conversation piece, if nothing else. When it goes south again, flip it back over!
If you are in the least handy and lucky, I'd be tempted to crack the case and have a look. I wouldn't go further than cleaning out any obvious dust bunnies.....Q-tip and maybe a quick squirt of air from one of those bubble/brush guys photographers use. The Canned Air should NOT be used. Spray some on a nice clean / clear glass and you'll know why. They leave a nasty residue. If you got that on a laser head.....the emitter/reader part, you've had it and would need to be able to do work at a pretty clean level to fix.....
I had an old Technics CD player and the tray wouldn't open unless it was upside down. Took the elastic pulley belt off and replaced it with a rubber band. Worked for ages after that. Point is, sometimes it's a simple fix other times not. As Leo suggests, if you can open it and investigate you may be surprised what you find. But if you open it and don't like what you see. Shut it up.
Little background. My rc-25 bose remote was working sporadically. If I put new batteries in it, it worked great for a few hours, then sporadically again. I removed the 10uF 16v capacitor, now it works great...but only upside down!!