What are the major difference between the VSX 43 and VSX 45? Does the 43 have OSD? Input/function rename? As far as the MCACC, I have a SPL meter. I do not care too much about this feature. I also will be using my HTM MX500 remote in place of the recievers remote. I am replacing a Onkyo 787 connected to AR speakers. These 43's are now sub $500.00. Thank in advance.
Posted on
Differences are the 45 has a much better remote, a phono input and maybe a bit heavier power supply. I have used both and bought the 45 and love it. OSD is the same if I remember correctly. If you can get the 43 for $500 that's a steal but I wonder why you want to replace your Onkyo. The 43 is not really an upgrade from the 787 except for ProLogicII.
The VSX-43 accually doesn't have OSD. The VSX-45 is a much better unit. If you decide to buy either, I sell both.
Ignore the prices on the site. I can beat most internet prices.
Posted on
Hmm, if I would see reasonable price at your site (e.g. $650 for VSX-45TX) instead of ridiculous $999 I wouldn't buy 43 for $500 delivered (4 days ago), but since I couldn't find 45TX for right money and was not willing to pay $800-1000 or fetch extra $200 for 53TX I settled on 43TX.
Sorry I cannot call and ask all of 3600 internet retailers who may stock 43TX and probably ready to give me a price break.
And -- sigh -- didn't see your message before. Guilty.