Panasonic SC-DK1 DVD hookup question


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Username: Gomma

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-04
My Panasonic SC-DK1 mini system has a 5 drawer CD/DVD player. I don't know if my question is appropriate for this board or if I should go to the TV one. Let me know. In the meantime, I'll describe the problem.

I can hook the mini system's DVD player to the TV with an S-Video cable. My TV is an older JVC 27" model AV-27BH6. This model has two sets (banks) of AV inputs. This first set has both an S-video input and an RCA video input, plus two RCA audio inputs. The second set has three A/V RCA inputs only. There is then a third set of RCA A/V outputs and a forth set of just two audio outputs.

My problem is that I currently have two VCR's connected using the #1 and #2 RCA A/V inputs. I use these VCR's every day, so don't want to lose the use of them. Since the S-video input is in the #1 set, it seems to me that if I want to use the DVD player on the mini system, I'll have to disconnect all the RCA cables for the VCR attached to the A/V inputs in #1 and then attached the S-V cable. This will be a big pain as those cables are hard to get off and on. (I won't be using the DVD player frequently, but would like to be able to do so easily when I want to.)

What I was wondering is if I could keep the S-V cable attached only to the mini system's output when I wasn't using the DVD player feature . (The output is in the back of the system and will be difficult to get to to attach the cable on an "as needed basis.) Then when I did want to use the DVD player, could I just attach the S-V cable to the S-V input in #1 bank on the TV, leaving the VCR RCA cables still attached? If I don't have the VCR turned on, would the TV "read" the DVD player only, i.e. not recognize that the VCR's RCA cables were attached?

Or is there some other work around so I can have the two VCRs and the DVD player all hooked up, with only two cable input banks on the TV?

Any thoughts or information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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