Archive through June 10, 2004

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Dolby Pro Logic II vs Pro Logic IIxMy Rantz2
News: Info on new Outlaw 1070 receiverSmitty5
Help with Onkyo SR-701 ReceiverJonathan3
Case of upgrade-itis ROTEL RSX1056 vs HK AVR7300steve Obedoza1
Can anyone vouch for
Need advice on receiversSmitty4
Regarding the NAD T742/T74x and poppinggeorge_k3
Pioneer VSX-D812 receiverSadish Sadasivam1
Is there a "poll" function here?Johnny8
I love my old Luxman amp, but now need more POWER!!!Charlie in Chicago1
Looking for dual voltage receiver (110/220 volts)antalo7
HDMI?Gregory Stern10
Rotel receiver - any thoughts?bien kim3
Some Advice PleaseRicky Pearson5
Yamaha 1400, 2400 OR NAD separates??dan b25
HK AVR230 users ....... please helpMaximo5
Whole-house Audio Question....Please Help!!!NC AV3
"Blemished" NAD T752Tahoe Mick12
Arcam AVR-300 vs. NAD T763Michael1
Matrixed surround formats?oknessaD1
When is more power warranted?John A.3
Best receiver to go with KEF 2005.2 (50% music, 50% movies)rudy dubois1
Help - Marantz 7400 vs Pioneer Elite vsx53tx vs Denon 3803jpmcclain1
NAD HTR 2 remotebien kim5
Denon AVR 884 vs. Onkyo 601Don Sherman1
Best Reciever for 200 Bucks...Sarandon5
NAD 752 vs. Marantz SR5400sarandon2
NAD Processing Abilities?landroval2
Fix for NAD cutting off 1st fraction of a second?landroval16
New Arcam Receiver -Wow!David_bel33
Help with sony str-d790Anthony wathan3
RX-V1300 problemAlberto1
NAD 762 refurb or 753 New?landroval7
Digital Connection to Receiver - Do CD player quality matter?Justin Rex6
Luxman R-1070 repair Frank NJ1
Have NAD T752... use NAD 216THX too?John A.21
Added 2 channel amp to Cambridge 540R - is this normal?Markus5
Best all around receiver (music,movies),does it exist?landroval15
DVD Player and Speaker for T773Invierno15
THX EX for Yamaha RXV2400Sarandon2
Heml me pick a receiverSarandon3
Z680 for home theater!landroval2
Show how to connect optical cable for jvc 8030Ricky Pearson2
Receiver for Cantonlandroval2
Power, Capacity Question,Please helptherealelitefan4
NAD T761 going out? Please help.jeff obregon6
Kenwood - > audigy 2 platinum zsKEGGER4
Choosing a receiver 2: Marantz vs. DenonJonathan17
Audio switching problem on Pioneer VSX53TXmmountainbiker3
Denon 3805 or marantz 7400?landroval5
Pioneer Elite 55txiKEGGER10
JVC 8040 vs. JVC 8030 A/V ReceiverBrian Neal2
Comments on Sunfire?Anonymous11
Kenwood VR 6070 Surround Back Speaker(s)Steve Donald5
Computer to receiver connection questionsBruce5
Internet sales and authorized dealerskevin keown1
Receiver for JBL N38IInew2audio1
NAD: PIIx upgrade is coming soon !!!Erik Farstad5
Simple questionslandroval2
HK and NHT?cornboy1
Reciever for 4x B&W DM 303Gregor23
Onkyo TX-DS989 Version 2Anonymous2
Denon AVR-1604 VS. Pioneer VSX-41 EliteChris Kavanas7
NAD T742 - DTS issue?JC28
Can't get DTS on NAD 743!!!John A.26
What tv would you buy for under $2k?sgtpeper3
Need help to choose a receiver for my bose speakersiceman1
NHT or Canton with NADcornboy1
Two Receivers connected to one set of speakersJ. vigne4
Multi-Zone Receiver ?Maxwell James3
Tough receiver decision - Marantz vs. Yamaha vs. Cambridge Audiolandroval51
Marantz SR8400 - New A/V Receiver !Mattburklund4
No component. No preout. New. Garbage?a w1
Av receiver video and digital connectionschwin1
Help in selecting Speakers...landroval2
Replacement for RX-v3200landroval2
YAMAHA RXV650 or RXV1400 Which One?landroval4
Good receivers under $500KEGGER6
Rotel 1050 or NAD C740Alexander1
Hooking TV Antenna / Cable to the ReceiverSunil Singh1
Help with match for paradigm titans?John Fake1
Kenwood VR 209 receiverBerny4
Pioneer VSX-53TX Receiver - Problem #2therealelitefan2
Pioneer VSX-53TX Receiver - Problem #1therealelitefan6
Best Stereo Receiver Under $250Mark Wellman7
Reciver inputs. Composite or S-Video?John A.7
Denon DVD2900 & Yamaha RXV1400rds Anon6
Vintage Pioneer with Channel Outage -- Repair DiagnosticSuspecterrain4
Utilize Wireless Network using USB for VSX-45tx?DKing1
AVR - US$1000 to US$2000 - match with Mission & VelodyneMr. Speeed1
KAV-400Xi vs Parasound P3/A23Hifi Newbie1
Any way to add warmth?JW17
Pioneer DV-757Ai DVD & Firewirepipss2
NAD T752 ReliabilityJames P2
Programming the onkyo tx-sr601 remoteAkshay Rao1
NAD Success StoryTahoe Mick25
Excellent Arcam Customer ServiceMarcUR1
Denon AVR2803, Onkyo SR701, or Pioneer VSX 43txDavid King7
NAD InfoJohn A.17
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