Quick advice needed : subwoofer cable = important?


NY Spritzer
I have Hsu VTf2
i have their 25 ft sub interconnect
i needed another 12 feet
i went to radio shack and got a rca coupler and a generic 12 ft audio cord. am i foolish for going so cheap? advice and recommendations!

thanks in advance!
NY Spritzer

If you got the Gold Plated subwoofer cable from Radio Shack, you should be okay. Was this the product number? 15-1599.

Theoretically, a sub cable should be 75ohm coax such as RG59 or RG6 with OFC (oxygen free copper)and RCA connectors at each end. There a many cable makers such as bluejeans, canare, bettercables, etc that do it this way.

You can also just buy a 35-40ft of coax cable and add the RCA connects yourself.

RG6 with a solid core conductor, solderless RCA connectors and generic crimpers from Radio Shack.
Or you can get fancy.
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