I have been thinking of changing some of my speakers in my system around, I recently moved into a friends place where there is no HT of any kind setup. I have a few extra speakers I could piece together so there's something to use when friends are over, I'll use the things I like most in my own room (of course :D ). I'm not running anything high end, by any means. I just can't afford it. Though currently I own an Onkyo TX-SR605, to which I have 2 Boston VR2's with 2 Boston CR67's. I'm using an Energy e:XL C2-1 center and an Energy sub(I forget the model, it's an 8"). I own a set of Energy towers (e:XL25 B-1) and bookshelves (e:XL R1B-1). I enjoy the sound of the Boston towers, just not the way they sound next to the Energy center. Can anyone recommend a brand of speaker that might match well with the VR2's? (Aside from Boston). Depending on what I can find, I may use the Energy's in my room to have a full matching set, to which the 4 Bostons will move out to the other room, where I would still need another center, sub and A/V to complete it all. Thanks :D