New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-09 | Hey guys, I just registered but i've been reading and enjoying your posts for some time now. I need some speaker help. I am replacing a set of Infinity P362's and I want a worthy upgrade. My system is for dedicated 2-channel listening. I listen to 95% vinyl, 5% cd. My turntable is a Pro-ject Xpression III w/ AT440mla Cartridge and my cd player is an old school Nakamichi cd4. I have two amps, Onkyo A-9555 class d, and a mint, vintage Yamaha CA-1010. I listen to mostly classic rock, newer rock and metal, jazz and blues. The speakers i've been considering are the Magnepan MMg's, KEF IQ70's, Monitor Audio RS6, Jamo c-605 maybe 607 and the budget busting Swan Diva 6.1. What do you think? Any other suggestions? |
Silver Member Username: KbearCanada Post Number: 446 Registered: Dec-06 | I've not heard Magnepan speakers before, but many say that type of speaker is not the best choice for rock music. I have the RS5 and I can say that it's a great choice for rock. I hooked mine up this past week and listened quite a bit over the past few days. It sounds fast and times beautifully, as such music just sounds right. It's energetic, attack and decay (start and stop of musical instruments) is amazing. When given room to breath the soundstage is wide and deep, the bass is nice and full. Maybe this is simply because I've given these speakers more room than I have others in the past, but nevertheless the soundstage is as described. For my room the 5 is the right speaker I think, I wouldn't need the 6. I find that most albums sound fantastic, but if you have a bright recording the speaker doesn't hide this. This is probably down to the metal tweeter. It can be very sharp, sharper than other speakers I've used, but somehow I also tolerate it pretty well. Again, it's not really a factor on most recordings. This would be my only quibble, I'd probably want something slightly more refined up top, but overall I'm thrilled with what I've heard thus far and am happy with my choice. I may look to add some room treatments to try to tame the highs a little, but again, it's not a big priority. All that said, the highs are usually clear and airy. On Maggie May, at the end of the song when the acoustic guitar kicks in (it may not be acoustic guitar, I'm not sure) it sounds amazing! Each note that is played is clearly defined, and they seem to dance all around the room. The sense of space around each note, and overall around each instrument and the vocals, is better than I have ever heard before. So rock sounds great, but other softer forms of music sound great too. This speaker is energetic and fast, but also very delicate when it needs to be. Definitely consider the RS6, but I'd also listen to as many other speakers as you possibly can. It's less important, but the speakers look great too. Very high quality build. Can't do any better for $499 I figure (the price I paid for a demo model). Cheers |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 2 Registered: Dec-09 | Thanks for the advice on the MA's. I does concern me that you said the tweeter is bright. I would prefer a smoother tweeter. Unfortunately I live in West Virginia and the closest place to audition the Monitor Audio is 3 hours away. Do you think the MA's would be a huge upgrade from the Infinity P362's? |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11671 Registered: Feb-05 | The answer to your last question is an emphatic yes. What's available where you live? |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 3 Registered: Dec-09 | Funny you should ask that Art. Nothing, absolutely nothing is available where I live. The only electronics store within an hour was Circuit City and they closed. I have a small car audio shop here in town that sells Paradigm but they stock nothing but the small home theater, wall mount stuff. I already bought a pair of the Atom Monitors from them for my upstairs 2nd system but i'm not interested in buying a set of the Paradigm towers. The Atom monitor is ok but I heard a set of monitor 7's with my exact amp and wasn't impressed. I called and spoke to John at Audio Insider and he suggested the Swan Diva 5.2 for a 2-channel system. They do offer a 30 day in home trial. He said they only had five or six returns in the last year. Sounds promising but I just can't decide. If you look long enough, you will find reviews that go both directions. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11672 Registered: Feb-05 | Magnepan offers a home trial as well...and they are reputable. Don't get caught up in thinking that just because you live where there are no dealers that you have to settle for internet direct only products. Can you plan a weekend around auditioning speakers in a city nearby (obviously more than an hour away). Remember, you are going to have to live with these speakers for awhile. |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 4 Registered: Dec-09 | Yeah up until about 2 weeks ago I was sold on the Magnepan MMG. But a lot of people have tried to convince me that they are not the best speaker for classic rock. I love the fact that they are made in the USA, i'm just not sure they are for me. Have you ever heard a set of MMG's belt out some Zeppelin or The Who? Do they hold up or fall apart? Art, you're right. I really should go audition some stuff. But then again, the amps, sources and rooms won't match my setup. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11673 Registered: Feb-05 | I wouldn't use the MMG's for what you suggest, but that's not to say that they wouldn't produce. I've owned 4 sets of Maggies and they have their strengths, I have moved on though. No audition is perfect however that's your only option besides limiting yourself to the internet direct offerings. A nice weekend in the city listening to your favorite tunes on nice speakers, can't hurt. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 715 Registered: Oct-07 | Only 1 way to tell, Shayne. Get a set of the MMGs on home trial. I have been the 'MagFan' for nearly 30 years and never looked back. Right now, ELP / Brain Salad Surgery is blasting. The synth is killer. Not quite as good as when I heard it live / in concert, but still and all very good. Magnepans generally don't do NOSE BLEED levels and they distort at the limits differently than dynamic drivers. You will also have to think about upstream equipment and the conventional wisdom of a really BIG amp with lots of clean power. IF you like it really loud. I have my neighbors convinced I am near-deaf so they don't 'mind' my ear shattering levels. (no cracks from the peanut gallery!) The thought of a deaf audiophile never occurs to them, for some reason. Maybe they like Iron Butterfly and old blues. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 716 Registered: Oct-07 | The stereophile test indicates the Onkyo should be fine with the Maggies. |
Gold Member Username: Touche6784USA Post Number: 1394 Registered: Nov-04 | If you get the maggies be prepared to have lots of room behind and next to the speakers as they will need room to breath and produce a proper bass response. Also be prepared to buy a high quality subwoofer to get the low end. I have the MG-Ic speakers and find them to be quite good at rock as well as other genres like jazz and classical. Maggies have a much smaller sweet spot than most speakers since they are planar so setup can be a bit more finicky but once you get it, it sounds really nice atleast IMHO. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11674 Registered: Feb-05 | Leo, I know a fella who identifies as an audiophile and wears hearing aids in both! Maggies are particularly good at early funk and soul... |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3132 Registered: Oct-04 | |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 5 Registered: Dec-09 | The Kef IQ70's were in my final list. Are the IQ 90's that much better? They are an impressive looking speaker and I really like the design of the coax style tweeter being acoustically center in the midrange driver. I haven't been able to find much out there about them. You are the first person to really go to bat for them. Any comparisons to other products you could make would be helpful. A friend just e-mailed me with a couple links. Seems more speakers have been added to the list. My brain will explode from reading too many reviews and forum posts. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3133 Registered: Oct-04 | At the risk sounding real pompous, get those KEFs! |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 6 Registered: Dec-09 | Well, I have to hand it to you. You are the only person i've talked to who has said "get these". That means a lot. If you like them enough to be that passionate about them, you must dig em'. I heading to KEF's site now for some reading. Thanks. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3134 Registered: Oct-04 | Not a review of the 90, but their precursor, the 9: |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3135 Registered: Oct-04 | Not a floorstander, but a heck of a deal on the Wharfedale Opus v.2 M1 for $750/pair. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 380 Registered: Aug-04 | Just a suggestion. If you ever end up deciding on Jamo. Skip the C605 and go for the C607. For your listening habits, you'll be a lot happier with the C607. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 720 Registered: Oct-07 | Guys, I think Shayne would be best served by getting out to a place to listen to more stuff. He notes, in an above post, that his 'brain is about to explode'. I had that happen to me once, and it ain't pretty. If you are too far from a city with such stores, and depending on how important this is to you, a weekend in a city may help. Someone can either put you up or you can go ala carte. In any event, make sure the stores in question know you are coming and what you are interested in hearing. Won't help showing up at a closed store! Shayne, get thee to a stereo store or 2. or even 3. Try out of few of the combos. Get a short list together. See who will loan you some demos of whatever for short time periods. Something will click. Maybe something recommended here, maybe not. |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 7 Registered: Dec-09 | Thanks Leo. You make a valid point. I did call around a bit. There's really not much in Columbus Ohio, which is close. There is a dealer that has Klipsch, Magnepan and Energy. They mentioned that if I came in with $1000 cash I could leave with something. There is one in Kettering , OH that sells Monitor Audio, NHT and a few others. Really high end though. Just to add to more confusion an good friend e-mailed me about a set of Eminent Technology LFT'8s. It's a planar hybrid speaker. The mids and highs are planar but the base of the speaker is an 8" woofer. Anyone have any thoughts on those. The price is a little out of my range, but it is a good deal. |
Platinum Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 11683 Registered: Feb-05 | Leo's right, and as I stated before ...get out and do some listening. Best way to get a feel for what's out there. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 721 Registered: Oct-07 | Thanks for vote, Art. Shayne, MA, NHT and Mag? You should be able to tell some substantial differences from those 3! Others? Start making a list. Organize you time and maybe make several passes. Come up with a strategy. I always go have a look and see whats available. I am clear that I am just having a look. I check my list against costs and what I can audition. Than I grab a few CDs and go have a listen. You might even want to bring that Onkyo with you at this point. Try it with the Magnepan, probably the most current hungry but not the worst load of what you intend to audition. Get it down 2 a contender or 2, for home listen. Than purchase the 'winner'. And for sure, for a grand, you sure should be able to 'leave with something'......LOL Find some place which will work with you, maybe take a CC# and loan you something for a week or so. And yes, hi-end or some reasonable facsimile, is indeed serious. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3137 Registered: Oct-04 | ...and after you're done listening, go buy those KEFs! ![]() But seriously, get out there & listen, there is no substitute. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 381 Registered: Aug-04 | I was under the impression a lot of thorough auditioning was a given. |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 8 Registered: Dec-09 | A lot of thorough listening would be a wonderful thing, but I live in a rural area. The only place to go to even buy a cd is Walmart. The only electronics within an hour is Walmart. The closest Best Buy for me is over an hour and a half. I need to move out of the sticks. Anyway, not going to get to go on any trips this weekend, got a sick family to take care of. Thanks for all the recommendations and I'll come back and let you know once I get to hear some stuff. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1363 Registered: Nov-06 | I own a pair of kef speakers.... I would post a direct link to my latest thread about what I think of them after having them for some time, but I am on a PDA and it is a pita to do so. Let me just say that they will rock you, have clean and cohesive midrange, and image like a son-of-a-gon. Check them out. I love them and have no desire to replace them. I am certain that something will wow me eventually, but I have not yet heard it. BTW....this is coming from someone that owns mmgs. I have had them in storage at my moms house since the kefs were bought. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3139 Registered: Oct-04 | Post that link when you can Gavin. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1364 Registered: Nov-06 | Will do... I am sitting in TPA, so I will be home later. |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 9 Registered: Dec-09 | Hey Chris, did you get your Kefs from the accessories4less site? I have read some less than favorable revies about people receiving broken refurbished stuff and having problems returning it. The price is insane. Basically half of all the other sites. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3146 Registered: Oct-04 | I don't own the KEFs, but I have bought several refurbished items from AC4L, and all were perfect; I would be very surprised if they were shipping broken stuff, but I suppose it's possible? |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1366 Registered: Nov-06 | ok... now that I am done wingin it around the country, here is one of the links that I tried to find with my pda. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1367 Registered: Nov-06 | ugh... still can't post links |
Gold Member Username: Mrskullz1New York Post Number: 1301 Registered: Feb-07 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3471 Registered: Feb-07 | The Kefs THAT good? I've never had the pleasure of hearing them. Back to an earlier post, the RS6 are great for the kinds of music you like, but I've found that you have to careful what sort of amps you drive them with. They can sound a little harsh with the wrong amp. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1368 Registered: Nov-06 | Well, all of our tastes are different. However, I do not miss my Maggies. As stated, driven with the wrong equipment these sound nasty. However, I find them to be utterly enjoyable with my marantz kit. The IQ series is far from perfect ( the highs and mids not as velvety and "textured" as the upper end lines) but I have no interest in looking for other speakers as of right now. To ME this is a great testiment to the performance. I have listened to other gear, but nothing gives me the combination of image precision, midrange immediacy, and driver integration ( think ESL panel issues with cone woofer) |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1369 Registered: Nov-06 | One person who dislikes the kef line is Frank. He finds them to be bright. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1374 Registered: Nov-06 | David, I pretty much agree with that review. The comments on the midrange were SPOT ON. The only thing I can't comment on is the bass response (I have a standmount). |
New member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 10 Registered: Dec-09 | I ended up trying a set of Wharfedale Diamond 9.6. I got such a good deal i couldn't pass them up. I'm still going to Columbus this weekend to hear some Maggies, Klipsch and Energy speakers. The investment is the 9.6's was small enough that if I don't like them I should be able to recoup and do some more shopping around. If I love the 9.6's, then it's a win. If I hate them I will sell them and be back at square one. So who has heard the Diamond 9.6 speakers, and what did you think? |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3149 Registered: Oct-04 | Congrats! Where did you wind up buying the 9.6? How much? |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 13 Registered: Dec-09 | Got them from Agon. $425 Shipped to my door. A friend of mine who has Wharfedales sent me the link. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3150 Registered: Oct-04 | I'm presuming they were used for that price, great deal! |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 15 Registered: Dec-09 | Brand spankin' new. Factory sealed and boxed. I think Wharfedale is discontinuing the Diamond 9 series, that why the great price. The guy has a set of 9.6's in the Cherry color left. Agon user name Lanemart. He has good feedback on Agon and ebay. |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3151 Registered: Oct-04 | Yes, I know Lanemart, I think we've done business. |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 16 Registered: Dec-09 | This is the part where you tell me he's not to be trusted right! LOL! I think from the feedback he probably pretty solid! |
Gold Member Username: ExerciseguyFort Hamilton, NY United States Post Number: 3152 Registered: Oct-04 | Lanemart has been doing business on Audiogon & eBay for a while, and from what I can tell, is a pretty solid seller. |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 17 Registered: Dec-09 | Yeah, the next best price I could find was nearly double that. To me, thats a hell of a deal. I'm excited to get them and try them out. If they sound great, i'll have money left over to upgrade the cartridge on my 2nd turntable and build a subwoofer. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1384 Registered: Nov-06 | although... I DO have to admit that I am curious about what the new MartinLogan Motion series is going to be like. They use a tweeter design similar to the heil air motion. I have yet to hear an AMT. Are they similar to the BG neo series drivers? |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 25 Registered: Dec-09 | I have no experience with Martin Logans. I looked a set of them over really well a few years back but the gentleman who owned them wasn't home at the time and I didn't want to start pushing buttons. Know what I mean? Very intriguing! Are they electrostatic? I just looked up the Motion 10. $999 for the pair seems like a fair price compared to their previous models. |
Gold Member Username: GavdawgAlbany, New York Post Number: 1385 Registered: Nov-06 | the motion series is not ESL. |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 28 Registered: Dec-09 | I got the Diamond 9.6's. Stayed up til midnight listening to them at fairly low levels. Got to jam them pretty good this morning though. I think i'm going to really like them. To me, they sound dark. Good tight bass but a very subdued high end. I really don't like bright speakers. I'm a mid man so I'm happy. Very good soundstage. I currently have them about 8 feet apart and about 18 inches from the back wall. I have more listening to do but they are the best speakers I've ever owned and it gives me a taste of how good speakers can sound. You know how it is, it just gets you excited for the next best thing. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 14392 Registered: Dec-04 | I have a set of 9.4 to try out coming up next week as well...I should have tried for the 9.6![]() |
New member Username: Johnj1969DublinEire Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-10 | I have a set of jamo 5.1 arriving next week.I was considering a few more:Teufel-theatre200-Wharfedale diamond10-mission m30s etc.So i stuck with the jamos as i had a couple of them previously after a disasterous run of JBL ES series.Is it only me or is choosing a set of speakers a bit of a nightmare?Anyway,hoping the jamos live up to expectations![]() |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 31 Registered: Dec-09 | Been a while since I posted but I thought an update would be good. I really like the Wharfedale 9.6's but I have found their weak spots. They are not great for some modern metal. If the production of the album isn't tops, it is obvious. But 90% of the music I listen to sounds fabulous. The thing I really like about them is I have no fatigue because the sound isn't bright. I even sold two more pairs for Lanemart by letting friends do some auditioning. At that price, probably hard to beat. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 931 Registered: Oct-07 | I know this is a little late, but I gotta chime in.....'not good for rock'. ??? What exactly does that mean? And if it isn't good for rock, does that mean Opera is OK? or maybe Jazz? Can a speaker be OK for rock, great for jazz and poor for Polka? Sorry, good is good. Bad is bad and stuff that plays well together is better than that which doesn't. Why does the idea that some speakers are better for some kinds of music persist? |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 14714 Registered: Dec-04 | Because the Wharfes are very bass heavy? I would not like them for Opera or spoken word playback. |
Silver Member Username: KbearCanada Post Number: 552 Registered: Dec-06 | I think different music emphasizes different aspects of sound. So some speakers excel at one type but not at another. Rock needs a great sense of rhythm, speed, and dynamics, IMO. Rock needs some bite, too much smoothness does not work. Do some speakers not exhibit these qualities compared to others? Also, overly emphasized highs to me are an issue with rock music, and ultimately why I sold my RS5's. I think that floorstanding design gave a nice sense of weight and fullness to rock music, and the driver being very light, and speaker being efficient, enabled it to provide the speed and dynamics required. The highs were too much though. For music that is most often better recorded, and maybe doesn't feature things like cymbals crashing and guitar solos, and screeching vocalists too, that speaker would have been fantastic. But if the highs don't bother someone, and for many people out there I guess they don't as there are a lot of RS fans, it's probably great for rock too. If we are to agree that all speakers have their own sound, then doesn't it only stand to reason that they won't all be exactly equal for every single genre of music out there? |
Bronze Member Username: ChimpkinParkersburg, WV United States Post Number: 33 Registered: Dec-09 | I think the idea of certain speakers having a strong suit is generally accepted. If there was one speaker that was perfect for every style of music, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. We would all have the same thing. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 14731 Registered: Dec-04 | Anthony Gallo is working on that, hehehe. |