Like some of you know,I am thinking about buying Monitor Audio Silver Rx2 or B&W 685,most probably in a few days,unfortunately without being able to listen to them.
It's easy to find reviews for B&W 685,but I am not able to find any expert review for Rx2.Also I am planning to buy Rx8 in the future if I buy Rx2 now.
Does anybody have/listened to Monitor Audio Silver Rx2 and/or Rx8?What do you think about them?
Listened to them. They are an improvement over the RS line. They have a deeper, narrowed cabinet and the tweeter is from the Gold series, which are also being replaced soon. Very nice speaker for the money IMO.
My understanding is that the top end is more refined, playing now with the big boyz in terms of smoothness and extension. Spec. seem to suggest they reach down deeper as well - would you agree?
Hey George. I havn't had a lot of time with them yet, and havn't had the chance to listen to the RS6's side by side yet, but they are definitely an improvement. For 1500-1600 the RS6 was an amazing deal and now the RX push that envelope even further. I heard them side by side beside the new 2800 dollar Paradigm Studio 100's and preferred the RX6's for music. I still prefer the Studio's for theater though. The new RX line seemed a little less edgy with the same bottom end slam. I would have to bring them home or listen to them longer at my dealers before really commenting on select differences. But they are good, really good. And at 1600 dollars are amazing IMO. Do they do top end extension like the big boys? That all depends. I have heard " big boy" speakers do top end extension like crap so I dont go by price tag or marketing The RS line was by far the most sold Monitor Audio speaker. Not the best, but most popular. So they did the right thing by putting even greater detail into them.
Nuck, when they do come up on CAM, which is seldom, they sell as fast as they hit. I've missed a couple, including a sweet pair of RS8's because I was just slow on the trigger. What can I say, I'm more like a turtle than a hare.
Anyone looking for a good deal on the RS series should call around. Lots of stores in the GTA carry Monitor Audio. They are probably one of the most widely carried speaker brands in this area. The RS line has been on clearout and I have to think that stock is starting to run low by now. Whitby Audio had a few RS speakers (in box) in a bunch in the middle of the store, as if they were on special. I didn't really take note of which models they had lined up, but some of them were towers (whether they were 5, 6, or 8 I'm not sure).
Saw the RX2. It's big! Did not listen to the RX series though. For some reason this is the speaker that has my interest. It must be the 8 inch driver.
As for the Gold line, the rep there remarked to me that the new Gold line was coming out in 2010. He didn't seem 100% on that though, since he was going by memory. But it seems an update is in the cards for the near future.