Just hooked up- well almost! Thank you all so much!


I am so excited to share that I just finished hooking up my new H/K 525 receiver and 3 Mirage speakers. I was going to wait until Sat. but couldn't, so I started tonight (left the kids upstairs to watch what amounted to 3 hours straight of TV- oh well, it is a Friday night :)) Hawk, thank you for the incredible advice on the reciever and Mirage FX-3 speakers. Now, I don't have a DVD player yet, this is music coming from our local classical music station, but it was incredible! GT, thank you for the advice on the center channel, and the speaker wire. It only took me one call to onecall (no pun intended) but I finally figured out how to cut and fit that wire- a bit frustrating at first- my near-sightedness didn't help any- but wow! the sound! Now, I am going to try to connect the TV tomorrow. I am confused on that. I think I know to hook the video out into one of the video 1,2,or 3 holes, but I have these other two wires that say audio L and audio R. Where do they go? I also am certain that the connectors we have aren't the best in terms of quality. What should I get to hook the TV and hopefully our one day to be purchased Cambridge DVD player (Hawk- you rock! :)) to the AVR? I can't tell all of you how thrilled I am to have been able to feel like I made some great choices because of your help. I had originally planned on just buying a HTIB. I feel like we have something to be proud of now as well as a system that will entertain our family for years to come. You all are the best!


I can't tell you how much I appreciate your post. It is always nice to hear that someone got what they wanted out of their new system and that I could help. And you have a system that isn't going to cost much more than a HTIB system, but will sound a whole lot better!

As for the wires, don't forget your receiver connects to both the DVD and the TV with both audio and video cables (sound and picture). So, if you are using a three lead cable, it will have three different colored RCA type plugs. Yellow is for video, White is for Left sound and Red is for Right sound. The yellow lead can be replaced by an "S-Video" cable, and I would do so if your TV accepts it. This is a small round connector with four very small pins--looks alot like a PS/2 connector on a personal computer (mouse and keyboard), but only has four pins instead of six.

Get new connectors from your local audio store if you don't like what you have. Don't go overboard with anything real expensive as the improvement is negligible above a certain price point--I suggest either AR or Monster Cable brand which can be found at your local Best Buy.
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