Just wanted to wish everyone here and their extended families a happy Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for. So to all the regulars, Nick, Nuck, Art, Jan ( ), David, Stu, Leo, M.R, and to all the others, Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been banned from preparing that item on my Dad's back deck. Last time, upon immersion, it boiled over just a bit. Peanut oil stains on the old deck, despite the plastic barrier. Only the unique flavor of a deep fried bird gained me forgiveness.
Apple Pie, Cidar, salads, Mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, everything here at work today. I plan on doing absolutely nothing today.lol. I have been here for 3 hours and have not even taken my coat off yet. Drank a coffee. Thats about it. Ready for food now. NUM NUM!!
Happy Thinksgiving to everyone and their families.
Its been a very difficult year for Kim and I. Probably the most difficult of our lives. Despite the many things that are beyond our control, we still have a lot to be thankful for.
Seeing as how its just the two of us and neither one of us like turkey much anyway, we're cooking up some steaks. 6 oz. filet mignon for her, and a 1.5 lb bone in rib roast for me from the Whole Foods Market along with all the other stuff.
We ate at sis-in-laws, so I was restricted to making cookies and bread. Christmas, they'll let me fire up the Weber for a Turkey or maybe a Ham, with my secret mustard / citrus glaze.
Have any of you ever had smoked / BBQ'd Pizza? No, it doesn't FALL THRU, that's the Spaghetti! Found a cheap source of Pizza Stones! Hickory Chip smoking and a proper REAL Italian Sausage is to die for....or FROM.