Amps Forum

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Business Valuation Services in DelhiBusiness Valuation S1
Modalert 200 : How Modalert Enhances Mental Alertness and Focus?thomasadd1
Please Give Me Some Amp Options With A Headphone JackAnoboy7122
My Mach 460 tweeters wont workmesocoy1
Crackling volume knobeliobaresi6
DIY Amplifiers?Gary3
Carver M-400tComfort Oni2
Volume control on an amplifierPatricia Arce1
The principle of speakerROSELJR1
Dahlquist DQ10 powerRobert DiIorio3
Get amp recommendation for speakersBobby Feri1
DIY Amplifiers?leo stierer5
Subwoofers Julia Davis1
Tube Ampsleo stierer1
Kenwood KA-5010 Sound issuesHenry1
Marantz pm7003 + Infinity primus 250?bernardand4
Do different amps sound different?leo stierer2
How much noise is too much for a tube amp?LaszloGuillaume1
Easy question about an amp for multi room audiopatkeiman951
6 ohm speaker on a 4 ohm rated amplifier?Bob2
NAD 319 ...Reliability ...can you tell if not running 100%Toni1
Noresco NC-321/Dual1210 Comboleo stierer2
Onkyo A-9010 vs Marantz PM7200 for Dali Zensor 5?leo stierer2
Amp suggestions for klipsch f-2s??leo stierer2
Car electronics--Eincar?AndrewEscobar1
Crate CR-1 Amplifierleo stierer2
Which are some great guitar amps under $500?leo stierer3
Bose SA2 amp connection to Bose Lifestyle 5Chris B3
No Output on right channel after changing beltretaka3
2.1 setup in basement frolen11
Need help in choosing a amplifier IC for DIY home 2.1 speakersfrolen9
Amp camp ampGabiJohnson19
Looking for a amplifier to replace my old Musical Fidelity A1GabiJohnson20
Do different amps sound different?leo stierer2
Matching amps for bi-ampingtweer5
Unusual amplification application: Tactile Transducers keep blowing...leo stierer2
Help with amp leo stierer2
Bose Life System L25Jan Vigne2
Bought used in 1980. Just stopped working!Jan Vigne2
Mono signal out to sound barJan Vigne2
Rockford Fosgate home stereo leo stierer2
Best Amp to power Martin Logan LX16sJan Vigne2
Tube reel to reel now only outputs when source plugged into line out.Jan Vigne2
JBL Club WS1200BLK 12" Club Series Shallow-mount Subwoofer & Enclos...mike1
Looking For User Manuals,HELP!Philip Jay Adler1
Matching impedances...leo stierer3
Nad 3020e to Recap Or Replace, that is the question. James Lee5
Onkyo A-9010 vs Marantz PM7200 for Dali Zensor 5James Lee4
Running a bi-amp to non-bi-wired speakersJan Vigne4
Speaker issuesJan Vigne2
Audio OP-MAP Based on LM358Lauri Buell5
Amp recommendation for Onkyo 130 watt speakersBushy6
Marantz pm7003 + Infinity primus 250qw113
6 ohm speaker on a 4 ohm car amp Jan Vigne4
NAD C 338/368 Bluetooth-related clarifications neededJan Vigne9
Cutting The Cord Audio ProblemJan Vigne2
Best monoblock to with centre speakerJan Vigne2
Newbie in need of a little help!NickMack6
AmpskenwoodVR-209Jan Vigne2
How to get amp?subs to hit harder...Daniel Mathew5
A Technical Introduction to Audio CablesDaniel Mathew4
JBL Control1 Professional Compact speakersDaniel Mathew3
Speaker hook upDaniel Mathew3
Hi I'm a newbie and I need help pleaseDaniel Mathew3
Audio keeps cutting in & out.. speakers or amp?Jan Vigne2
What are the more subtle sounding tube preamps?Jan Vigne2
Breaking in the new amplifier.leo stierer2
AnthemJohn Karmark1
Buying a new power amp.leo stierer2
Getting it right the 2nd time???leo stierer7
Noresco NC-321/Dual1210 Combocptn electron8
Worst audio news since ...Jan Vigne5
How to connect two sound systems.Rorence61
Fiat RADIO codeRorence12
Car electronics--EincarAndrea di vaio2
This is NOT the car audio forumleo stierer5
Struggling to get sound from tv to ampspud7
Looking for DiVinci Audio Remoteleo stierer3
REALLY Inexpensive Amps:Jan Vigne24
Amp has power but my subs are not workinghunter1
Rotel serviceleo stierer3
Receiver/amp recommendationSchirall7
6 ohm speaker on a 4 ohm rated amplifierJan Vigne10
Pre Dolby, non Dolbyleo stierer12
Ne NAD amps...leo stierer10
Daisy Chaining ampsJan Vigne43
Pyramid T. Bass3
Code for radio helpridi13
Ticking noise coming through mics and ampsJan Vigne5
Bose Companion 3 Series 2TN5
AVI LAb Series Phono Upgrade available soonPHil1
Radie Code required pleaseCRTM-142
Audio Volume knob issue....leo stierer6
Lace Dressleo stierer15
Richard SoR James3
Bose Acostimass 10 series Iv and Onkyo amp tx SR 505eRo1
Waiting Arrivalleo stierer25
Am I getting the best/loudest sound?Jan Vigne2
Amp suggestions for klipsch f-2sshankar22
Pro amp hookupJanoski7
Archive through September 12, 2015Valentin Iliescu1050
Archive through February 17, 2012Chris H4354
Archive through October 22, 2010Nuck1318
Archive through February 04, 2010Nuck1712
Archive through May 17, 2009Nuck1660
Archive through December 06, 2008Nuck1507
Archive through May 31, 2008Art1486
Archive through January 10, 2008Jan Vigne1212
Archive through August 27, 2007Max hoffmans1414
Archive through April 07, 2007Thomas Jane1078
Archive through January 16, 2007Jennifer1163
Archive through September 23, 2006Nuck875
Archive through July 10, 2006Jeffrey C.M. Hann850
Archive through April 26, 2006Stu Pitt699
Archive through February 14, 2006Nuck693
Archive through December 23, 2005Nuck891
Archive through November 03, 2005Brandon Ray Hacker587
Archive through September 11, 2005dhs521
Archive through July 24, 2005Jan Vigne432
Archive through June 11, 2005Bugs525
Archive through April 28, 2005narongle491
Archive through March 20, 2005david brant882
Archive through January 27, 2005nout731
Archive through December 14, 2004My Rantz443
Archive through October 30, 2004Anonymous454
Archive through September 15, 2004Rene601
Archive through July 28, 2004KEGGER682
Archive through June 03, 2004mauimusicman555
Archive through April 21, 2004Larry Eggert721
Archive through February 11, 2004Anonymous594
Archive through October 31, 2003G-Man321

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