Hi, I bought an amplifier. It works pretty well and gives a great sound and Bass when my car's engiene is off. However when i start my car (while my stereo turned off) and drive, it's performace starts to decrease. I don't understand what's the problem. I want to get the same performace as it gives when my car's engine is off. I've re-checked it's cabling or wiring, but it's ok! Is it something to do with it's Battery ?? or Do i need some device with it? Another question is that, sometimes it gives good sound in a start but as i listen 3 to 5 songs little loud, it's sounds beats changes and it start producing distortion in sound . I really hate what I bought. I hope anyone can help me? Here is my specifications 12 Inch Woofer (Apline b52) HIONICS Amplifier 300 Watts (2 channel and woofer in bridge) Fijistu Cassette Player (it's an old one but it gives pretty good sound to me)
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