hey folks , im new here, i need help with my nad 1700 tuner ant colors,specifically the fm wire leads , some one has "worked" on this unit ! after not recieving any signal from fm or am - i looked inside the case and to my dismay there are 4 leads from the ant to 4 empty spots just inside the case ( wires from the ant i think,,,does any one know which 2 wires ( colorwise) are the fm pair ?
Is this the NAD 1700 tuner pre of mid '80s vintage? I had one but never opened the case. The AM antenna is that 'bar' shaped thing on the elbow. I don't remember the FM antenna 'cept I used a balun to connect to 300ohm twinlead.
As for the BOARD side connections, you'd better get a schematic / board drawing. Failing that, you'll need a tech to hook it up right. How'd it get disconnected?