I hadn't realized McIntosh had released a new tuner; I kind of like the idea of the retro'ish dial tuner, but kind of looks out of place with the newer Mc-styling if you ask me.
That deal should go tomorrow, amp and pre. Had to throw in a car sub and amp to get er done. All of the sales so far have been to Asian guys from Toronto for some reason, dunno why.
Back to the tuner and I ask out of ignorance. If radio is predominantly a broadcast of a digital source, can you ever home to get any better sound from a tuner than the source itself? I can't see how. Therefore, as long as you yourself have a source that matches or bests a broadcast component you're much better off listening to your own favorite material. But I guess those are those without large collections and who like to hear free music...fee I guess with putting the cost of the tuner aside.
I think it's pretty obvious that listening to your favorite music via an uncompressed digital format, like redbook CD, with the fewest obstacles between the recording and your ear, is always your best choice.
But how do you find new music to listen to?
For me, radio serves that purpose. In addition to listening to music, I also listen to a ton of non-musical broadcast, from sports & news, to talk-radio & NPR, a radio is almost always on in my house
KPIG.com In my office, if I am there, the PIG is playing. In the hotel room (3 nights a week on average), the PIG is playing. Best assortment of 'mericana & other music, delivered with a Santa Cruz, California flair. Heartily recommend it