Hi guys, I have 18" of vertical space to work with. What are the best speakers I can get?
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There are various factors which would make a speaker the best for your purposes. Some include your budget, receiver, type of sources (music/movies), personal sonic preference, personal aesthetic tastes etc. You need to give more info on what you are looking for. I assume you are not looking just to fill up the 18" of space
Sorry, I have a Sony DA5ES Receiver, Denon 2900 DVD/DVD Player. The speakers would be used for both music and movies, so a good, high quality, all around speaker would be best
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I heard the perfect speaker for your receiver just last week--I was mighty impressed with the sound. The brand is called "Krix" and they are imported from Australia. Unfortunately, they only have 19 dealers listed on their website for dealers in North America--but they sound damn good! If you have a dealer near you, check them out. Look spcifically at the KDX-M which are just slightly over 17" tall.