Hello everyone, I inetend to take Naim nac282/nap250.2/ but I'm not sure about the source. These are my chioces: 1. cd5x/fc2x 2. cdx2(buying the power supply later) 3. hdx (buying the power supply later)
would you please advise which one will be sonic wise. since I won't be able to sell naim gear in my market easily so i won't be able to buy a cd5x/fc2x now, sell it later and buy a better source in future so I think buying the good player firstly will be much better here!
I answered this in the amp section, but in essence, CDX2 would be my choice. The HDX isn't quite as good and I have issues with the way it works as a hard disc player, but I am happy to go choose what music to play from my collection.