Jimvm Unregistered guest | I'm not a big bass fan, but I do need a subwoofer to compliment my bookshelf speakers in a rather large room. I'd like a sub that is: "musical" accurate downfiring small to medium in size less than $750 Any suggestions? |
anon Unregistered guest | Hsu vtf 2 mkII. it is avery nice sub for $500 |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | Thanks anon; I understand the VTF2 is a well-regarded sub. As I continue my research, I've come across two other brands which might contain the sub I'm looking for: REL and ACI. Anyone familiar with models within these brands and able to comment on them? |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | Musical, accurate, downfiring, small to medium in size, $750 or less -- that's what I'm looking for. Am I to believe that the Hsu VTF MK2 is the only sub that fits this description? (Thanks for the reply anon.) Any opinions on how the following subs might meet those criteria?: 1) ACI Force 2) Paradigm PS-1000 3) Wharfedale PC-12 I've read two favorable professional reviews on the ACI Force and one on the Paradigm PS-1000. Haven't seen anything on the Wharfedale. I'd be interested in opinions from users. I appreciate the help fellas. |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | As I wait for someone else to take the time to help me out, I'm continuing the hunt. Now, I'm looking at the following: 1) ACI Force 2) Hsu VTF-2 3) Monitor Audio FB-210 4) Paradigm PS-1000 Anyone have an opinion on any of these? |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 949 Registered: Dec-03 | HSU vtf 2 or Paradigm PS-1000. I've auditioned them both and I voted for the HSU. It seemed tighter and responds a lot better than the Paradigms. considering your other choices, I'd narrow it down to these two, again my personal choice. Yours could be different. |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | Thanks, Berny, for you reply. It seems there's no end to the praise for Hsu subwoofers. They appear to give alot of "bang for the buck." How about some feedback on the ACI Force? Anyone? |
Anonymous | Go with front firing sub enclosure/s. Position the enclosures at least a foot off the floor and away from the walls(to remove floor and wall effects). It takes more power and larger drivers to get the same effect but you won't be cheating and it will be more natural sounding. |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | Thanks, Anonymous, but with grandkids running around, I'd worry less about little feet kicking in drivers and speaker covers if I had a downfiring sub. At this point, I've narrowed my choices down to the following: Hsu VTF-2 Mk2, Paradigm PS-1000 and ACI Force. Of these, the only one I've heard is the PS-1000. It sounded very good to me and goes well with my other speakers. While I haven't heard the VTF-2, it has garnered so much praise and so few detractors that I feel comfortable ordering one and giving it a home audition. I haven't heard the ACI Force either. From the very few comments I've received about it on this and other forums, I gather it is not as popular as many other subs, but it is a perfect size for me and it is gorgeous. So, as it stands now, unless I get additional suggestions, I'll choose between those three. Thanks to those who took the time to reply. |
Bronze Member Username: DivinesinPost Number: 16 Registered: Apr-04 | The best sub you could choose is a Rocket UFW-10..But of course as you said you wanted something downfireing. This is a sealed, front fireing sub that is the most musical sub in a 600-1200 price range. It is literally the quickest sub you can buy without spending a Doctors paycheck ~.^ |
Bronze Member Username: DivinesinPost Number: 18 Registered: Apr-04 | Oh, and if your cosidering something from HSU, you mise well consider something from SVS :D there 'Competitor'. www.svsubwoofers.com. You could choose maybe Ps1-ISD. or if you chose to go with a cylinder sub (very great protection) you could chose a 25-31PC+ |
Jimvm Unregistered guest | Thanks, Brandon, for the suggestions. That Rocket UFW-10 has quite a following. I've never read or heard anything bad about it and it is stunning to look at. Unfortunately, I can't have something that vulnerable sitting on the floor exposed to my rambunctious grandson. As far as the SVS's go, the cylinders have been vetoed via WAF and the boxes are simply too big. But thanks anyway. |