I already have the Athena AS-F2's, AS-B1's & the AS-C1 which I am very happy with, however I feel its time to get a subwoofer for a bit more bass response. I'm considering either the AS-P400 or the HSU Research VTF-2, can anyone comment on which is the better choice (Hawk!)?
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Absolutely get the Hsu. It is the best sub-$500 sub I have ever heard.
Posted on
Thanks again good buddy.
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Hi SIMON, what size room do you have?? If you say bigger than a closet (jk) DO not get the Athena SUB!!! Also on a side note what do you have to spend?? Where I live (in MISSION VIEJO SOUTH CALIFORNIA) the goodguys and circuit city carry VELODYNE, a company that does strictly SUB woofers, check them out they will woo you over if you have a little extra cash
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Actually, Velodyne makes more than just subwoofers. Check out their "Deco" line of home theater packages.