Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3195 Registered: May-05 | Music Direct has a few that they're selling... Any takers? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9029 Registered: Feb-05 | Very nice dream for me anyway... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2049 Registered: Nov-05 | Yep, I'd take it. But I wonder if paying that bit extra for the Saturn might be more prudent. Guess they would need a shoot out. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2183 Registered: Feb-07 | Good point M.R. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11659 Registered: Dec-04 | Even if it near equals the Saturn, excusivity has its price. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 230 Registered: Aug-04 | Just called my dealer a few minutes ago, to remind him again that I would like one of these. He'd forgotten all about it ![]() He's going to contact the Rega distributor right now and see if they have one available for me. Keeping my fingers, toes and eyes sscredo ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 202 Registered: Dec-07 | NMyTree, check your email. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 231 Registered: Aug-04 | Hi Steve. I found your e-mail in the same junk folder, as the first one. I promise I'll try to get to replying as soon as possible. I've been bigged down all day with work and Insurance and Attorney cr*p all day. What a headache these insurance companies are!!! Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh... |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2190 Registered: Feb-07 | "Just called my dealer a few minutes ago, to remind him again that I would like one of these." I find it odd that a dealer would forget a relatively big ticket item like this. There's another audio dealer here in Ottawa that has "forgotten" to order me things in the past. I don't get it. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 656 Registered: Jun-08 | Dave, maybe he's stalling cause he want you to buy a Mc CDP? How good are there CDP's anyway, I wonder. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 232 Registered: Aug-04 | Dave, I asked him about it quite a while ago and haven't contacted him about it since then. He's a very good guy and he has given me some unbelievable deals on gear. He's always given me nothing but the best of service and attention, for the last six years. He's always gone above and beyond the call of duty for me. I'm not going to get upset or hold it against him, that he's been rather busy lately and it slipped his mind. He's a good guy. Anyway, the Rega distributor, yesterday, failed to return his call regarding this player. So he's going to keep on it first thing Monday morning. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2193 Registered: Feb-07 | George, this is a different dealer here in town where I buy most of my stuff from (Including the Mc). It's a good shop, and they carry a really interesting line of gear. They're just a little forgetful. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2194 Registered: Feb-07 | Another thing I was thinking about this, while for us, $1600 is a big deal for a CDP, but I imagine in the audio game the margins are so small that a forgotten CDP here or a set of speakers there is not going to affect the bottom line too much. Thoughts? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9045 Registered: Feb-05 | If they have a good number of customers and no tickler system in the database it's no surprise they forget...anyone here over! |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 664 Registered: Jun-08 | I would think if they think they have a serious "easy" sell then they would be on it right away. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 573 Registered: Dec-07 | "Any takers?" Nope. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2248 Registered: Feb-07 | Not me. My personal stimulus package has been effectively exhausted (for now). |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11718 Registered: Dec-04 | I saw a dealer ad with 'call for pricing' Yikes! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2250 Registered: Feb-07 | That's never a good sign. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11719 Registered: Dec-04 | I dont think it is 'best offer' |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11720 Registered: Dec-04 | Or it is best offer starting with a 2 |
New member Username: BrownsoundPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-09 | One up on A'gon, but how does this sound? |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 234 Registered: Aug-04 | I missed out. My dealer couldn't get any. And at the price they're going for elsewhere, I will pass. |
New member Username: BrownsoundPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-09 | £1150 is too much? |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 235 Registered: Aug-04 | When all is said and done (taxes included), at other dealers.....they're at roughly $1,600.00 USD. Just a little under what I can get the Saturn for. No thanks. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9147 Registered: Feb-05 | Good choice. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2077 Registered: Nov-05 | The distributors have sold out here. The local dealer ordered 3 and can get no more. Someone you know has now got one at home that been run in a bit. If he really likes it, it will be taken back to exchange for a NIB unit - the lucky last to be sold in this area. What I heard in the shop was impressive. But stay tuned . . . BTW - These are $2200AU and the Saturn is $3499AU. A heck of a difference. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2307 Registered: Feb-07 | Someone "we" know? Spill the beans M.R. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11841 Registered: Dec-04 | No bargoons for the demo unit MR? Watching for your impressions here... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2078 Registered: Nov-05 | It's not really a demo unit Nuck - it has been sold and is being 'run in' for the buyer. The beans are all over the floor Dave :-) More soon . . . |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2308 Registered: Feb-07 | Ha ha. Sometimes you have give me blunt force trauma to the head with the obvious. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11842 Registered: Dec-04 | Remind me not to get a virgin mail order bride from there.![]() |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2310 Registered: Feb-07 | But you'd get a discount on "demo" models... |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9197 Registered: Feb-05 | Would those be refurbs... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2079 Registered: Nov-05 | Okay, though not run in by a long mile, I can tell you this thing sounds brain-snappingly good. I'm looking forward to more listening this weekend. More after then. BTW - it looks darn good also (better than in pics). |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2316 Registered: Feb-07 | Let's see some pics M.R. I want one now too (the Rega, not the mail order bride). |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2317 Registered: Feb-07 | One on Agon already. -in-the-wo |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3601 Registered: Sep-04 | The 35th Anniversary model should be MUCH cheaper than a Saturn. Over here, the standard item is £600, the 35th is £750 and the Saturn is £1298 so the 35th is closer to the Apollo price than the Saturn. Not heard one, and likely never will... |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3214 Registered: May-05 | At Music Direct - Apollo - $1000 ($1250 most places) Apollo SE - $1700 Saturn - $2400 The Apollo SE is exactly half way between the Apollo and Saturn, price wise. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9210 Registered: Feb-05 | Actually the Apollo just went down to $995 and should be that price everywhere. Sucks if you paid $1195 but that's the world market for ya. I'd love to hear that 35th anniversary Apollo. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2080 Registered: Nov-05 | Prices here in our currency: Apollo $1699.00 Apollo SE $2200.00 Saturn $3499.00 There's a discrepency between countries prices on the conversion, but I know the distributors are less then generous - that's seems across all brands. I'll give my thoughts on this machine and try to get a decent pic sometime in the coming week. I know this much - it's smooth, refined and very, very musical. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11853 Registered: Dec-04 | Is the SE making a Naim for itself? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2085 Registered: Nov-05 | Okay here's a couple of pics. This player just oozes class. I'll give my thoughts as soon as I can put them in words - not being the most eloquent hi-fi reviewer - but this things plays real music. ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2335 Registered: Feb-07 | Beautiful set-up M.R. The Apollo makes me drool. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9239 Registered: Feb-05 | Niiiice! |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 225 Registered: Dec-07 | Yes that is classier looking than my Apollo. Very nice! How do you like your Musical Fidelity amp? If you place some Vibrapods isolators and cones under the chassis (not feet) I think you will find a huge improvement. I did. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11904 Registered: Dec-04 | I may paint my Apollo... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2087 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks guys. Steve, I think the A5 is a fabulous amp - neutral and powerful. I may try your suggestion at some stage. I had dampening rubbers with felt pads (like the DVD-9500) under the feet, but with little effect - moreso on the CD5i. What sort of improvement did you notice? BTW- I think I was too hard on the A5's inputs changing interconnects around and it developed a hum from the CD input. Will be getting that fixed soon. Back to the Apollo. This all began when I was in the area, I thought I'd visit the dealer and listen to a Saturn (with no intention of buying at this stage). He had none and wouldn't have another for at least 6 weeks or so. I listened to the Apollo SE and my first thoughts were that it sounded wonderful in the mids and highs, but was a bit lacking in the bass. The dealer then hooked up a Cary CDP-1 and at that point seemed the better player - huge bass, upsampling, HDCD, weighed a ton, balanced and unbalanced inputs etc. He suggested taking it home which I did. The testing in the shop was with a Rega amp and R7 speakers. When I suggested the bass was a little disappointing on the SE, he swapped speakers to a pair of Soniques which did improve the low end, But it was the Cary that had me very interested. BTW, I really liked the R7's and I think placement may have been an issue regarding the low bass output, but more on that shortly. We listened to the Cary over the next two days then I returned it - even though they are $3800 here and this one could be had for $2700. It had a big, open sound, great clarity and detail, very, very musical, and was big on PRaT, but on many CD's the low end bass just lost control - it was simply too much to take. Well built, except for the flimsy, plastic disc tray which is part of the DVD transport the player uses. Anyway, I took it back and decided to give the Apollo SE another listen. When I did, I realised that the bass wasn't so weak as it was really more accurate and I really liked what I was hearing through the Soniques. So I took it home for a trial and just fell for it. The bass is actually very, very accurate and delivers it tight and punchy when it should or big and looser if the recording required it that way. It has great control in the low end and you can almost feel the kick drum through heavy bass guitar lines. Snares and cymbals are convincingly real as this player sparkles in the highs but it is never the slightest bit edgy. Horns also sound amazingly real. The mids are smooth as silk and Ms Krall has never sounded better to my ears and though she lisps a little, the player does not exaggerate her sibilence. Pace, rythym and timing is an expected benefit from this player and it certainly doesn't disappoint in fact I think it does a little better in this department than the CD5i. It's a real toe-tapper, but what it really does is it seems to dig deeper into the recording and sorts everthing out into an easy to follow cohesive musical experience where you can pick any instrumentand follow it from beginning to end. However, doing that would require strong concentration as this player immediately immerses you into the music as all other thoughts vanish into the ether. It's that sort of player. I haven't listened to the Saturn or many other higher end players to compare. I think after listening for a while you get the sense that it would take a huge load of cash for the music to get any better. I did not do a head to head with a standard Apollo in the shop - I had done that at home with the CD5i for two weeks before deciding on the 5i. While both the Naim and the Apollo were brilliant, this SE delivers that bit more with it's natural almost analogue type musical playback. It's not an earth shattering difference - over those players - but it's a significent one in that improves many apects of their abilities. I have read that it is closer to the Saturn than the Apollo and my dealer agrees. I know there is probably more I could add here, but regardless, at this point I haven't been able to fault it. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 226 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, My wife and I found great improvements to vocals, air around instruments and more defined bass. Vocals seem to float out from the speakers from a much more defined space. Imaging is also much better. Bass is deeper and more controlled as well. I tried just the isolators under the feet, but it did very little, they must be on the chassis to make any significant improvement. So then I tried the isolators on top of hockey pucks resting on the chassis, that made a big improvement. You can't put the isolators on the chassis by them selves, as they are not high enough to lift the player of the feet. Then I used the vibrapod cons on top of the isolators for the most gains. I noticed you also have glass shelves, witch transfer a lot of vibrations. This may be why I got the improvements I did. I put small felt pads under the body of the player so it doesn't slide on the ball bearings of the vibrapod cones. I'll take some pics and post them. The vibrapods are very inexpensive but don't let that deter you. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 227 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, here are a couple of pics. ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 300 Registered: Aug-06 | Thanks MR for that review. And thanks Steve for sharing. That's why I come here. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2342 Registered: Feb-07 | Sorry if I missed this in an earlier post, but where'd ya order the isolators from Steve? I see there's a few dealers here in Canada. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2088 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks for that Steve - though I thought you meant under the amp???? |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 228 Registered: Dec-07 | DM, I got mine from a local dealer, but you can get them online as well. MR, I have them under the amp as well, but under the cd player is the most important. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 229 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, I just reread my first reply, and yes it does sound like I was referring to the amp, sorry. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2089 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks Steve, I know the vibracones etc - they are not that cheap here (as usual). But I have sort of made my own with ball bearings and door stoppers. Yet to try on the Apollo. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1846 Registered: May-06 | I use a bag of balls, racket balls, under my Saturn. Then I use a circular bullseye level to dial it in. It just balances on there quite nicely. I can change discs without affecting the balance. Then again the stiff PS Audio Premiere SC Power Cord and my MIT Interconnects may have a role in the stabilization to a degree or two. Racket balls are inexpensive period. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 230 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, I would pay more than twice what I paid for the improvements they delivered. The increased resolution is amazing. Also, they are 100% returnable if you don't like them. you can't lose. MW, I would like to see a picture of the Saturn with all those balls under it. I tried racket balls, but found they did very little. |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 78 Registered: Mar-06 | I tried squash balls under my saturn, nothing to write home about. The apollo SE is maybe a bit closer to the saturn than to the standard apollo, but its still a way from being the saturn. But then it should be given Rega's normal return on money spent. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1848 Registered: May-06 | I tried tennis balls for a while but found racket balls presentation slightly more smoother, evenly paced. ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 231 Registered: Dec-07 | That definitely looks interesting. Are the balls interfering with the heat sink? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2090 Registered: Nov-05 | Mike, you're lucky you got a dedicated room. My wife wouldn't stand for that look. I know it's in the quest for better music, but I don't know if I could either. Aesthetics have to come into play at some point - don't they? Thanks Steve, I just tried three different ways of isolation/dampening and nothing made any real difference. Maybe the cones would - we'll see. Colin, no the SE is not a Saturn. But according to some it's not too far off. The Saturn has a bigger bandwidth and more pronounced bass - like the Cary, but more well behaved I'd guess. I'd love the Saturn, but can't afford one - and even if I could, I wouldn't be allowed to spend another $1300 for little increments of music quality. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9245 Registered: Feb-05 | I've tried a number of different isolation devices and find that for my ears the Apollo sounds better sans any of them. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1849 Registered: May-06 | Steve, No the racket balls are not interfering with the heat sink. When I last had to lift and re-balance the Saturn due to a a change of power cords there was no discoloration on the racket balls where they were in contact with the heat sink nor was the nylon mesh less pliable in that area. M.R. I would not necessarily categorize the Saturn as "little increments of music quality". It is a different sound than the Apollo. Some might say that it takes the Apollo sound to a different level, but for me it is a different sound. But what am I going to say, "That I doubled down my investment on the CD player to ratchet it up a notch"? Art, I too have tried various isolation devices, including Black Diamond Racing Pucks and Cones, and found my current solution decouples the CD player from the stand better than anything else. It is good that you found the simplest solution works for you. |
New member Username: MinkkiPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-09 | Hey guys.I have test two days apollo SE against Naim cd5i.I found Naims sound more clear and charp in discant area.There is not so much difference between basssound.Naim has better resolution if i can say so..![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2091 Registered: Nov-05 | Miikka, you are most likely comparing the SE to the Naim CD51 Mk2 (or the italic i) which costs another $500.00 here and one that I have not heard. All the same, the SE is certainly preferable to the previous 5i to my ears. The SE also requires some running in before it's at its best. Mike, I'm not disagreeing with you about the Appollo/Saturn. The SE takes the Apollo to a different level also, I had one before the Naim. According to my Rega dealer, there is not much between the SE and the Saturn, in fact he prefered the Cary over the Saturn and I preferred the SE over the Cary. So it goes to show - ears ain't just ears. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11923 Registered: Dec-04 | M.R., are you considering the swap??? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2092 Registered: Nov-05 | What swap is that Nuck? |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11924 Registered: Dec-04 | New SE for your Naim, silly. I got a Naim, I got a Naim...Croce |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2093 Registered: Nov-05 | Nuck, I have a new SE, the Naim is being sold. Silly me :-) |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11927 Registered: Dec-04 | congrats MR! tip o' the glass |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2094 Registered: Nov-05 | Well - ta, my friend. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1851 Registered: May-06 | M.R. I never took you as disagreeing with me. However this provides me an opportunity to touch on a point I meant to cover with you last night. No, aesthetics matter not to me. I do not go up to my media room to bask in its beauty. I go upstairs to listen to the best possible music I can squeeze out of my kit. I am clean cut, my vehicles are not thrashed in any way, my home is sanitary except for the dogs, whom are shampooed or groomed as needed, my landscaping is acceptable. All things normal. I have now invested multiples in my time than I have in cost to provide the most optimal sound possible for the money I invested in my kit. There has been a recent flurry of my buying wire and selling unused kit to offset it. I have an entirely new set of ICs, speaker wire, a premium power cord, and three new dedicated circuits installed by an electrician in my room just for my stereo. One dedicated duplex just for my two amps, a dedicated quad for my sources, and a dedicated duplex for my pre-amp. I found a reasonable electrician. I am invested into the sound at all costs, period. I am now reaping the rewards of my commitment at all costs. I apologize to no one for my room. It is my room. I am happy with the result. Aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2095 Registered: Nov-05 | Bravo Mike - good for you. But I wonder why you felt you had to post a lot of that. I never thought I had given the impression of anything disparaging -simply to say that neither my wife nor myself would find the bag of balls under our player acceptable. As I think I stated in the same paragraph - you are lucky having your dedicated room. Jeez, and here I always thought you was trailer trash (big grin goes here). Mike, my house needs a fair bit of maintenance at present and what do I do - get another CDP. My music is important to me as well and I admit at times I go for more than I can really afford. But we are here once. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1853 Registered: May-06 | M.R. It is not you but I. There are folks who feel that compromise of their audio hobby is essential to the inter workings of their relationships. My reply was a broad whitewash across all of those. One choose's his or her battles. I am equally as guilty as you as to what I prioritize in my audio budget. Marsh wants me to do numerous things around the house, but the kit keeps taking priority. Yet, I will accommodate her wants ($$$) in time. |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 80 Registered: Mar-06 | life is full of balances, I got the saturn, the house lost out, last year the house got windows, the system lost out. This year, any one's best guess, but as it stands at the moment both will loose out. That Roksan will have to wait a while longer. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2349 Registered: Feb-07 | It's a matter of priorities Colin. My house needs a new roof, I bought a McIntosh instead. They cost about the same. |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 81 Registered: Mar-06 | Which Mcintosh, the audio stuff, or the rain coat variety?? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9251 Registered: Feb-05 | Mike has heard this many times from many of us and there is a reason. When we discuss audio and how to improve sound Mike correctly points to the room as one of the many variables that needs to be addressed. With that I agree completely. However Mike often asks room related questions of folks who have stated that their listening room is also their primary living space and ofcourse that limits our ability to address room issues, especially if you have a partner who's wishes you respect relative aesthetics. Pretty simple really...Mike has more space than alot of us and has more sin to that just as there is no sin to having limted options...we just have to address things in our homes differently and with respect to others in our home. Mike does the same I'm sure in his space...there is just more of it, with a dedicated listening room, which let's face it most of us would love to have. No one is right or wrong just different perspectives based on different experiences. Fire! I'm sure Mike is as tired of my stating my limited room treatment options as I am him asking me to address them. In the end many of my niggles relative to the sound of my system would be addressed if I made some changes in the room...he's if I could just convince my! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11933 Registered: Dec-04 | I don't answer to anyone, but certainly have to work within the confines of the alloted space. No more walls to knock out! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9252 Registered: Feb-05 | I don't answer to anyone either. I just try to respect our shared space. She does the same. It's all good. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2097 Registered: Nov-05 | For fun I tried a few of my DIY islolation devices, felt pads, rubber door stops with marbles etc. All had no perceptival impact on SQ. I then tried 25mm dia x 5mm round spongy rubber discs which fit perfectly into the hollow section of the feet and placed 19mm steel balls beneath. These sit on the glass, but in O-rings to prevent the player from shifting. This created a very subtle improvement across the board. I stress 'subtle' but I think this is probably as good as it gets. The SE has really opened up and just sounds better the more I listen. It's a heck of a sweet, musical cdp. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1854 Registered: May-06 | Art, I really liked your post above. It appears well thought out and I feel you are mostly right. What you all may not realize is that I moved to Texas months ahead of my wife. When she finally got down here to our apartment and saw like 15 speakers in a 2 bedroom apartment she ordered me beheaded. I cannot have a speaker that can be seen anywhere in the house except my media room. So I get the compromise thing. For instance, in our family room, which I will often sit and watch TV to spend time with her, I have a 2.1 system. As some of you know the Mirage Omnistats and the PSB sub-woofer are both stuffed in behind the LCD. She is okay with the 8" x 3" computer speakers. Nice work M.R. Now go put a CD in the player! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2098 Registered: Nov-05 | Now go put a CD in the player! Knew I'd forgotten something! Mike, the beheading was to make more room :-) |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 233 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, Thats was a pretty cool idea. Now try the rubber discs sitting on hockey pucks with the steal balls on top of that, and place under the body. That should be high enough to raise it off the feet. Try with 4 of those then 3 to see which is better. I suggest this because when I put the isolators under the body of my Apollo it made the biggest improvement. If you try this let me know how it works. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2099 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks Steve, hockey pucks are as scarce as hens teeth here, however I'm pretty happy with the way things are, but I might play around with your advice some time. The Naim is sold - good price for me, good price for the buyer. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2352 Registered: Feb-07 | Hockey pucks scarce down under MR? I never would have guessed! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11943 Registered: Dec-04 | Dried Roo patties instead? Very good M.R.! I look on in envy. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2101 Registered: Nov-05 | No ice in Queensland, Dave. Maybe Victoria and Tasmania. Standard hockey is fairly popular here though. Nuck - ha!ha! |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 602 Registered: Dec-07 | I cannot have a speaker that can be seen anywhere in the house except my media room. MW, add wire to that and you have my situation. I get control of the man cave and she gets control of everything else. Seems fair. M.R., "standard hockey", meaning the game played on grass? |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11960 Registered: Dec-04 | I think so Neil, just like the Coyotes play....just too easy, mate. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9281 Registered: Feb-05 | I actually have control of the living room relative to decor...however with my main 2 channel system and a HT system in the living room I have stretched the boundaries of her tolerance. Were I to introduce any treatments...think Shakti would be figuring out how to keep my system warm in the garage. She is actually ok with small aesthetically pleasing elements that may have a positive impact on sound such as more pillows or something soft on the wall (art not auralex Nuck). So we'll see where I can take that sometime soon. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1855 Registered: May-06 | Now keep in mind that I have used two four by four shelving units from IKEA, one on each side, wall for diffusion, er, ah, ahem, I meant to say record storage. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11966 Registered: Dec-04 | Art, I dig, and it can be very tastefully done, as I have seen. I have absolutely no decorative taste, obviously, and there is not a lick of pink, rose or fuscia in the cave, so it's pretty wide open here. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1856 Registered: May-06 | "not a lick of pink, the cave" I highly doubt that. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11968 Registered: Dec-04 | caught that huh? |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 604 Registered: Dec-07 | "I think so Neil, just like the Coyotes play....just too easy, mate." Nuck, they're golfers I think. At least they're always playing golf during the playoffs. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2102 Registered: Nov-05 | We play anything over here - and without padding & helmuts. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11972 Registered: Dec-04 | Allblacks...just like the cd players |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2357 Registered: Feb-07 | Here we're encouraged (or mandated) to wear helmets for everything. A Dennis Leary sketch comes to mind... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2106 Registered: Nov-05 | I don't know that sketch, but I can imagine :-) Getting back to my isolation (or grounding) device, I thought the steel balls were resting on the glass, but they were actually sitting on the o-rings I put under them to prevent movement. I took the o-rings away and - well - the change is not quite so subtle anymore. It's more like Steve is hearing with his vibrapods. The timbre of acoustic and percussion instruments has improved, vocals are more focused, separation of instruments has also improved even more. This not a huge difference from the player resting on its feet by any means , but it does make this player more magical and builds on its strengths and the dividends are certainly in the music. The player is highly satisfying, much more so than the CD5i was - and I never would have thought I'd ever say that. BTW I sold the Naim and cleared what I paid two years ago. Happy as a pig in mud. Now, when is this new high end player from Rega coming out? ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 234 Registered: Dec-07 | That a boy MR, your almost there. Now get those one of a kind isolators under the chassis and it's Apollo Heaven ![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2107 Registered: Nov-05 | I was there when I first played this cdp Steve, as it is a considerable improvement over the std Apollo and the CD5i (I don't know about the italic 'i' model). I had used a similar set up on the Naim and I think anymore gain altering the isolation would be minimal. Everything sounds so right to me. But, I'll never say never. |
New member Username: NikosidisPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-09 | I got one to ![]() Got mine on friday, serial nr: 110 I had a REGA saturn for some weeks, mabye a year ago. I never forgot about that player. I compared lots of cd-players with my old primare dvd30, and to me saturn made the greatest difference of them. When I noticed apollo came in new 35th limited version I just had to get one. I don't have the same amp. as when I had the saturn, so little hard to compare. What I'm sure about is that the 35th has a least the same amount of detail, and resolution. First when I played it out of the box, I was pretty happy, but had some minor problems, that was fixed with some placement of my speakers, and change of tubes. I use the prima-luna prolouge 2 with proac D25 speakers. To say something about the sound, I must say that this player is very, very detailed, with great air around vocal, and instruments. On my setup, the player sure don't like bright recordings. The treble is very crisp and airy, and shows high guitar strings and cymbals with very realistic tone. The bass is full range with very good detail. Where this player is kind is in the upper middle where the ear is very sensetive. This makes most vocals sound natural and nice. A very resolving player, that sure knows music. Very happy with it ![]() Sorry for bad english, I'm from Norway ;) |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2109 Registered: Nov-05 | Nothing wrong with your english Nik. You are describing just what I'm hearing with the SE. It's a wonderful player, ours is #309. Just wait until it's run in some more. Nice system you have btw. |
New member Username: NikosidisPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-09 | M.R. Thx. Good to know others are happy with the player :D I noticed that the player opens up, the more I play it. I put it on repeat the first 2 days, so it played some time now. How long you think it will take to fully run it in ? I will keep you posted, if I hear any improvments over time. I found out that the only thing that differs saturn and the 35th, is the dual dac and the power-supply in the saturn. I think we got a great deal M.R. :D |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2110 Registered: Nov-05 | A great deal indeed Nik - worth every cent and more. I don't know how long it will take to run, but it seems to sound better the more I listen. My dealer told me it was very close to the Saturn and I believe it (though I still haven't listened to one). Enjoy the music. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1859 Registered: May-06 | M.R. Steve is right, at least by my experiences. Try to place 3 of your isolation configurations under the CD player, spread out to keep a natural balance, but none under the feet of the unit. IT'S A FREE TWEAK. You have nothing to lose and it won't make you go blind, I don't think. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2111 Registered: Nov-05 | Well Mike, I'll tell you this much and I urge you to try it with your Saturn. This a.m. I called into the bearing shop and this time I was able to get 25.4mm or 1 inch steel bearing balls. I took out the foam discs which I had previously placed on top of the 3/4 inch balls and placed the 1 inch balls directly into the hollow of the feet (which I believe are the same as the Saturn). These actually make contact with the rivets holding the feet in place thus grounding the chassis to the steel balls. The balls sit directly on the glass shelf and I can say is there is improvement again to the point where I do not want to fiddle again. The music is so sublime I find it extraordinary that this player costs so little (not for me mind you, it's a lot, but in the scheme of things). I said I'll never say never, so I went that bit further and found CD nirvana. I purchased 8 one inch steel balls for $11.00. Cheap is right and it looks good too. ![]() Steve you'll be pleased. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 235 Registered: Dec-07 | MW, I'm glad you tried it and that it is working out for you. MR, my only concern with that is, you now have no vibration isolation at all for the cdp. There is vibration from the cdp that needs to be isolated as well as vibrations from the glass shelf. You would be far better of just placing it back on the feet. You really need to set those balls on some kind of rubber to absorb all those vibrations. I think then you will find a dramatic improvement. |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1860 Registered: May-06 | Steve, "worked for you" would be more accurate. I had Black diamond racing cones and pucks I was using. The racket balls provide a more neutral sound for me. The carbon fiber, while extraordinary in detail, didn't capture the musicality of the presentation as I have now. I find if I want to listen to one or two cuts on a CD I most often now just listen to the whole CD. Foot tapping is found to be epidemic with racket balls, only an occasional occurrence with the carbon fiber. Then again CD player set up on an audiophile rack with MDF shelves and a steel frame. YMMV |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2112 Registered: Nov-05 | Steve, that's what I would have thought too, that's why I had used the foam rubber discs. But the proof is the pudding - so far. Somehow, I think the vibrations must be being dispersed throughout the shelving. It is quite thick tempered glass. It sounds very detailed, clear as crystal, and vocals are just brilliant as is the bass - no shrill or edginess whatsoever. In fact it's hard to believe all this is from zero's and ones. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 236 Registered: Dec-07 | MW, I don't see how those hard carbon fiber cones could dampen properly and give a very lively presentation. Vibrapod isolators and cones are all rubber, so I get all that detail, air and vocal improvements and still retain the musicality of the presentation. I guess if all the balls work to your satisfaction, stick with it and enjoy the music. MR, it doesn't make a lot of sense not to have proper isolation. I really don't see how that could be an improvement. But, you know what they say; if it aint broke. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2113 Registered: Nov-05 | Steve, I placed small foam rubber discs between the balls and the rivet insite the feet. No difference to the sound. The aluminium feet are thick rubber on the inside so I'd say that would dampen much of the vibration. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 237 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, if the balls contact the rubber feet and not the rivet, then I would think you will get isolation. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2117 Registered: Nov-05 | I was in an electrical shop and saw some brass cones with adhesive pads for the flat section of the cone and for the brass discs with the small recess for the cone point to adhere to the underside of the player. Same result as the steel balls. I tried squash balls in various configurations, pieces of wetsuit foam under the feet. The cones I also tried without the recessed discs. Nothing I have tried matched the music played with the steel balls. The differences are only subtle, the biggest difference and it's still subtle (only a fraction more so) is with the balls. Anyway Steve, this is a really marvellous machine and I'm satisfied that the ball setup has maximised its virtues. I appreciate your input though. |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 239 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, you have a fantastic player, enjoy. |
New member Username: BrownsoundPost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-09 | Apollo SE counterpoint: I bought one of these and auditioned for several weeks. During the first week especially, it had lots of run-in time, playing nearly 24 hours, and it was a demo unit to begin with. By the end I found it very difficult to declare a strong preference between it and my previous cdp, a Sony ES. It was definitely pacey, and had better toe-tapping qualities than my unit, but was, FOR ME, less involving overall. I had two audiophile friends over and they took the Pepsi challenge, blind. Depending on the recording, they had preferences for one or the other... but they could not pick a clear winner (and certainly not one that would justify an extra $1400 investment). I returned the unit. It was run through a Creek 5350SE, AQ bi-wire and AR 2.5 way towers. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9313 Registered: Feb-05 | AQ what biwire (?), what interconnects, AR 2.5 towers...? Other than the fine Creek amp can you give us some model #'s. |
New member Username: BrownsoundPost Number: 6 Registered: Mar-09 | I used stock interconnects for the comparo, as I didn't have two pairs of anything else that was exactly the same. I also listened with some AQ King Cobras, and did not sense a change in the qualities of the player for the better. AQ CV4 speaker wire... To look for reasons to dismiss due to assoc. equip. is to miss the point. Not wanting to fight (perhaps wholly justified) fanboys here... I'm just offering an opinion for those who, like me, find very little other than ad copy and cheerleading to inform a pre-buy decision. I had a system with humble gear, I tried the SE, it didn't offer a significant improvement (to match the price difference) over a much less expensive player, and overall did not work out FOR ME. Thanks. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9316 Registered: Feb-05 | Asking for associated gear is not a fight it's a question for clarification...sorry you don't know the difference. Systems are about balance or to use the much overused term synergy. If you are comparing two pieces of pretty good gear with speakers which can't reproduce the difference in sound the results will be...well you know. I wouldn't consider a comparison between an Esoteric or Ayre deck against my Apollo in my second system to be valid as that is not likely to be where either piece would ever be played...and for a number of reasons not the least of which is that system hasn't the resolution to fully experience the difference. So as far as I can see you are not offering a counterpoint of any validity. You didn't let us in on what the associated gear was or in any way let us discuss the possible reasons you didn't experience a positive difference. Good luck running down the Rega elsewhere. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2124 Registered: Nov-05 | Wow, I'm going to run off to the local big box store store and buy me a Sony ES today and return the SE. ![]() "and had better toe-tapping qualities than my unit, but was, FOR ME, less involving overall." Huh! Sorry Brownie, I've heard a Sony SE, can't recall the model number (like yourself) and it isn't anywhere near the Apollo ballpark imho. But if that's your preference then enjoy. |
New member Username: BrownsoundPost Number: 7 Registered: Mar-09 | meh, this board is a joke for the above reasons... i'm not monitoring past this post, but it's there for the people who will take it the way it's intended. gl to those few. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9322 Registered: Feb-05 | Hasta la vista. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2125 Registered: Nov-05 | Well if he's not monitoring this thread anymore I won't add that if the Sony was as good as the Apollo, it would have picked up by many reviewers and owners ages ago as a true revelation in cd players. As what happened with the Apollo. Brownsound has left the building. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11988 Registered: Dec-04 | Back in time for nightshift at the 7-11...with Elvis. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2384 Registered: Feb-07 | Sony CD players... aisle 5, left hand side. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 237 Registered: Aug-04 | What model Sony ES CD Player was that? I mean, I would simply like that little detail to be conveyed. Seem like when one has a CD player for a while, one puts the make and model number to memory. Saying "Sony ES" doesn't really tell me much. That's like me saying I have a Rega CD Player. Oh really NMyTree? Which one.....The Planet, The Jupiter...which version? The Apollo.... the Saturn? Seems like some clarification would have been helpful. No need to argue or fight. It's a discussion. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2130 Registered: Nov-05 | The point is mute anyway NmyTree, he's gone. He couldn't name the model even though it is supposedly in his possession. I still think that if such a player was that good, we'd all know about it. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 726 Registered: Jun-08 | Just PM'd Brownsound and asked him to get back on the thread. Not that I believe him but I want him to backup his claim with a model and more details. Let's see if there's any weight to the claim. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9346 Registered: Feb-05 | That he likes his Sony better than the Apollo requires no backing up...he has a right to his opinion. Just as some folks claim to hear no difference in cables, amps or cd players, others like Sony ES cd players better than Rega. The only thing that bothered me is his not giving a list of the gear that he was listening to with these players so that we could know from our frame of reference whether statement had any validity from our perspective...obviously for him with his system which is his frame of reference it was a valid statement...for us probably not and that's all I was getting at. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2131 Registered: Nov-05 | My wife couldn't tell much difference between the CD5i and the SE Apollo. She thinks she can when I point out where the Apollo does it better, but she's probably humoring me. I have no trouble with anyone preferring anything if I believe they are being honest. He stated he had an SE for several weeks, yet when he mentioned on the other Apollo 35th Anniversay thread that there was one for sale on Audigon why did he not mention he had one then? Seemed fishy to me. |
Silver Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 238 Registered: Aug-04 | I agree. It's not my business to question what people prefer or like. To each his own, I always say. But I just wanted to know the model number, for reference. That's all. I make no claims that he's right or wrong in his opinions. Quite frankily, I don't believe there is a right or wrong when it comes to people's sound preferences/tastes. There's only what's right for me and what's right for everyone else as an individual. My tastes and preferences mean absolutely nothing when it cames to what Art, George, David, Mike, M.R., Nuck, Steve and anyone else likes and prefers. It's the nature of this hobby. The nature of all of our very distinctly different ears, hearing abilities and gear combos. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9350 Registered: Feb-05 | Well said NMT. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2137 Registered: Nov-05 | If anyone interested in the Apollo SE comes across this thread, let me give this impression after the previous posts: When this player has been run in, it requires no isolation devices at all imho. I now have it sitting on the glass shelving on its own four feet and it plays music, I believe, better than anything near its price. It's pacey, controlled, detailed and very true to the recording - it will reveal all that is bad and make you revel in the wonderful. I'm glad I didn't audition (or hear) a Saturn and saved the difference. So is my wife :-) |
Silver Member Username: SmwickB.C Canada Post Number: 243 Registered: Dec-07 | MR, sounds like you are enjoying your new player. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2139 Registered: Nov-05 | Certainly am, Steve. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9391 Registered: Feb-05 | Outstanding MR! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12045 Registered: Dec-04 | Thats great MR! I was tempted to seek this player out from the OP, maybe I should have, it seems very special! Enjoy, mate! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2142 Registered: Nov-05 | We were listening to one my wife's favourite cd's last night - Queen Latifah - and she says, "This cd player really is a lot better isn't it?" Hallelujah! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9408 Registered: Feb-05 | I can totally relate MR. I catch my wife looking over at the Unison during those passages that are so much more musical and revealing now...then she'll look at me and smile, it's a smile that says don't you dare think that I can hear the difference...then she'll laugh as I nod, ummhmm. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2143 Registered: Nov-05 | Ya gotta luv 'em? |
New member Username: DerekwwwwPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-09 | interesting threads on isolating the apollo. i spent weeks experimenting this myself (regular verion, not the anniversay). i'd like to share what i found. the improved sound i got is more transparent, more airy, more relaxed, and more detailed. these are in the magnitude of changing cables. the best way of isolation i found is: - 3 rigid cones underneath the case (i use dh labs ceramic cones) - then add a large rigid flat board underneath (i use wood kitchen cutting board) - place four soft rubber feet under the board at the corners (i use vibrapods) place 1 rigid cone underneath the transformer (a source of vibration), pointing downward to drain vibration from the case to the board underneath. to locate the transformer, look under the case, you will find one big screw in the middle left side. that screw secures the transformer to the casing. place the cone right next to the big screw, as close as possible, with the flat side of the cone in direct contact with the case. the other 2 rigid cones are simply there to balance the box. use them pointing upward. put one at the centre back, near the edge just under the ac socket. put the other one at the front right, somewhere close to the front right foot. this way most of the weight of the player goes to the cone underneath the transformer. for the soft rubber feet underneath the board, make sure they are weighted down to somewhere in the middle of their elastic range, i.e. not fully pressed down and not barely pressed down at all. i also tried using just rigid cones underneath, just vibrapods underneath, just squash balls underneath, each of the above in various positions, each of the above combined with 2 bricks on top of the case, and simply with no extra isolation. in various degree, they sound less transparent and airy, less relaxed, and less detailed. if someone would try using my approach, i would love to hear back how they find it. cheers! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2162 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanks for that Derek and welcome to the forum. What you have done is very interesting and I have no doubt about it working. What I finally ended up doing (after I decided on no islation) was placing the Apollo on a large cutting board (about 1 1/4inches thick) and placing brass cones, points up, on the glass shelf directly in line with the player's feet to firmly pin the cutting board. I believe I have found similar effects to you. I tried squash balls and other ideas also to little or no avail. Just to add: at first I had thin felt pads beneath the cones and this made the cutting board slab slightly unstable. I scraped them so the brass was in direct contact with the glass shelf and the difference was an undeniable improvement. |
New member Username: NikosidisPost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-09 | 35th tested in norwegian mag.. Fidelity. This mag.. is pure hi-fi mag..and the one and only serious hi-fi mag.. in Norway. I can not translate the whole test, but I can tell you it was good :D To take the conclusion from the test, it was said that the 35th had taken the best from apollo and saturn and made a fantastic player. The midrange was one of the best heard from cd at any price. How cool was that :D I tought never this player would be tested. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9600 Registered: Feb-05 | Love to hear it someday. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12419 Registered: Dec-04 | I really must drop by the Rantz home for a listen... |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2192 Registered: Nov-05 | You're welcome anytime Nuck. Hang on - well at least at a reasonable hour :-) Need to catch up on some threads. Been away on holidays - Byron Bay (as usual) great time, great weather - back home (just in time) to devasting winds and torrential rain. The yard looks like a bomb hit it. The storm has moved on to the Byron Bay region and another front just as wild is predicted to hit us again this weekend. Thanks for that info Nik. Reviews are scarce because of ther limited edition numbers - I guess Rega aren't flooding the reviewers with them. But, I'd have to say I agree with that reviewer. It's a very, very nice cdp |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2199 Registered: Nov-05 | Another Apollo SE review: c=afreviews I agree with what was stated except I don't understand this comment - I detected somewhat less assertiveness in the lower extremes, when, with some acoustic material, the bass was less detailed that I knew it to be. You may notice this in more resolving systems, but it doesn't really get in the way of musical enjoyment. I think the SE handles this area particularly well. Maybe it's his cables or I have a less resolving system. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 12443 Registered: Dec-04 | Apalloosa |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2201 Registered: Nov-05 | Then take her home Nuck! |