Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2139 Registered: Feb-07 | Pulled the trigger on a McIntosh today. Now all I can do is wait for it to arrive at my dealer's.... argh. |
Gold Member Username: StryvnWisconsin Post Number: 1009 Registered: Dec-06 | Congratulation's David!! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2144 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Stryvn! I'm pretty stoked. |
Silver Member Username: Unbridled_idChicagoUsa Post Number: 443 Registered: Mar-04 | MA-6600? |
Silver Member Username: HawkbillyNova Scotia Canada Post Number: 504 Registered: Jul-07 | Wowzers. That's a big decision to pull the trigger on. Which model did you get David ? |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2146 Registered: Feb-07 | I bought the MA-6300 - the entry level integrated. I mulled it over for a long time, and at the insistence of my wife (yup, you heard right) I decided to finally do it. Selling off some other gear to finance it, plus I had a little saved up to put toward it. |
Gold Member Username: StryvnWisconsin Post Number: 1010 Registered: Dec-06 | A review after a few hours of playing, huh? And send any and all unwanted Bryston my way. Thanks. lol. |
Silver Member Username: Unbridled_idChicagoUsa Post Number: 445 Registered: Mar-04 | Nice pickup David. I simply love the look of Mac gear (i know nothing of the sound though I would imagine it is stellar). I always imagine when I watch the old movies that Bela Lugosi (playing Dracula) would own Mac gear. Time line is off but I mean this as a compliment! |
Silver Member Username: Unbridled_idChicagoUsa Post Number: 446 Registered: Mar-04 | Mac gear that was used in the departed: Departed set decorating personnel went on a field trip to a McIntosh dealer to check out the toys. A month later, they came back with the 'wish list', and it was not small. An MX119 Home Theater Preamp, MVP861 DVD Player, MA6500 Integrated Amp, C2200 Tube Preamp, MR85 Tuner, MHT200 Home Theater Receiver, MC207 Multi Channel Amp, MCD1000 CD Transport and five XLS320 Bookshelf speakers. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2148 Registered: Feb-07 | I remember seeing that in the movie! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2149 Registered: Feb-07 | I gotta wait 2-4 weeks for the 6300 to arrive at the dealer. It's kinda a funny story behind it (at least I think it is). I originally had my heart set on a McIntosh power amp, but the entry level one (MA-252?) was over 6k with taxes. That sorta scared me a little bit. So I though I'd for the integrated instead, which was more in line with what I wanted to spend. But then I started to flip-flop back and forth, looking at other/cheaper alternatives (but knowing I'd be settling). So I decided recently I'd achieve that warm sound by buying a tube integrated instead of a Mac, which was 1/3 of the price. When I told my wife my plans, she said (more or less) "don't be stupid - buy the Mac". She's right, when I think about it. I'd buy the tube amp, then within a year, want to upgrade again, and in the end I'd spend more to arrive where I'm at right now. So that's where I'm at. Hopefully the need to upgrade will subside for awhile. I'll be sure to post photos and reviews when I get it. |
Gold Member Username: Nickelbut10Post Number: 2368 Registered: Jun-07 | Nice stuff David. Congrats dude. Keep us posted. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 8994 Registered: Feb-05 | Wow...first I've seen this thread. Congrats in a big way David...looking forward to hearing from ya on it. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2150 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Art. For sure I'll keep you guys posted. The wait is already killing me. Already read the manual, lol. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 8995 Registered: Feb-05 | If you're gonna upgrade best not to go lateral and instead make a move that gives you heirloom quality and pride of ownership with sound that doesn't leave you wanting for anything. Wife and I have been talking and after the next biennium (facing big cuts at work) she's ok with me making a big move up. That's reasonable and I can wait (I hope). Outstanding David...can't wait to see pics! |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3187 Registered: May-05 | Congrats on the gear, and maybe more importantly the wife approval. Mac gear is Mac gear. It speaks for itself. Its got it all - sound quality, build quality, and timeless looks. I'm sure you'll enjoy it for a very long time. Not that I'm trying to get you thinking ahead of yourself, but after the funds recover make sure you get an equally good source. The Rega CD players pair up very well with them. I didn't think they would until I heard a Mac 6500 with an Apollo. I have no doubt that a Saturn would sound even better with it. I'm sure Mike Wodek would agree wholeheartedly. Who knows, maybe Rega will come out with an outboard DAC by then. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2151 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Stu. I gotta get the Mac paid off before I can consider the Rega. I'm sure my CA will be sufficient for awhile. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2152 Registered: Feb-07 | Who's facing cuts Art? You/your wife? Sorry to hear that my friend. |
Platinum Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 13362 Registered: May-04 | . Enjoy your new amplifier, Dave. They do last a long time. Mine are going on 50 years of age and still amaze me every time I listen. Figure out who gets the amp and put it in your will. . |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 2042 Registered: Nov-05 | Nice David, very nice indeed. Now ask your wife who's she seeing. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 1772 Registered: May-06 | Congrats in a big way David! I have no doubt you will have the same grin on your face the rest of the MAC owners out there have when listening to their kit. JV's right, you will have it for a very long time. Maybe you could borrow Nuck's Apollo to see how well it synergizes with the MAC. I couldn't agree with Stu more, the Rega CD players sound mate very well with the MAC sound. Let us know how you find it different than the Brystons. Oh yeah, please give your wife a hug from all of us! |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11630 Registered: Dec-04 | Thats really great David! You will enjoy that IA forever man. When you come to visit in the spring, you can take the Apollo home to try out for a while if you like. Hmmm Mac 6300 with RS6 speakers...I would like to get impressions on that! |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 634 Registered: Jun-08 | Dave, I'm sorry I got in late on this one. A really big congrats!!!! That is the exact amp. I demo'd this summer. I was sold on it the minute I heard it. Every detail is smooth like 18yr old scotch. You are going to love it. And personally, I absolutely love the look of them...those blue meters just do it for me. The IA is the way to go. Mc has done the pairing of the pre and power for you and I'm sure with little compromise. When I spoke to the dealer, he even said that moving a step up on their integrated line would get you more power but not much of anything else. That amp will be an heirloom. I'll wait to hear the review. Cheers, G |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2153 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks guys! It's pretty cool to hear that your MAC is 50 years old and still going Jan (doesn't surprise me, though). Hopefully this is the last amp I have to buy for a very long time. My progression has been something like this: 1) Yamaha receiver, tape deck and TT (from when I was in high school). This lasted me till I was in my late 20's 2) Crappy HTIB when DVD's hit the scene 3) A second hand Kenwood surround receiver my buddy gave me to replace the HTIB (I still have it, and use it in the kitchen) 4) Pioneer surround receiver (to replace the Kenwood) 5) NAD separates (272's, 2150) 6) Cambridge Audio receiver (to replace the Pioneer) 7) Bryston (lots of them, to replace the NADs) 8) An (almost) all Bryston 2 channel rig 9) And now McIntosh I think I'm done. Well, except for maybe a new CDP, lol. When any of you are in Ottawa my door is always open to you for a listen and a drink. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2156 Registered: Feb-07 | Any thoughts on how the Mac will pair with my Sttafs? Too laid back? Like Nuck, I'm interested to hear the aggressiveness of the RS6 with the smoothness of the Mac. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 637 Registered: Jun-08 | I heard your amp with B&W 704, which I would say are laid back but quite different than the Sttafs and would say that those B&W speakers did not show all the lustre of the McIntosh. I've heard McIntosh with NHT and it sounded huge and though laid back was still awe inspiring. I think the McIntosh will mate very nicely with the Sttafs. I would say McIntosh is neutral but very smooth and can see it conflicting. Since I know you like warm, and smooth is more the better, I expect you will be very happy with the results but for your music tastes my bet is that the RS6 might be your fav. with the McIntosh power. You gonnna just have to wait. And, we'll have to wait to hear your review. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2159 Registered: Feb-07 | I think you're bang-on as usual George. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3191 Registered: May-05 | Dave - I sent you an e-mail a little while ago. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2160 Registered: Feb-07 | Just got home Stu - sent you a reply. Cheers. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3576 Registered: Sep-04 | David, Many congratulations on the happy event! ![]() ![]() Enjoy the wait! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2166 Registered: Feb-07 | Thanks Frank! The wait is killing me, actually. I sold my Bryston pre-amp the other day, and it's all packed up and ready to go (and now I'm without music for the time being). I find myself on the Mac website a lot staring at my new amp. I'll give the CA a chance with the Mac and see how it goes. I actually really do like the CDP. |
Silver Member Username: LamcamOrange County, CA USA Post Number: 157 Registered: Nov-07 | I agree with Frank. You should get something better than the Apollo. I have never impressed with the Apollo, same as my wife ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9023 Registered: Feb-05 | "Who's facing cuts Art? You/your wife? Sorry to hear that my friend." The wife and I have the same employer...we're both facing big cuts. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2174 Registered: Feb-07 | Damn... |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 9024 Registered: Feb-05 | Thanks for comments David, not to worry I have plenty of fat to! Hey we just take 'em as they come right guys. Your turn for Mac this year maybe mine a couple of years down the road...I enjoy what I have and feel blessed to have it. Looking forward to the pics David. |
Silver Member Username: Jazzman71Phoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 564 Registered: Dec-07 | Congrats David. I have to agree with Frank and Loc, if you move up, wait and then move way up. Can't wait to hear what you think. Dang it's exciting when someone goes and buys something cool like this.![]() |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2175 Registered: Feb-07 | Glad to hear that you and your wife are gonna be ok Art. Thanks Neil! I'm not even sure if another CDP is the way to go down the road. Maybe a super-nice DAC and a laptop.... I have pretty much my entire CD collection ripped to FLAC. |
Silver Member Username: WattsssupBarrie, ON Canada Post Number: 297 Registered: Aug-06 | DAC! DAC! DAC! my 2 cents ;) |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 642 Registered: Jun-08 | David, a little bit of a retro suggestion...or progressive, depending on which way you take it. Vinyl, vinyl, vinyl. With the Mc and your love for warmth, you've gotta try it out on the new kit. I'm just sitting on the edge of my seat to get your review. You'll need to video record the first movements of those blue meters...those first hearbeats that machine takes. Just wicked. Art, sorry to hear about the situation but it sounds like you're well set to roll with the punches...all the best. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2176 Registered: Feb-07 | I've considered vinyl George, but I think that ship has already sailed. I used to have TONS of vinyl - a lot of rare punk and metal albums (big surprise there) and a lot of imports. But I got rid of all of 'em back in the early 90's when we were told CDs were the format of the future. I can't really see myself re-purchasing my CD collection on vinyl either. That's one thing I want to do when I finally get my hands on my Mc - take a video of the blue meters :-) |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 3578 Registered: Sep-04 | David,, If it's already in FLAC form and the NAS/PC paradigm suits you and your family, then a DAC makes a lot of sense. IIRC the CA has a DAC input does it not? You could try that for an idea of how it would work. As for DACs, there's a lot of talk about the Lavry DA-10. Then there's the Bryston BCD-1 and of course Naim's new one due in a few months - and Chord's amazing QBD-76. (Sh1t! Must stop...must...stop...sigh!) |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2177 Registered: Feb-07 | I think only the 740C and higher have the DAC inputs. Darn... That would have been a good solution. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 646 Registered: Jun-08 | Personally, I never knew this but it looks like McIntosh is owned by the same company (D&M Holdings)that owns: Denon Marantz Snell Boston Acoustics etc. See this link to the holding company site: |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2195 Registered: Feb-07 | That's an awful lot of brand names. I was even more surprised to find that McIntosh did car audio too. Isn't there a Clarion connection there somewhere? |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 658 Registered: Jun-08 | Yeah I read somthing on Car Audio. Regardless, Mc is a proven brand in and of itself but now you know they have the backing of a company with a lot of cash, which gives confidence that it will survive. |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2196 Registered: Feb-07 | I'd be afraid to park my car with a McIntosh system in it. It's like inviting someone to throw a brick through your window. |
Platinum Member Username: NuckPost Number: 11666 Registered: Dec-04 | They mostly do OEM stuff,like Levinson. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 659 Registered: Jun-08 | Yup, but somehow I think those people are driving vintage collectibles that go around the block and back in the garage, or they have some exotic car that gets vallet parking and a climate controlled garage....LOL. That said, you getting a home alarm system and bars on your windows? LOL. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3197 Registered: May-05 | How cool (and distracting) would it be to have these in your dash? ![]() ![]() A friend of mine in college knew about Mac car audio, but had no clue they made home audio gear. How messed up is that? I haven't seen prices in a while, but from what I remember they weren't outrageously priced. Not cheap by any means though. A hifi shop where I grew up used to carry their car stuff, but got out of the car audio business. I haven't seen it anywhere else. If you think the pics look good, they look 10x better in person. All their car stuff is seperates, which adds to the cost. The head unit doesn't have any amplification in it. The meters aren't required, but they definitely would be in my car ![]() I don't think they OEMed for any cars, but I'm probably wrong. |
Silver Member Username: SoundgameRichmond Hill Toronto, Ontario Canada Post Number: 666 Registered: Jun-08 | Nice pics Stu. Maybe now if Dave ever decides to simplify he can move his Mc gear to the car...LOL. I do like how they look but not sure they would suit my '98 VW Jetta with the rust spot on the back...LOL. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 3199 Registered: May-05 | It ain't about the car, its about the tunes! |
Gold Member Username: DmitchellOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2197 Registered: Feb-07 | That's freaking awesome Stu. I'd be watching the blue meters instead of watching the road. Not good... |
Silver Member Username: LamcamOrange County, CA USA Post Number: 158 Registered: Nov-07 | My neighbor has a Mac/Dynaudio system in his car and I keep dreaming about it... |