Anyone got the scoop on these Vandersteen 2ce. The guy I recently me had them running with a Jolida tube amp and was very satsfied. I thought their construction was need with the sock...kind Gallo like.
I've seen them sell up here for as low as $500/pr, which caught my interest but I haven't heard them.
Can I get some description of their sound? Are they neutral or do they lean one way or another? Are they clinical?Are they difficult to drive? What do they run on best? How about room size etc.? Anyone own them and what did they like about them? I know I can find info. on the web but thought I would fish for some more personal thoughts? Art, can you get the ball rolling?
They sound neutral and natural. I once did an audition with them vs Maggie 1.6's the day after a live concert and I used music by the artist I had seen the night before and the Vandy's sounded like the artist, I recognized her voice...very true to the music.