Where to buy Paradigm or PSB speakers online?


terri cooper
I am new here and need your help. I am trying to get information to decide on a purchase of our family's first home theatre system. We are on a budget and I have been researching a great deal. Here is what I have come up with:
Receiver: HK AVR 325
DVD/CD player: Onkyo DV-SP301
Speakers: PSB Alpha B (and maybe the Alpha center) or Paradigm Atoms (and maybe the CC-170 center)

Would these components sound great together? I have found great online prices for everything but the speakers. Which of those two brands would be best and where would be the best place to look for them?

Many thanks for any help you can give!

I have some Paradigms, the Titans/CC-170, PDR-10 and surrounds. I am very pleased with the speakers. I was able to hear them in person at a local shop, buying speakers without hearing is a little too risky for me. Not familiar with the receiver, I have an Onkyo SR600 and Pioneer Elite DVD players. I'd check out a local high end shop and listen to the speakers as well as check out their units.

The Paradigms sound great- I came across them at a local dealer (the reference series is even better- But the floor satnding one run 950a pair). Paradigms supposedly does not sell its products online at all.
There is a webist-www.qaudio.com (They are in cambridge, MA)- they have some paradiugms listed- but as a store purchase only.
Psb- seem to be sold at a lot od Nad retailer??? check some online Nad sites.
goo luck


If you are near New Jersey you can audition Paradigms at any 6th Ave store.


Don't know how this fits with your other string, but I would not pair an H/K receiver with either Paradigm or PSB speakers. Both the receiver and the speaker lines are too laid back and thus make a poor combo, IMHO. However, both Paradigms and PSBs are a great combo with the NAD receivers.

Two sources for PSB are DMC Electronics (www.dmc-electronics.com) which carries refurbs and B-Stock at great prices, and Kief's Audio Video(www.kiefs.com), from which you can get the phone number and then call. Speak to Ed at Kief's--he is great and will usually mark the prices down 20% on brand new stock. Can't help you with Paradigms, however.



What's your opinion of an Onkyo SR601 paired with the Paradigm or PSB speakers?

Which Paradigms or which PSBs?

Say titan/atom or the equivalent PSB model. Something in the under $1k price range for all 5 speakers+sub.
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