Firmware version. . .what is this?


Im about to buy T752 but being refrained by this so called "firmware version". What is this all about? I learned the newer the version, the better. How will I know its new? Why not all T752 models manufactured under the same version? Can I go to the dealer and say: "I want T752 with this certain firmware version"? Are all receiver brands use this? Please explain. Thanks

Firmware is the software the makes the thing work. Like the actual hardware, this is constantly being revised and developed, and the machines will be shipped with the latest version as they become available. Latest usually does mean better therefore. (If you've got a computer you'll be familiar with the concept of updating drivers for your printer, monitor etc - this is the same thing.)

The firmware works behind the scenes. If there's a problem in the programming, all you'll be aware of is that the machine isn't working right. The dealer/manufacturer will worry about updating the software when you take your machine back for repair.

You can't really ask for a specific firmware version. It's like asking for a machine with a serial number in a certain range

Usually it should be possible to update the firmware somehow. You may need to get a disk from the manufacturer and play it, or you may need to bring it back to the dealer. Ask your dealer or the manufacturer's technical support.

It isn't a critical issue by any means, so I should just go out and buy your machine without losing any more sleep over it.

Correct. A new Firmware version is the same as a computer software upgrade. It may contain a new Dobly upgrade to Prologic II or any number of software upgrades in the receiver. As long as you buy a receiver that has an upgrade port on the back you can do this yourself from the companies website. If the receiver is upgradeable without a port, you send it back to the manufacturer for an upgrade. Some manufacturers of quality separates often will put new hardware and firmware in for you---at a fairly reasonable cost.

Obviously, a firmware upgrade doesn't mean a hardware upgrade. If a receiver has 5 channels of amplification you won't normally get an upgrade to 7 channels. For that you usually buy a separate amp and connect it to the receiver, or you decide to give your receiver to your younger brother and get a new one :-)

Some owners made complains regarding the operation of their units while others were satisfied with theirs(same models as that of the complainants). Could it be possible that the ones with complains have bought the earlier version which might have some firmware deffects and those satisfied ones has the new and improved version? If that is so, what should I do if I dont want to belong to the first group? Thanks.


^ check out his site, he tells you how to tell which version of firmware the nad t752 carries...

At this stage of buying you have a great likelihood of getting the 1.20 version... :)

Hi all,

This site has been very informative to me...I am about to buy a T752 and at least I know what I am about to get into by reading all these constructive feedbacks. By the way it will be very helpful for people to start putting their unit's manufacture date with messages. At least by doing so, all of us will have some idea of when the frequency of problems rose since T752 was introduced. Perhaps we can convey that information to NAD if they care to know... We all can be a part of good consumer watchdogs as well as audiophiles.

By the way I am still buying T752 because I fell in love with the way it sounds despite all these known problems.... Wish me a good luck!
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