Anonymous | I bought the Kilpsch Pro Media GMX 5.1 speakers and I have a Soundblaster Audigy 2. I can't get EAX environmental sounds, or tru 5 channel surround to work with this configuration. Being digital connection, it only get sstereo signal unless you run DVD's then the buit in encoder kicks in and you get 5 channel surround. Is it possible to use a SPDIF adapter of some sort to get the EAX sound? Or am I screwed? I got suckered into buying these speakers. Id really love to know if I can somehow get the EAX to work. Thanks much. |
Anonymous | Open Tech Support Archives » Archives Pages:1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 (Click here to view the original thread with full colors/images) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Texas Turkey 10 May 2002 Recently acquired a set of Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 surround sound speakers. Can't get the center speaker to work with Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum sound card. Remember reading about this problem in a knowledge base somewhere but because I suffer chronically from "teflon brain" [nothing sticks for very long] I can't remeber where I read it and what the fix is. Specifically, does anyone know how to configure a set of Klipsch Pro Media 5.1 speakers to interface propperly with a SB Audigy Platinum sound card so that the center speaker will function as something other than a paper weight, i.e., try as I may, I cannot get used to a speaker that sits ... endlessly ... doing nothing but sitting there listening as opposed to playing sound. Texas Turkey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Outlaw Getting the center speaker to work isn't easy. It will probably never play when listening to music. I got a 5.1 set too and the only times I hear sound from the center speaker is when I'm watching a DVD, playing Diablo2, or using the creative diagnostics program. What windows do you have? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Texas Turkey 10 May 2002 Thanks for the reply. I am running Windows XP Pro. Unfortunate part about this dilemma is that Klipsch doesn't really have tech support; seems to only be offered through the vendor who sold the system which, in my case, is NewEgg meaning no support whatsoever. I can't imagine why Klipsch would manufacture a speaker system that isn't fully functional in a state of the art operating environment. Texas Turkey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Ion Silverbolt That's why I receommend the 4.1's over the 5.1's. 100$ isn't worth it for the extra speaker that gets used 20% of the time. It's not a design flaw or software problem. The problem is, nothing is made for 5.1 surround except some games and DVD movies with software that supports 5.1 surround sound. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Darky! The center channel wil only be usedin EAX games, DVD's, some DivX, etc. And its not just for the center speaker, you get two big subs as well ion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by: Ion Silverbolt Well I have both the 4.1's and the 5.1's. The difference between the two is not worth 100$. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vBulletin Copyright ©2000 - 2003, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. vB Easy Archive Final - Created by Xenon and modified/released by SkuZZy from Scripts This web site is Copyright ©2000-2003, Tolitz Rosel & Open Tech Support. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Info / Privacy Statement / About Us / Archives Support Our Site / Back to Home |
Anonymous | EAX and A3D can not be passed digitally. The only thing that can do this is an nForce mombo with SoundStorm technology. There is nothing wrong with your speakers. |