Jucca | Hello, does anyone have experiencies regarding Vincent CD players (mainly the model S3). I have heard that the ampilifiers are good but how about the CD-players ? |
| hello jucca i have a vincent s3 cd-player the sound is cristal clear specially in classic . I hope you can understand me,my englisch is not so good. |
Anonymous | Hi !!! The CD-S3 From Vincent Is A Great Player For All Music Styles ( Classic;Pop;Dance;Jazz;Blues... ) I Think It's The Best Under 800.-€ This High End Vincent Play's Better Than Any 2000.-€ Players !!!!! |
antonio | The sound reproduction of the s3 adds nothing to the music. It is transparent and therefore very enjoyable. regards |
Eddie | Just got me a Vincent cd s-3. Very happy! It plays beautifully. Very transparent! Its a "low cost" Hi-End player! Its a budged way in to the lower aspect of Hi-End... Beats any other cdplayer I have heard compared to price! -Recomended! |
| I had a demo of the s3 and estimated it's price to be more than twice what it actually is! I shall purchase one when I can afford the matching amplifier. Before I do, has anyone heard the cd s6 with it's matching amp? |
D. Byron | The best matching is Vincent SA-T1/SP-T100 amplifier set. I bought this from a Hong Kong website called www.cattylink.com at a very low price. I'm very happy with that! Cheers! |
Carlos | Hello everybody. I have the following audio system: Amp: Graaf GM 20 OTL - PreAmp: Graaf 13.5 B II - Sony XA50ES as transport and Wadia 26 as DAC - Sonus Faber Concert - Cables: Nordost SPM Reference and Red Dawn - Van Den Hul Revelation. I think is time to change the digital sources... Do you think the Vincent cd player's S3 or S6 is a good choice ? Best regards - Carlos - Portugal |
| Hello D. Byron I'd like to know more about your experience of buying at cattylink ( very interested too by the Vincent sp t100 ) could you contact me thanks |
| Where can one purchase "Vincent" components in the USA? Where are "Vincent" components manufactured? |
Jimmy lu | I bought this CD Player from an agent of Vincent High End products in Singapore. Recently, most of consumers still don't know about it ( I mean model CD S3), the reasons is it was produced in the non-English speaking country,you know, if a person they only reading English Hi Fi Magazines, he might got not chance to recovers this wonderful product! This Vincent CD S3 can easily beats any the same price,twice or even more than twice of the selling price! |
Ranko Unregistered guest | Hello Peter I don't where Vincent is sold in the USA but there is a dealer i red in a mag. Vincent is designed in Europe but made in China. Its sold there under the brand Shen Ya or something. I myself own an owesome Vincent SV-233 amp |
Unregistered guest | Vincent manufacturing. Hi Guys, Vincent is the export name for Sheng Ya, a top quality Chinese audio manufacturer. Since I live in China I have met many Chinese audio enthousiasts and Shang Ya is one of the best brands. It is not designed in Europe at all everything is done in China. you can look at heir website at http://www.shengya-audio.com. There are other brands such as Korsun (OEM for Mark and Levinson although they would not admit that) and http://www.hdlt.com/ for Jungson which is probably the most expensive brand in China (and outside China as well). Opera is another great brand. They make superb tube amplifiers in Beijing. And no folks these are not dark halls where thousands of children are working but nice workshops with audio enthousiasts and excellent engineers working on top quality products. Everybody thinks that Chinese manufacturers can not make top products but if you know that many top brands buy their products here with OEM manufacturers and pretend that it is designed and made in Europe or Japan just to raise the price think twice. Cheers, Rens metaal@rens.org |
Anonymous | Just ordered my Vincent CD S3. But meanwhile take a look at these shanling cd-players. I gotta have one some day... http://www.shanling.com/CD-T100.htm |
Unregistered guest | Anonymous: Funny you would mention Shangling, which of course is a Chinese brand as well. It's sky high priced in the rest of the world, but import from China is very cheap, about 1/4th of the retail price in Europe, including shipping and insurance. |
Unregistered guest | Rens Metaal: If you would visit this page again, you would not happen to know anything about Catty Link Research and Coemaudio in Hong Kong? They export ShengYa at very moderate prices, if they are legit (they most likely are) importing ShengYa-labeled products give you a big bang for the buck. For example two SP-991's and the SP-91 preamp including shipping and insurance for less than that one SP-991 cost in Europe. |
New member Username: SucriPost Number: 1 Registered: 02-2004 | hello carlos you seem to have a good system; did you hear about amt heil speakers ? your advices on this thanks christian |
New member Username: SucriPost Number: 2 Registered: 02-2004 | hello , can someone tell which is the best cd player in vincent range and why thanks |
Anonymous | Please, help me, although this forum is not for cd recorders. I want buy a audio cd recorder, because I don't like the sound of computer burned cd's. I want know of those two decks, what is the best at doing accurate cd copies (COPIES VIRTUALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THE SOURCE CD). I know that PIONEER has more smart features like FADE IN/FADE OUT, possibility of add post gaps if you desire, possibility of insert ID to skip tracks you don't want to listen, etc. However, although I like those features, I want know which do better cd copies and which is bettter at tracks access speed(from the first track to the last of a disc), and also which is more quiet during the read of a cd(internal mechanisms noises). Thanks. |
Anonymous | I forgot say that the two models of cd recorders are: PHILIPS CDR-800 AND PIONEER PDR-W839. |
rensmetaal Unregistered guest | I have the Philips and it is perfect but I haven't compared to any other one so hard to tell. Howerver it works very well. I use it to burn Cd's from records and it does it perfectly. Sound is as good as the source. |
Unregistered guest | I can get the Kavent CDP's and amplifiers for cheap (over 30% discount), if we can gether together a group purchase. They are manufactured by ShengYa, but is re-engineered by kellsieavdesign.com, and therefore has a 120V power supply and better build quality. Take a look at their website, and let me if you are interested. Myself personally want to go with the CD-931 (equivalent to CD-S3) and S-22/P-2200 (equivalent to SA91/SP991). |
Unregistered guest | I have bought one from www.ec21.com/gzzry, i am satisfied it. |
Unregistered guest | Does any one have any experience with the Shengya S-10 cd player? I've been using a Pioneer Elite CLD-59 for a while and now that it seems to have stopped working, it's a good excuse to upgrade. I'm using a Yamaha DSP-A970 for amplifcation and MIT terminator series for cables and interconnects. Speakers are PSB Century 500i's (but will be replaced with Paradigm Monitor 9's in the near future). Any opinions on synergy would be greatly appreciated... thanks |
Unregistered guest | Below is a wrong worlding to be corrected: .......... ............. .............. ...........he might got not chance to "recovers" this wonderful product! ......... ................... The correct one is : ...........he might got not change to discovers this wonderful product!........ Sorry everybody ! |
Unregistered guest | Ranbaxian I have a Vincent CDS - 10 which works really well for its price. Bought it in Singapore, for the same price as a Marantz CD17 Mk III. Liked the sound overall but the clincher for me was that vocals are the most "solid" that I have heard at the price and more. One practical problem, which is not so much a fault of the CDS 10 as it is to room matching, is that when I first installed it, huge amounts of bass was generated such that it was impossible to listen to my system - it became totally unbalanced tonally (to the point of drowning out mid and highs). I have since retuned the system by moving speakers further from the wall, repositoined by REL subwoofer, tuned my room to reduce unwanted standing wave at resonant frequencies etc. This has helped significantly to the point that I am sure the cost of the player is money well spent. At this time, there is still some very occasional slowness which I intend to remove by further room tuning, if possible. Would appreciate anyone who has experience with tube swapping for either the CDS-10 or the Vincent SAT-1 advising on what tubes to swap for. I am told that the original tubes are rather poor quality and that a cheap upgrade can be had by putting in better quality tubes. As this is my first experience with tube products, any tips would be valuable. SL |
New member Username: AmartincoolPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | I am going to buy a cd vincent s-6 MKII 24/96 HDCD, the new one with three tube at a good discount. I own Dynaudio contour s 3.4, Amplifier Odyssey Stratos plus, and a pre a/V receiver Sony STR-DA 7ES. Everybody talks very good about de cd-3, but I only have the opinion of the dealer talking about the plus of the warm sound because the tubes for the kind of music I hear (GOVI, Sade, folk celta, new age, Norah Jones, and my wife Julio Iglesias, I am sorry) but Queen and Nirvana too! Have somebody here had the chance to compare both sound?, because in my city I can not and I do not want to make a mistake. Also I could connect directly to the amplifier because the cd player has an variable output signal; you can control with the remote, so I should not need the sony, I can use XLR connectors insted of my RCA quality cables, but Do you think that really the use of XLR can improve the quality sound compared to quality RCA?? ABout the formats, I already own a Piooner 757Ai, with SACD and DVD-A, I was thinking in buying a better only SACD player but the dealer opinion was to expend the money only in a good cd player, so I will wait with my piooner what format is really coming. |
Unregistered guest | i want to know how you can compare the rotel rcd-02 and the vincent cd s2 cd-players. which is the better one to buy. I now have a rotel ra-1060 amplifier and i dont know which cd player i should buy. It should cost something around the price of the rotel rcd-02. |
Jean Unregistered guest | the price of this is even much lower than the cattylink: www.coemaudio.com |
Jean Unregistered guest | Vincent/ Shengya CD-S10 US$378 Vincent/ Shengya CD-S2 US$277 Vincent/ Shengya CD-S3 US$417 Vincent/ Shengya CD-S6 US$602 this is their price |
gianni Unregistered guest | I have a Shengya CD S10 , i'am italian and i bought it on EBAY at 264 euro+ship. I had a CAMBRIDGE AUDIO CD6, a very nice CD player with a very good sound. I have had in the past Onkyo top level, HK HD750, BUT THE CD10S IS ANOTHER THINGS!!! The jump of quality is enormous , and details and musicality now is a reality. I'am very very happy for it. It has a solid metal chassis and it's heavy and adopt exectionally quality component.... Sorry for my poor english... |
New member Username: LoufinkMargate, FL USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-04 | I have a Vincent S-6 player and have compared it to many others. Very good indeed. Extended midrange and upper mids. Very detailed without being bright. Good build quality. I am a dealer and have quite a lot to chose from. Highly recommended. |
rosconey Unregistered guest | i just recieved a shengya s10-very nice unit for 300$, better than it has the right to be for that money-came from a us dealer via china |
rosconey Unregistered guest | forgot-it is also a usa voltage so no converter is required-and have some nos amperex tubes on the way to try with it |
Unregistered guest | hope u guys dont mind me going a bit off topic but.. have any of you hade any contact with cattylink lately? I orderd a amp from them a few months ago but I havent recived it yet. They dont respond to any of my mails (many mails from many different mailadds) or faxes. |
New member Username: NmytreePost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-04 | rosconey, how did you order the Shengya s10? From where? Is that the same as Vincent Audio? How can I order? |
Unregistered guest | Hi I am interested in the Vincent sdv3 dvd player & the vincent sv-382 amplifier.Has anyone got these and are they good quality? I can only get into the chinese site of Shengya-audio,is there a way to get an english version of this site. Regards |
New member Username: LoufinkMargate, FL USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Jul-04 | I am a dealer for Vincent in the US in Florida. Please email me for availability and pricing. Thanks. |
New member Username: LoufinkMargate, FL USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | Also, the Vincent products are definitely "kicked up" from the Shen Ya units. They even come with JAN Phillips tubes. I have a CD6 in stock along with some pre-amps and power amps. |
Unregistered guest | I want to buy a Shengya CD-S6. If I well understand, it's the same product than a Vincent CD-S6 ? Where can I buy one, a store? a website ? As someone already did it ? |
Sammy C. Unregistered guest | Besides the China-made cd is great now, The cables called "Xindak" is also beaufiful. |
Unregistered guest | Hi all, The vincent tube amps are made in China..all vincent gear i suppose,that's why teh gear ain't overly expensive ,but for European import they get some directions from the Netherlands ,those are also executed in China ..for EU import and sales it is imported by "audipulse" The Netherlandns ...(you'll find info if you use google) |
jim60815 Unregistered guest | Shengya do OEM manufacturing for Vincent, or in another word, Vincent put their label on Shengya Products. |
Jehangir Unregistered guest | Can anyone tell me which is the best of all the ShengYa (Vincent) Cd players, regardless of price?? What Chinese tube and/or solid state amp. would you recommend matching it with? Also, between SACD and HDCD which format would you go for?? |
Anonymous | next month will accept individual orders for SE integrated tube amp using 2A3/45 tubes. handcrafted from the philippines. raffy712@yahoo.com |
Unregistered guest | Oops it's designed in Germany..some ex mark levinson engineers draw the Vincent designs.. I heard the vincent s6 cd player this week....very warm and musical sounding cd player,typical tube mid's(warm and naturel vocals) and hi's(clean, crisp)..a little bit lean on the bass,but not too lean,worked for both jazz and pop/to me a good cd player or gear must play every music..music wasn't overly dynamic,nor to laidback..very good cd player if you're looking for an affordable tubed cd player ... the mk2 has balanced outputs ..1200€ without balanced outputs 1050€ it uses 1x 12ax7/ecc83 and 2x 6922/ecc88 tubes...you can find these easely new(russian) ..or nos production if you wanna rol tubes(telefunken and amperex buggle boy are great nos ones but pricey) |
Unregistered guest | Hi folks: I discovered this thread and site while contemplating a purchase of a Kavent CD player. They make a North American version of the ShengYa/Vincent design. I bought a Kavent 731 CD player without an audition of any kind... just based on the parts list, which was all good, and what information I could find based on sites like this one. I was overwhelmed at how well my gamble paid off. I am extremely happy with the sound. It is full and warm and extremely well imaged. Prior to it's arrival I listened much more expensive equipment at local retailers (Cary, etc.). I think for the money you can't do better than the Kavent. I plug it directly into a Rotel power amp without a pre-amp stage using the volume control on the CD player. Speakers are the Thiel CS 0.5's. (I also have a pair of big Wharfedale's but don't use them because the room is too small.) Cables are Synergistics Research #2 and MAS Signature interconnects. You can buy the Kavent line direct from the manufacturer at audiogon.com. Call them if you have questions. I did and they were very helpful. |
Anonymous | anyone know who sells vincent in Singapore? |
Singaporean Unregistered guest | The agent for Vincent in Singapore is AV One (S) Pte Ltd, 5 Pereira Road #02-03 ASIAWIDE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Singapore 368025 Tel: 63822288 Fax: 62851811 |
justanswering Unregistered guest | Just got the SDV-3 dvd player. Superb quality video playback, superb sound. Best in its class, guaranteed! |
Kiwi Unregistered guest | All what I can say is that Jungson CD players are ABSOLUTE KILLERS for the price and especially the SACD even used with standard CD's. I have personnally listened to it and can confirm the amazing transparence of this CD player. It blows the Vincent S6 CD away and at a lower price. By the way, I was personnally confirmed by reliable sources that the "German design" for Vincent products is pure fantasy. |
Unregistered guest | the above prices are crazy.. i used this company called knoxed.com they even have a website www.ornec.com. these guys are the major players in the market the french placed an order for 55 units from these guys.. these guys have everything btw the prices are better then coemaudio any comments? |
Unregistered guest | I tried coemaudio ,cattylink and even timeaudio.. price where okay problem with freight and shipping.. i found this other company www.ornec.com they accept big orders and recently accepted the big order for france.. They sent items using FedEx and price are low.. plus i think they are distrubutors for G&W.. try them. |
New member Username: Vince75Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | Where did you find your SDV3 DVD Player ? It seems that Shengya has been asked to stop to sell its products under its proper brand in China and I don't find any more supplyer at low price for this product in China. |
Henry van der B Unregistered guest | Hello, I also want to medlle in this discussion. Personally I don't trust every anonymous person, especially when they give good credit on the eastern hifi resellers on the internet. Brands such as Cayin and Shanling state on their own website that every sale from internet pages are FAKE or OUTDATED products WITHOUT WARRANTY!!! |
Unregistered guest | Just like to join for this discussion: I have auditioned a Vincent S1.1 last week and loved what I heard (don't remember the setup since I was looking for cheaper CD player and Amp). I like the idea of the headphone out and while reading this thread start playing with the idea of getting just the CD player instead of a whole setup and listen with my good headphones until there is more money to pair it with a good amp. I would otherwise go for a Cambrigde 640 setup. Any comments on that? Ideas? thanks |
Anonymous | "Hello, I also want to medlle in this discussion. Personally I don't trust every anonymous person, especially when they give good credit on the eastern hifi resellers on the internet. Brands such as Cayin and Shanling state on their own website that every sale from internet pages are FAKE or OUTDATED products WITHOUT WARRANTY!!!" But Henry didnt you purchase an E&T rack from ornec.com . In your other post on other forums you where quite happy. Personally i have purchased from ornec previously and i can 100% recommened. I have purchased the Cayin CD 17a and the Shanling T200C from them no problem they where not fake and not outdated. Plus for the warranty its active bad part is i have to send it back to china. But what else do expect when purchasing for 1/2 retail prices. |
Paul Lauren Unregistered guest | "Hello, I also want to medlle in this discussion. Personally I don't trust every anonymous person, especially when they give good credit on the eastern hifi resellers on the internet. Brands such as Cayin and Shanling state on their own website that every sale from internet pages are FAKE or OUTDATED products WITHOUT WARRANTY!!!" Henry i was reading your comments on Diyaudio , your purchased an E&T hifi rack right? you complain about fake warranty and all . so if u want the warranty why dont you pay 400GBP for the same rack? i mean i have previously purchased items from ornec.com before and they are quite famous ask the french. the items are not out of date and are not fake. I have purchased the Cayins CD 17A and Shanling T200C. Items where sent to me using FedEx. They where new updated and ahahah NOT FAKE. Plus for the warranty they asked me if they wanted anything fixed i would have to send the item back to them . i think thats okay i have purchased my stuff 1/3 the retail prices. i recommened ornec all the way. |
andreacorda Unregistered guest | Just ordered and payed via paypal a jolida jd 100 S 4 tube cd player from cattylink,insured freight.Will let you know how the purchase ends |
Anonymous | Is that anyone can tell what is the different between the Vincent CDS3 and CDS6. Of course the majority differential are transisters and values. Who can tell me that which is more high end, I mean which is better? Thanks. |
Anonymous | Hi ! Vincent product is available by Vmax Services inc. at www.vmax-services.com Enjoy ! |
Mikael Sanzes Unregistered guest | just found out that COEMAUDIO is closing down one of its shop. they are also being sued by cayin. Quite Sad |
Unregistered guest | Hi everyone, Vincent audio can also be found at Proav Corp in NYC ! www.proavcorp.com Best, |
omni Unregistered guest | Many of the posts here praising Knoxed and Ornec have clearly been placed by Knoxed themselves - Jessy for instance. They pose as customers on forums and then say how great they are which is why they have been banned from posting on many forums. Is this an honest way to conduct business? |
Anonymous | Mr. Sanzes: would you tell more about that Coemaudio thing? I received a CD-player (Original 2008) a week ago from Coem and everything worked very well. Or maybe I'll ask Norman the next time I send him email. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 233 Registered: Jun-05 | www.vmax-services.com,Vincents US distributor they also distribute Opera,Triangle,Unison,Pathos,and Audio Analogue |
New member Username: NmytreePost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-04 | Vmax is/was not an authorized Vincent dealer. They never sold "Vincent" gear. They were selling the "Kavent" gear, which were illegal knockoffs of the Vincent gear. Last time I checked the Vmax website ( and it was up and rinnung) they no longer listed "Kavent" on their gear list. Now, it seems Vmax's website has bit the dust. Vincent filed a lawsuit (threee years ago) against the people who stole their designs and went about producing inferior or rebadged versions of their designs. You will notice that all those clones have been and are disappearing off the market, and the guilty being shut down. The distributers who were selling the clones, were ordered to cease/desist. Vincent has been re-establishing a distribution network and they are back in full swing ..... ( http://www.vincent-tac.de/en/distributoren.php ) or ( http://www.vincent-tac.de/ ) If you're in the USA and interested in Vincent products contact Brian at...... http://www.q-usa.com/ Or for those in the New York area, contact Bernardo at...... www.proavcorp.com Bernardo is a great guy and very helpful. P.S. From what I understand, Vincent is now being produced in a factory which only produces two high quality name brands. Mercedes Benz automobile computers, and Vincent audio gear, that's it. There is a high standard of quality control at this manufactoring plant. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 295 Registered: Jun-05 | Wow,all this in the last 8 months? Very good imformation Tony,lrt me be the first to tell you:Welcome to Ecoustics.com! |
New member Username: NmytreePost Number: 5 Registered: Aug-04 | Tawaun, From what I understand, the case has been going on for three years; but it took this much time for the case to come to a conclusion , the bureaucratic wheels of justice to start rolling, and for Vincent to restablish itself. Hence, the reason why over the 6-8 months or so, we are starting to see some of these distributors and manufactors of the clones, get shut down and the availability of the clones......disappearing. And Vincent moving forward. From what I understand a lot of Vincent's gear has been eother revamped or improved in quality, for this next phase of their operation. Although I'm not exactly sure if this last point is entirely accurate. It was from a different source that I heared this. |
New member Username: NmytreePost Number: 7 Registered: Aug-04 | ..and thank you for the welcome, Tawaun! |
New member Username: Mtan002Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Andreacorda How did you go with your purchase with Cattylink? I am thinking of buying from them too. But I am bit nervous with vendor I dont really know. Thanks Mtan |
New member Username: TrancedeejayKranjSlovenia Post Number: 5 Registered: Mar-04 | I don't know abou all of you but I have vincent s1.1 at home and if I compare it to NAD 542, NAD is better. Is there a really big difference when the cd player burns in. Th vincnt is new, brought from the store to test it at home. Instruments are mixed into whole sound picture. When I play the same cd through NAD, you can hear separately instruments, not mixed all together. Have a nice Day Matt |
Bronze Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 11 Registered: Aug-04 | Well, I have not heard the S1.1. But just about all players need some burn in time. In fact I owned the NAD C542 for about a year, and when I first hooked it (C542) it sounded rather congested and displayed very little instrument seperation. After 20-30 hours it sounded much better. I think you need to give the S1.1 at least 30 hours to burn-in, before critical listening. Let's not forget that the Vincent S6 is a whole another animal, than the S1.1. The S6 is an excellent player on a much higer scale than the S1.1. As is the S3. |
Unregistered guest | What is the best way via email to contact Vincent (at the MFG level) or Shenya?? We are looking to OEM their product, but I need to talk to the REAL corporate office, not a dealer.. Thx! Scott |
Unregistered guest | Vincent C-3 is one of the best Cd players I have ever heard. It beats Cambridge Azur C640. Great price great product. |
Anonymous | I bought the older version of sp1.1 the sp1 The cd player played for 1 day.:D i did screwed open the lit off. Looked inside and made a little list of components. Took my soldertool and riped out those 3 blue capasitors, did get intertechnics 2,2uF/800V= MKPPlus. Right by the opamps there where some ceramic capasitors took them out aswell and replaced them with styroflex types. What a differance those intertechnics MKP-Plus compared with the original cheng ya ones. But now i want to upgrade the clockgenerator to higher end models. For what the Vincent costed you get a good solide cd player. Shame some opams blank i mean the type and opamp numbers where scratched away from the top. Hmmm as if a electronic expert can't guess what kind of type it is. Maybe they don't want mod or tweaks to there cd players. vincent cd players are very good value for money. Any one tweaked there Vincent aswell? Greetz Martin |
lapland Unregistered guest | Anonymous, do you mean those three big 2,2uF caps? Are they on signal path when using RCA-outs? I thought they are on the balanced side ![]() |
New member Username: WalsPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | I just got a new Vicent CD-S3 but I have trouble with random playback. It plays the same song several times right after one another and if it starts to play the last song on the album, it stops afther the song have been played !! Have some of you with the same player the same problem ???? |
Bronze Member Username: NmytreePost Number: 60 Registered: Aug-04 | I have the Vincent S6 CD Player and I have not had that problem. Try calling the dealer and find out if there have been similar problems with that model. I would say read the owners manualm, but I figure you've already done that and found the Owners Manual almost useless...lol. |