Would love opinions on a certain upgrade


I currently own a HK AVR500 (1999 make) the 5x80 not the 5x70 version, would you say it will be foolish for me to upgrade to the Marantz SR4300 which is actually what the receiver I decided on in my price range?
I'm talking fidelity wise and quality wise.
Would appreciate opinions, Thanks.

Please, just coments\opinions :-)

Does your H/K do dolby digital and dts? If it does I would not switch. If not I would think hard but for me probably not.

Actually it does do DD & DTS but the Marantz does DPLII and DD-ex DTS-ES.
Apart from that can't you compare the 2?
Is HK actually that much better? I grew up knowing that Marantz are one of the best in the world?

You would be better upgrading to a 7300 not downgrading to a 4300. I have seen and heard the 500 and it is a great receiver IMO. Why would you be switching?Just for 6.1?
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