I have Hitachi ht-20s and I realized recently it was playing too fast (by about 3-4 rpms). I replaced the belt which was worn down but it is still a little fast by 1 -2 rpms. Is there anything I can do to repair this? Thanks.
It's possible the table always runs fast and there are no adjustments to be made to the motor. The first thing to do would be to clean both the belt and the underside of the platter with alchohol. If that doesn't help, you can try wrapping some tape around the underside of the platter to increase its dimension. The speed of the platter is relative to the size of the motor spindle/pulley to the platter rim.
I tried what you said and it seems to working better. I have another question; Can the antiskate or the arm adjustments affect the pitch or speed when playing?
No, not unless you've terribly misadjuted the stylus down force and it would be difficult to do that much misadjustment without seeing vinyl being peeled off the record as it played.